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Laytonville: 38 people Busted!


Active member
turning into a string of questions with stumpful answers... sure there are exceptions to the rule, but for the most part the rule rules.


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
Stealing water out of a river? Shit i want the feds and the dea to teach me the rain dance they did to produce the water.

Keep cosigning for them fellas, but i think your on the wrong site.
Waste of time waste of tax dollars. Argue with that.


hey skip idk if you already posted sumwhere else but i would like to know witch of the propositions to vote on .....thc2010 or rot2010.


I agree,just becuase water floes through your property it does not be long to you.Just because I live on the beach,doesn't mean the beach out back my house is mine.

Depends on the contract you signed to buy the house. You can own the land right up to the mean high water line, and if you take water from a river flowing through your land it isn't stealing.

I also agree on the second comment...YOU CANNOT SUE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OR AGENCIES period.

Oh I dunno. I'm pretty sure I've seen a few cases labeled v. United States of America.



follow your heart
ICMag Donor
one goes down, another goes up

laws of balance I guess ( I made that up )


yeah, you can sue whoever you want, to bad they suffer with there own laws..

Correct, you can sue whoever you want, but if you try to file a lawsuit against the DEA because they raided your large outdoor cannabis grow, you are gonna be shit outta luck. But I am willing to sit back and wait to see someone prove this incorrect. I know people file lawsuits for everything imaginable, doesn't mean squat. They could very well file tomorrow, but it won't amount to anything, suing the DEA because they were enforcing laws that are on the books probably ain't gonna get you very far, just a guess maybe I am wrong, we'll see huh?:2cents:

I didn't steal water to grow weed? I paid for it. People depend on water, they have fought wars over it. If you are diverting a river or small stream, do you think that has an impact on anyone else, or that you are "entitled" to do so because it runs through your land?

You can think what you want, but there is a difference between opinion, and reality. Fact of the matter is, there are pretty strict rules and regs for all waterways in the US. If, as someone stated earlier, it was ok for them to do so because it ran through their land, then I am moving somewhere along the Miss. R and divert it, create my own watershed, and then sell it back to the people that originally would have been all using and sharing it? Sound like a good idea, I will use the argument that I own land the river flows through, so I should be able to do whatever I want w/ ANY of the water that flows through my land, I own the land right?:noway:

We should all be the strongest critics of what "we" as a community tolerate, and I don't believe that stealing a natural resource that many many people depend on is tolerable or justifiable in anyway. It's just my opinion, if you disagree then so be it.
But let me ask you this, if it's ok to steal water to take care of a grow, then why not electricity, or for that matter, the money to fund it, or vehicles to use, etc....where is the line?
For me, it's wrong to steal period.
You can say they weren't stealing, but that's an opinion, the fact of the matter is, they were stealing, that water did not exclusively belong to them, and they did not pay a dime to use it. How long had they been doing it? How many gallons of water do you think they used for those plants? What entitles them to divert and use that resource as they wish? Show me legally, I'm all ears and willing to listen if someone can make that case. Just because they were growing my favorite plant, I am not gonna give them a pass and say, "oh that's ok, because they didn't have any other choice." Bullshit. We all make choices. Growing a large outdoor crop does not entitle one to steal to support it period, if you have to do that, maybe you don't have such a good game plan to begin with?
They chose to steal to run their grow.
I don't want this to turn into a flaming war by any means, that is not my intent, I just want to point out that even though they were doing something great, at the same time they were doing something that I believe most reasonable minded people would not tolerate in their own communities. How do you think other local farmers their feel that may have that same water way flow through their land? You think they would rather divert it for themselves to feed livestock, or crops for free as opposed to doing it the old fashioned way, HONESTLY? And then if they do that, I guess if you live too far downstream you are just shit outta luck if it all gets used huh? Does not seem right to me.

But like I said, if I am wrong, then I will be moving quick to buy up the nearest property to the Colorado or Miss R so I can damn it up and make my very own reservoir.:joint:


With all due respect Skip, I think you are assuming alot, when obviously there aren't alot of details, as per whether they had recs etc...

You don't need a warrant if it is in plain sight on private property, and recs don't justify stealing water, which they were. You don't own rivers or streams just because they run through your land.

They also won't be able to sue, it's AGAINST FEDERAL LAW PERIOD, REGARDLESS OF THE OBAMA LIP SERVICE. When is the last time anyone has heard of a law enforcement agency being sued for upholding the law? Never.

Too bad for those involved, hope the best for them, but it looks like they are up shit creek.

I should have been more clear, of course they can sue, but they will not win a law suit against the DEA for enforcing already existing laws that they were in clear violation of. Don't be mad at me, it's just a matter of fact.
Remember, we are talking about FEDERAL LAW, not state law. FEDERAL LAW. Big world of difference, if it was the state Law Enforcement Agencies, and state charges, then it's a different ball game, but it's not. Having state LEOs there to help in a joint operation doesn't change the fact it was a federal case.:joint:


Excellent example,
case in point these 2 farmers are suing the DEA. They however did not go out and actually violate federal law, then get arrested and charged, they have not violated the law. And they are not suing because they got arrested and want to be reimbursed for their losses. They applied for permits, spent money on those apps, and want their money back, or the DEA to let them grow hemp.
Stated in the article is the problem, IT'S AGAINST THE LAW AS IT STANDS NOW, and the DEA is obligated to ENFORCE THE LAW.
I am not saying it's right, just stating the fact of the matter.
This article is from 2007, what happened? Did it go to court? Just curious.
But agreed, you can sue anyone for anything, doesn't mean you have a leg to stand on though.
Cool article. Just shows the lunacy of the laws.:fsu:


Active member
And there was the other case, of Canadian hemp companies suing the DEA because their shipments were confiscated. And they got the DEA to back down! Score one for foreigners.

But when was the last time Americans won one for marijuana over the FEDS?

I say it's time.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I'd think they could have a case. I think air patrols need search warrants to be searching if it's not on national or state land. It would be nice to settle it in court the other way around for once... maybe the growers could take their chopper and put their office up for auction with the proceeds going to more lawsuits on those impotent narconazis!


Active member
We should all be the strongest critics of what "we" as a community tolerate, and I don't believe that stealing a natural resource that many many people depend on is tolerable or justifiable in anyway. It's just my opinion, if you disagree then so be it.
But let me ask you this, if it's ok to steal water to take care of a grow, then why not electricity, or for that matter, the money to fund it, or vehicles to use, etc....where is the line?
For me, it's wrong to steal period.

I'm not gonna go so far as to agree that its wrong to steal, period... but I will say its wrong to steal to water some plants/grow some weed.

I don't want this to turn into some crazy flame war, either, but it does seem that around MMJ communities, if a perpetrator of a crime was involved in the counter-culture-overgrow-the-government with marijuana, then that individual is right and all agencies trying to penalize this individual are wrong and should be sued/made to pay for preventing someone from growing a "plant."

It really is more than "just a plant" y'all.


Smokes, lets go
there are a few things here not right, guns (dosn't looks good) cocaine (not right) and stealing water (not right) but they have a good chance of fighting it if they have their recs in line..... california parole and probation officers we're involved with this bust so these maybe some excons that just got of jail trying to get some startup money, i don't think any 1 person should grow over 100 plants or any group of people grow more than 100 plants per person for that matter... i think the 1 million dollar figure is low because in the event they do succeed in their case, they will be sueing for the money....
there are a few things here not right, guns (dosn't looks good) cocaine (not right) and stealing water (not right) ...

True, possibly - I'm not a big user of cocaine anymore...but...4.5 grams is not very much, not in reality with a room full of community people doing a huge clean. That amount would not last a night. And it is the end of season for Nor Hemisphere. Maybe they were just celebrating a fruitful harvest?

Stealing water is as stupid as stealing power. They deserve and have asked to be done.

However, these are all different busts, at different addresses, are they not? Sounds to me like a community or social network that has been targetted?


Active member
Obama policy stated as long as patients/caregivers were within State Laws then they shouldn't be targeted.

Looks like stealing water, cocaine possession/use, and convicted felons with firearms does not fall within the guidelines of State Laws.

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