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Las Vegas

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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Gambling has little interest for me.

Prostitution doesn't float my boat.

Dry desert has fuck all on snowy peaks.

Why on Earth would I go to Vegas?

Now what were we talking about?

St. Phatty

Active member
Paddock seems like he really thought this thing out.

If the event is as it has been portrayed by the media, the 'lone gunman with un-known motives' situation, I don't think Paddock would leave the question, "why the fvck did he do that?" un-answered.

It is logical that he pre-arranged for that question to be answered.

That could come in the form of a buried document in his backyard, a document mailed by a friend, there may even be services that do that kind of re-mailing.

He could have done something as simple as set up multiple PO boxes with forwarding addresses, the final forwarding address being some newspaper or something.

I was thinking before I saw that article that raised questions conclusively, the eventual theatrical answer (by Paddock, pre-arranged) to the question "WHY" - that would fit with his other behavior.


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
This is what gets me.......All we're hearing is what somebody SAID. This guy says there was blood everywhere. Somebody needs to put up a clip that shows all of that. I've seen plenty of footage. Not ONE TIME have I seen ANYBODY shot. Could someone show me that? All
I've heard is what SOMEBODY SAID. You got ONE clip that shows a guy laying on the ground with eyes closed. No wound anywhere. There should be footage of blood, head shots, massive wounds. Let's not forget you have a guy in a hospital bed SMILING after he's been hit THREE times in the chest from automatic weaponry. Must have been a BB gun....smh

Oh, and another thing.........everybody is talking about a "friend" or a "buddy" who "witnessed" the carnage. It's so interesting to me that no one in this thread knows ANYBODY personally who got hit. All this "he said, she said" stuff.


Well-known member
Have we considered that the shooter was holding 2 rifles at once and they are different calibers?

An Ar-15 and Ak have different muzzle velocities and different sounds all together.

I'm open to and encourage conspiracy ideas so not knocking anyone- here's another observation about humans in general; have you all noticed that whenever this happens people have to know "why", as if knowing that 58 people died isn't enough to close the chapter. Could it be that we simply can't accept that sometimes things happen and have no logical reason... such as acts made by a psychopath

Have you done any looking into this for yourself ?

I mean besides what the MSM is pouring into your eye sockets and ear orifices ?

Guys have done acoustical analysis and showed 2 shooters in 2 different locations


Active member
Please tell me what you see here.

Please tell me what you see here.

They got one of the guys.




You can hear him say at the end "I just showed you my cred. (credentials)
Watch this guys eyes.

Now they have him looking away from the camera to hide his eyes.



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

this is a popular chart, it's only a few years dated and as
long as the numbers have been fact checked @ some point,
ratios must be somewhat statistically similar to what's shown.


Green Squall

Well-known member
Here's my problem with so called "false flags". It would take a great deal of people to pull off and the chances of everyone staying silent all these years is improbable. Where all the whistle blowers? You'd think at least a few peoples conscious would get to them and they would blow the lid off everything?


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
The deal is this.....you can take 200 people(crisis actors), spread them out in a crowd, synchronize watches, and create chaos in minutes. All you need are "gunshots", people screaming, etc. Any group of people who start the running will have followers. You DO NOT need to have EVERYBODY knowing what the deal is. Just a few. Research "crisis actors". That guy in the clips that ShaggyB put up is a crisis actor - IMO, of course.

Green Squall

Well-known member
I still think there would be too many people behind the scenes to keep quiet. It would not be an easy thing to orchestrate. All you need is ONE person to break the silence and that has never happened.

Believe me, I don't trust the authorities, I sure as hell don't trust the Gov't, but I just don't buy this "false flag" stuff. Hell, I occasional read the website ATS. I like reading about conspiracy theories but I just don't buy this one. No disrespect. I'm just stating my opinion.
There was no second shooter. The was plenty of reverb and the sounds of bullets hitting concrete which doubles up each individual shot. There is also the Doppler effect apparent as the arrival of the bullets comes closer or moves away.

Some of you guys should start a tin-foil hat thread and while you're there you can discuss other interesting topics like the moon landing hoax and September 11.. :)

Green Squall

Well-known member
Sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits, drinking too much booze, smoking cigarettes, driving carelessly, hanging out in large crowds of people and catching the flu, working a dangerous job where accidents occur, committing suicide........

The statistics show that YOU are your own worst enemy. Seriously- diabetes kills 7x more people than guns but I dont hear this site full of stoners calling for a ban on candy bars?

We need to address this shit better in the public school systems. Many people don't realize how easy it is to get type 2 diabetes. Both my dad and uncle have it and they aren't even fat. Doesn't take many extra pounds to get it.


Well-known member
There was no second shooter. The was plenty of reverb and the sounds of bullets hitting concrete which doubles up each individual shot. There is also the Doppler effect apparent as the arrival of the bullets comes closer or moves away.

Some of you guys should start a tin-foil hat thread and while you're there you can discuss other interesting topics like the moon landing hoax and September 11.. :)

Guess we should be smoking that Barneys gear you speak so highly of. . .

maybe then this whole Las Vegas story would sound legit

moose eater

I knew it!! 303 comments in, there'd be a crystalline-looking bud-porn shot!!!

Unless that bud's not really there at all....

Or is it?


There was no second shooter. The was plenty of reverb and the sounds of bullets hitting concrete which doubles up each individual shot. There is also the Doppler effect apparent as the arrival of the bullets comes closer or moves away.

Some of you guys should start a tin-foil hat thread and while you're there you can discuss other interesting topics like the moon landing hoax and September 11.. :)

Don't forget the earth is flat, the holocaust never happened, and the sun is actually a solar simulator. I think we are being feed some serious amounts of BS, but there seems to be an alarming number of people that are just flat out of their minds. This coming from a part time 'tinfoil hatter'. LOL

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I still haven't fully made my mind up on what exactly happened in Vegas. It takes time to analytically quantify somethings in life, with the aim of forming an opinion..We still seem to be getting snippets of information about it, so it is not good to jump to any immediate conclusions.

Trying to stage a massacre such as what transpired in Vegas would be enormously difficult, if not impossible I would say, and I have heard first-hand reports of the carnage and bloodshed from British visitors to Vegas, and AFOAF (a friend of a friend) so far and they do sound genuine.

We could all come up with some sort of conspiracy theory, eg: Paddock was hypnotized by Mossad/The Illuminati/The Bilderbergs to do it, with the aim of disarming Americans etc etc.
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This short video taken immediately below the shooter captures the true power and authenticity of the gunshots and and is free of any other sound interference.

This video taken further out on the street captures a strong echo or reverb but still it's clear there is only one shooter during any one sequence of shots. Two single shots are heard at 3.25 and 3.35, after which all shooting ceases.

This short video confirms that the crowd was being sprayed with real bullets and no crisis actors were necessary.

Rest in peace to all those who lost their lives and my condolences to their families, and all those with serious injuries.

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