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Kyg's Outdoor Trichapalooza


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Hey Kyg, what would you say are your top 3 consistent producers of dank buds that finish by Oct 1? Where I am, late sept frosts are pretty common and my 6 nicest plants this year havent even started flowering yet, pretty disappointing... Lot of work for nada!

Delahaze,biddy early,blue widow the dela can be picked by oct 1 but its alot better if u let it go till around the 7th-10th the dela can handle the frost as well bc it come a late sept frost here in 2013 2 days in a row frosted hard and it never phased her... i think the serious 6 would do great for u. simon told me that it was made for northern climates and i started mine to early is why it didnt do as well. he said i could still grow it at my lat but i would need to wait till may1st before i germ them instead of April 1. i will do this next year and see how it does since i got 3 seeds of it left. Serious did hook me up though to make up for the early flowering of this strain he offered me a free pack of Kali mist. he told me the KM would do awesome at my lat and its really mold resistant. i havent grew the blue widow myself but a buddy here did and its awesome smoke finishes very early mid sept with monster yeilds and great mold resistance. Another good strain to look for u is the early riser that finishes fast. u can also look at purple maroc and easy sativa. i got a purple maroc going this year as well. the fastest plant this year so far though is the Heribei from S.a.n.n.i.e. its 3 weeks into flower right now. im going there tomorrow and i will get some pics of it.

Edit: im sorry to hear about the plants this season bro! i know how u feel bc last year i lost almost my whole harvest bc of bud rot,so what i did all fall and winter was study and read everthing i could find out about botrytis cinerna. i read ever university study i could find on it and the best way to be able to prevent it from ever happening in the first place. i went into this season with nothing but prevention and outdoor proven strains as my insurance strains. all the others i had out was just testers to see if they make the cut for the 2016 season. the biggest surprise so far has come from the church. i like GHS i see alot of people talk shit about them but idc about him and shantis business deals. all i care about is getting some smoke in mold free. just keep studying all u can with early finishing strains that has good mold resistance for 2016 season.
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AppAlachiAn OutLaW
You grow in the fucking jungle.

haha! i gotta go where people dont want to. all these spots though are within half of a mile of my house so i can tend them daily if i need to and dont have to drive a car and park it no where which comes in handy. i try to find the thickest brush sites and tunnel my self into the middle of it. as i was watering today i found another awesome plot that im gonna be using for the 2016 season and it sits about 50 yards away from a stream that never goes dry. i will be putting 1 delahaze,1 kali mist and 1 jacky and 1 Malawi in this spot next year LOL


Well-known member
haha! i gotta go where people dont want to. all these spots though are within half of a mile of my house so i can tend them daily if i need to and dont have to drive a car and park it no where which comes in handy. i try to find the thickest brush sites and tunnel my self into the middle of it. as i was watering today i found another awesome plot that im gonna be using for the 2016 season and it sits about 50 yards away from a stream that never goes dry. i will be putting 1 delahaze,1 kali mist and 1 jacky and 1 Malawi in this spot next year LOL

That's my dream: to have a cabin as home base and hike every day to different guerrilla plots. Some day soon.

I imagine renting a home in a very rural area isn't too expensive.

gorilla ganja

Well-known member
Everything looks like it's coming together nicely KY. You're going to have a few monsters this season for sure. Let's hope for a dry fall and a mold free harvest.
Cheers GG

P.S. thank's for the first hand strain information. It's so much more useful to hear it from a guerrilla than what the company's usually have to say.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
That's my dream: to have a cabin as home base and hike every day to different guerrilla plots. Some day soon.

I imagine renting a home in a very rural area isn't too expensive.
ya rent is not to costly here 300$ a month..we have nearly the same dream except i want to be in a rural hollow with a start of the art green house lol im talking electric slides for the main top huge fans and dehumidifers and the works. that way i can open the top for all the sun possible and then right before the dew falls close the top. l could only imagine how big a plant would get like that and not losing a drop to bud rot. hell i would just get me a tv and a bed and put in mine and live in the fuker! :laughing:
Everything looks like it's coming together nicely KY. You're going to have a few monsters this season for sure. Let's hope for a dry fall and a mold free harvest.
Cheers GG

P.S. thank's for the first hand strain information. It's so much more useful to hear it from a guerrilla than what the company's usually have to say.
hey bro thanks alot! right now i think im gonna have 10 monsters but the next 60 days will tell the tale for sure.
i agree i dont pay attention to what breeders say and like to hear it from first hand growers that has grew the strain before. im hoping the regalia,chitosan and greencure will keep the mold away. i have also been putting DE in my soil to water it in since its like 89% silica and alot of it is PAS(plant Available silica) unlike protekt or any of the other silicas. it takes the protekt a bit longer to get inside the plant but i still use it bc i figured let the plant suck up the PAS from the DE and then water with the protekt and when the microbes break that down it will be a slow release of silica as well,which all of it will be beneficial


Kygia and others, if you had to go by pure resin production (for extracts) what would you say your top strains are that finish early outdoors? Curious if youve found any SUPER STICKY outdoor varieties....


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Kygia and others, if you had to go by pure resin production (for extracts) what would you say your top strains are that finish early outdoors? Curious if youve found any SUPER STICKY outdoor varieties....

super lemon haze is really sticky. u can just about take a bud off it and flip it against the wall and it will stick. it has the most intense lemony lime flavor and smell and its my #1 smoke with Delahaze a very close second. there are a few things u can use now though that will increase resin production. things that activate the plants SAR will cause alot more resin production like regalia, bud factor x,snow storm ultra,chitosan and a few more im sure but im using bud factor x as folair insect frass as a topdressing and regalia as folair and soil drench.


ICMag Donor
Badass, ky. A few good plants are better than 1000 little ones. Plants are good and healthy looking. Ive had to climb up and rip branches before. Next to plot 2 had a tree there that was threatening to shade out the site. Luckily the tree died. Be sure to do your stretches before hauling water. Thats hard work!

Love growing in the woods. Thats exactly what I do, burrow until it comes out somewhere. :smoke:

Just watch closely for mold if it rains, takes a little longer to dry in the bush... Best to find plots with that morning light.

I think some day I'll set up a guerilla farm and call it Million Dollar Holler. A friend of mine in Logan co. West Virginia has a dream like that.... I like the name. :smoke:

Gonna read back a bit. Thanks for sharing ky!


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Badass, ky. A few good plants are better than 1000 little ones. Plants are good and healthy looking. Ive had to climb up and rip branches before. Next to plot 2 had a tree there that was threatening to shade out the site. Luckily the tree died. Be sure to do your stretches before hauling water. Thats hard work!

Love growing in the woods. Thats exactly what I do, burrow until it comes out somewhere. :smoke:

Just watch closely for mold if it rains, takes a little longer to dry in the bush... Best to find plots with that morning light.

I think some day I'll set up a guerilla farm and call it Million Dollar Holler. A friend of mine in Logan co. West Virginia has a dream like that.... I like the name. :smoke:

Gonna read back a bit. Thanks for sharing ky!

ya mold is my #1 enemy and i have declared war on that spore this year! it took out everthing last year from me except my Dela's bc i got to cocky from the success i had in 2013 with og kush's,chemdogs and white widows etcetc shit that ur not suppose to run out in the bush and we had a wet season come 3 weeks early and ravage me. i didnt do no IPM or nothing last year and i paid the price. this year has been all about prevention and growing healthy plants and not doing it half-ass trying to save a few bucks. i prolly got close to 2000$ in my grow this year when u add in the soil,different nutes and fungicides but im prepaired and know what action to take this year. last year i was getting hit from all sides with bud rot and i lost control and didnt know how to handle it bc i had never had mold that bad before at the rate i did last. alot of it was down to wrong strain choices and being a cheap twat and not wanting to buy things like silica,neem oil and other additives that could help give me a edge. this year i went all out and bought some the most mold resistant strains i could find along with good soil and everthing else. i got aloe, regalia,chitosan greencure and sns244c as part of my prevention plan. i been activating the plants SAR and making them stronger from the inside out. i have already started with the regalia and chitosan doing drenches and folairs and using the Sns244c to put a physical barrier on the leaf surface with essential oils that has fungicidal and microbial properties. i will stop with the sns244 on week 3 of flower and then start with the greencure folair to week 5 to coat the inside of the stems before the buds close over them, along with regalia and chitosan in drenches. week 6 and 7 i will be using actinovate,regalia and chitosan and im hoping that will be enuff to coast me on out of flowering with minimal loss or no loss at all.
thanks for stopping in bro! i was checking ur plants as well they look super healthy right now. i just love how shiny our plants are. that tells me they are really healthy. lol i want to move to million dollar holler!!!:woohoo: i live about 45 mins from logan,wv right in the good ole appalachian mountains :dance013:


ICMag Donor
Always feel at home down there. Wild and wonderful. Mother nature at her best. We go dirtbiking out there pretty regularly, makes you tougher. The herb always smokes better in WV. :smoke:

Man you have set a goal! I'm not familiar with all those products but i just read up on systemic aquired resistance a little in my plant phys. book. SAR is a phenomenon that occurs over several days after initial infection. Says one of the signals to induce it is likely salacylic acid. Its not very well understood I guess.

Ever try serrinade?


ICMag Donor
Thanks for the compliments on the gardens. I just feed with the Espoma garden tone. The soil builds if you use organics year to year. Feed the soil! Going out this weekend to dump 20 lbs of top dressing down. Time to feed them heavy. I want to get it breaking down ready for flower.

I think when I used the hand shovel to break up the crust, that really got them going. Air is very important. Also helps get the nutrients down in the soil, makes openings. Piled the loose soil around the plants to hold them up. I will always do this in the future for sure! :smoke:


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Always feel at home down there. Wild and wonderful. Mother nature at her best. We go dirtbiking out there pretty regularly, makes you tougher. The herb always smokes better in WV. :smoke:

Man you have set a goal! I'm not familiar with all those products but i just read up on systemic aquired resistance a little in my plant phys. book. SAR is a phenomenon that occurs over several days after initial infection. Says one of the signals to induce it is likely salacylic acid. Its not very well understood I guess.

Ever try serrinade?

yes Salacylic acid is one the pathways the plant use to induce SAR. thats why i use aloe vera powder and to beef it up more i use B-52,regalia and chitosan for a quadruple SAR combo. once u induce sar the plant goes thur all sorts of changes. it makes it cell wall alot thicker and it also will increase vigor.
i have never tried Serenade only bc i heard the smell is horrible lol but i think a better product is Ogbiowar root pack which has a ton of things in it including the Bactills subillas that is in serenade and many others. i been debating if i should get it bc its got the same spore that is in actinovate as well.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Thanks for the compliments on the gardens. I just feed with the Espoma garden tone. The soil builds if you use organics year to year. Feed the soil! Going out this weekend to dump 20 lbs of top dressing down. Time to feed them heavy. I want to get it breaking down ready for flower.

I think when I used the hand shovel to break up the crust, that really got them going. Air is very important. Also helps get the nutrients down in the soil, makes openings. Piled the loose soil around the plants to hold them up. I will always do this in the future for sure! :smoke:

i did my last top dressing on mine as well for flower with this:

Worm Castings 50%

Compost 50%

Comfrey Leaf

Kelp Meal

Neem Cake (Just Enough for some pest control)

Bat guano (high P)


Insect frass (chitason)

i also wanted to get it start breaking down for flower. i kept my plants soil mulched so it wouldnt get crusty. from what i was told 90% of the microherd lives close to the top layer so i wanted them to stay nice and moist so they could keep working for me. when i moved the mulch back to see what was going on i seen a huge amount of nice fuzzy roots poking their heads up there :tiphat:


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Went and tied up the incredible bulk and to feed the heribei maxibloom. The IB appears to be a nice producer by looking at the structure and bud sites. The heribei has stayed at 3-3.5 foot tall,but i have gave it very rough treatment. my focus has been more on plot 2,5 and the organic plot..I FIMed it so I'm thinking it didn't like that much as well..after seeing the Incredible bulk i will start giving it alot more attention now..i have also treated that plant rough and its nice and healthy..its just over 7 foot tall now as well... the heribei started flowering earlier then anything else I have though which will make it a nice early strain and since i got 9 seeds left i will try it again next year if it is quality stuff.. It started flowering around the 15th or 16th of July..i also hit the heribei with some big bud, nirvana,b-52 and bud factor x. Pics 1-2 is the IB and pics 3-4 is the heribei. i also put copper tape around the base of all my plants. i have been finding snails on a few limbs and also on the stalks of my plants at ever plot so far. im hoping the copper tape will work but if it dont then i will go to plan B and put out the poison if i have to.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
What kind of stuff has chitosan or is sar inducing that's all natural?

insect frass is the organic plant avaliable source that i know of for fast uptake. crab meal,shrimp meal has chitin which has to be broken down into chitosan for the plant to uptake. so on my organic ladys i use frass,regalia and aloe all 3 of those are organic SAR inducers