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Kyg's Outdoor Trichapalooza


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
I went to plot 5 today to feed and spray aloe,regalia and sns244. Everything is looking good right now. All my plants now are in flower so I'm looking forward to the next 7-8 weeks. I also started the plants on their flower feeding regiment. Veg+bloom is what I'm using for flower as a base. It's suppose to be a 1 part powder nutrient with everything like silica,aminos and humic/fulvic already added in,however I'm gonna be adding a few things to mine. For the dela's additives I'm using nirvana,bud factor x,big bud and overdrive along with it at different times in the flowering weeks. Pics 1-2 is the dela's and pic 3-4 is the church's. I think the monster church is gonna rival my delahaze for my biggest yield ever..i also think the church did not like to be topped,FIM or supercrop bc on the two that i have out i did do that to them and they are alot smaller then the monster that i just let grow and do its thing.The flowers are forming all up and down the limbs on it with no gaps at all..the limbs are massive at this stage on the big bitch,next year i will not top,fim or supercrop any of the churchs and see what happens..i think this will be another strain that will be in my line up for years to come,as long as the mold resistance is there. I'm gonna be feeding the church's with veg+bloom and golden tree & bud factor x as the additives.


ICMag Donor
Kick butt, kyg! Getting it done. Plants are looking good especially the big Church! :smoke:

Remember, shade from native plants will have an effect on how our gardens respond to topping. If they got topped and lost the race with the native plants, they will be stunted. If they get topped and have plenty of light they will grow up bushy. Is that what happened you think?


That's impressive that all your strains are already flowering. I wish mine were! Only one so far. Do you think its related to your latitude? What's your lat?


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Kick butt, kyg! Getting it done. Plants are looking good especially the big Church! :smoke:

Remember, shade from native plants will have an effect on how our gardens respond to topping. If they got topped and lost the race with the native plants, they will be stunted. If they get topped and have plenty of light they will grow up bushy. Is that what happened you think?
plot 5 all the plants get the same amount of sunlight so im not sure what happen. they both got the same exact treatment with same exact nutrients so i was just assuming it was bc of the topping and super cropping i did on it. it could just be the pheno as well which i have thought about. i got 5 seeds left of the church for next year so i wont top any of them and see what happens. i wish i had a indoor system though so i could have saved a clone from the big bitch. this plant straight out the gate has been very vigorous and bug damage she suffered early on did not slow her down. the branching on this plant is very impressive. next time i go im gonna get 5 different shots of this one to show u guys. i cant wait to see how big the buds get on her. the bottom limbs that usually just grow outwards and produce smallish buds have not did that on this one. they grew staight up as well like they all was competeing for the main cola or some shit.
That's impressive that all your strains are already flowering. I wish mine were! Only one so far. Do you think its related to your latitude? What's your lat?

ya i think its related to my latitude. most my strains started around 20th of july except the Delahaze which started on the 29th and 30th which is right on schedule for when she started the previous 3 years. im at 37.5 how about u?


plot 5 all the plants get the same amount of sunlight so im not sure what happen. they both got the same exact treatment with same exact nutrients so i was just assuming it was bc of the topping and super cropping i did on it. it could just be the pheno as well which i have thought about. i got 5 seeds left of the church for next year so i wont top any of them and see what happens. i wish i had a indoor system though so i could have saved a clone from the big bitch. this plant straight out the gate has been very vigorous and bug damage she suffered early on did not slow her down. the branching on this plant is very impressive. next time i go im gonna get 5 different shots of this one to show u guys. i cant wait to see how big the buds get on her. the bottom limbs that usually just grow outwards and produce smallish buds have not did that on this one. they grew staight up as well like they all was competeing for the main cola or some shit.

ya i think its related to my latitude. most my strains started around 20th of july except the Delahaze which started on the 29th and 30th which is right on schedule for when she started the previous 3 years. im at 37.5 how about u?

I'm at 45 lat. So I have much longer days...

My only strain that started on the 20th was killer kush fast version from sweet seeds. If its dank, next year I'll be running mostly all fast versions from sweet seeds :)

Nothing else flowering yet :( Lucky u.

This year and last year I've been on a conquest for early strains. Its not easy at this lat! Any suggestions?


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
I'm at 45 lat. So I have much longer days...

My only strain that started on the 20th was killer kush fast version from sweet seeds. If its dank, next year I'll be running mostly all fast versions from sweet seeds :)

Nothing else flowering yet :( Lucky u.

This year and last year I've been on a conquest for early strains. Its not easy at this lat! Any suggestions?

Biddy early would be great for you. its looking to be a really nice producer and its a very potent strain. i love the biddy and it will be in my line up for a long time to come. this is my first year growing it but i have smoked it that a buddy grew and it fried me! i have not had no issues at all from this strain so far.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Whats up guys! i went to plot 1 & 4 today to feed and give them a 4 hit combo to induce SAR/ISR and last dose of greencure on the biddy! shes all alone the rest of flower for sprays,although i will be drenching regalia,bud factor x. i used aloe,regalia,B-52 for the B-1 & B-2 and bud factor x for the chitosan. the biddy at this plot is 3.5 weeks into flower shes looking and smelling very nice! i cant wait to sample her ass! shes sticky already with a nice smell. i feed her maxi bloom at 2 tsp,1tsp of frass and 1 tsp of golden tree. my next update from this plot we will see if bud factor x works like it suppose to and make more trichs. i thought about getting snow storm ultra 8oz bottle to use and compare against bud factor x,but honestly im not using BFX for the trichs. im using this for the SAR and chitosan to help prevent against bud rot. the copper tape i put around the plants must be working bc i havent seen any more snails on my plants wooooot!! the dela at this plot is gonna be a monster as well. shes already over 9 foot tall and im not even in the big stretch yet. shes starting to spread her side arms that i am so familiar seeing. i love my Dela's!! she started flowering on 8/1 which is right on schedule for the oct 7-10th when i usally pull her. i may let a couple go for 10 weeks this year and see what happens but shes ready in 9 weeks as paradise claims. i feed her veg+bloom dirty nutes,big bud and nirvana. im only gonna give her big bud for the 1st 3 weeks then im gonna start giving her +size which is veg+blooms PK booster. pics 1-2 is the biddy and pic 3 is the Dela.
plot 4 dela is looking really good. very healthy and growing even better since i cut that limb that was blocking about 2hrs of afternoon sun. i wish i would have caught it sooner bc she would be alot bigger then she is now. she gets the same feed as plot 1 dela. the critical Ssh is about 8 foot tall. im hoping she starts to branch out like the dela is bc right now she hasnt hit her stride. i sprayed these ladys down as well with the same thing as plot 1. pic 4 is the dela and pic 5 is the CSSH. stay tuned guys im hitting plot 2 tomorrow for a spray and feed and will get pics of the biggest biddy i have.


ICMag Donor
Looking good! 9 ft is a big plant for gorilla gardening! Wish I had an early one going. She looks so tastey... How many weeks into flower now?

I'm dangerously close to being out of chem dog, and have been getting by smoking leafy tops from the garden.

See you learned something too. Cut the branch in the spring!

Going to a friend's garden tomorrow in some very hilly area. He's a first time grower and did it all himself so far. He's growing my ((OG Kush x Jamaican Jam) x Deep Chunk) x Deep Chunk. He said he had to cut a couple trees recently that were blocking sun. :smoke: Better late than never.

I'll probably learn something tomorrow. Can't wait to go out for a hike.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Looking good! 9 ft is a big plant for gorilla gardening! Wish I had an early one going. She looks so tastey... How many weeks into flower now?

I'm dangerously close to being out of chem dog, and have been getting by smoking leafy tops from the garden.

See you learned something too. Cut the branch in the spring!

Going to a friend's garden tomorrow in some very hilly area. He's a first time grower and did it all himself so far. He's growing my ((OG Kush x Jamaican Jam) x Deep Chunk) x Deep Chunk. He said he had to cut a couple trees recently that were blocking sun. :smoke: Better late than never.

I'll probably learn something tomorrow. Can't wait to go out for a hike.
haha yea always learning something =) shes 26 days in right now since i first noticed preflowers. these next few weeks is when the pump up should occur. dont u just love that fresh weed smell when u touch the ladys now. towards this time of year i spend alot more time at my plot then i should lol im looking at ever little thing and taking a whiff of the bitch ever 15 or 20 secs LOL

gorilla ganja

Well-known member
Looking good my friend. The biddy is one that I was considering this year. I think it will go on the list next year after seeing how fast it is to flower. I'll wait to hear your smoke report first. I really like your Delahaze as well but I don't think it will finish up here. If my Bangi's finish then it probably will too. I guess I will know in a couple month's.
Keep safe


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Looking good my friend. The biddy is one that I was considering this year. I think it will go on the list next year after seeing how fast it is to flower. I'll wait to hear your smoke report first. I really like your Delahaze as well but I don't think it will finish up here. If my Bangi's finish then it probably will too. I guess I will know in a couple month's.
Keep safe
hey GG its a good strain but i wont be doing a smoke report because someone found that plot and took the biddy but they left the delahaze. im not sure why someone would even take it right now bc it wont even give no one a buzz right now. makes no sense at all to me. i went this morning to hit plot 2 and noticed some limbs broke that looked odd so something told me to go check plot 1 so i did. i been out all this morning digging another hole bc im moving that delahaze. fkn idiots! they should have waited and let me harvest the biddy and ripped the Delahaze lol. this is why i do so many plots bc i exspect to lose to 1/2 of them anyways. im also gonna transplant the church & biddy from plot 2. im putting them in single locations. plot 2 is about 250 yards from plot 1 so idk if they have been searching the area or what but i dont want to take no chance on it. i would rather chop the plants and let them die before i will contiune to work my ass off and some dumb fuck come and take it. i just cant understand why they would take it when it was only 25 or 26 days in flower. im glad i squirted it down with greencure and liquid copper yesterday now lol plus i bet when those buds dry they will shrivel up to nothing. no biggie though this happens ever year to us guerillas,its something i have gotten use to anyways. thanks to the dumb ass fucking govt there will always be causaltys of war till we can grow it at the house in our backyard with a fence around it.

I see you my friend went on very well, my respects brò :tiphat:

Hey brother! thanks for stopping in and for the respects! right back at ya :tiphat:


kygiacomo what the hell got you already. dumb ass people taken it this early. lucky for you they just told you to move them girls as they think they have a plot later to fuck with. i would set a trap for them bitches so when they come back they get more than they bargain for. put up a snare and catch that ass like a hog. let them dangle in the woods awhile


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
kygiacomo what the hell got you already. dumb ass people taken it this early. lucky for you they just told you to move them girls as they think they have a plot later to fuck with. i would set a trap for them bitches so when they come back they get more than they bargain for. put up a snare and catch that ass like a hog. let them dangle in the woods awhile

ya its crazy u can see in my last round of pics that the biddy was no where near even being done. it just baffels me why they would take it. i hope they dont really think im gonna contiune to water the other plant there and let them harvest it for me. lol so after i found this out today i went to 3 potential spots that i was gonna use this year but didnt just bc it was hard as hell to get to and i would have to carry water from my house st8 uphill. i always am on the look out for a potential spot though just in case something like this happens. i sprayed those buds good with greencure and liquid copper yesterday lol i bet it will have a weird smell to it and on top that by time it drys up they might be a gram or 2 there that u can roll up and smoke but wont get a buzz,so i just cant see why they would take it. i hope i catch the mfers in there! im gonna start going to a few those plots and just sitting up higher on the hill everday that im going to water and see whats up. they had to get it between 8pm and 9am this morning bc i was just there yesterday and i was going back to stash water. plus this spot there was no trail or nothing to the plot and u had to crawl up under a bush to even get to it so idk how they found it. but why take it when it was only flowering for 3.5 weeks check my last post of pics i posted yesterday and u can see how it was no where near done.


....Going to a friend's garden tomorrow in some very hilly area. He's a first time grower and did it all himself so far. He's growing my ((OG Kush x Jamaican Jam) x Deep Chunk) x Deep Chunk. He said he had to cut a couple trees recently that were blocking sun. :smoke: Better late than never.

I'll probably learn something tomorrow. Can't wait to go out for a hike.

Also would be wiser if you teach your first time grower friend the guerrilla grower ethics. This includes not to hurt nature, not to cut trees (some branches are allowed, but not the whole tree). He better chose some other location instead of cutting trees.
Pace, and keep growing.


Well-known member
I'm at 45 lat. So I have much longer days...

My only strain that started on the 20th was killer kush fast version from sweet seeds. If its dank, next year I'll be running mostly all fast versions from sweet seeds :)

Nothing else flowering yet :( Lucky u.

This year and last year I've been on a conquest for early strains. Its not easy at this lat! Any suggestions?

Careful, in my experience (with Green Poison) they're not the most rigorous of genetics.

Kygiacomo, was the whole biddy plant taken? Just the branches? Something doesn't add up.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Careful, in my experience (with Green Poison) they're not the most rigorous of genetics.

Kygiacomo, was the whole biddy plant taken? Just the branches? Something doesn't add up.

it was broke off about mid way in the stalk. yea its really weird the only reason the Dela wasnt touched is bc its only been in flower 8 days. im gonna dig it up tomorrow morning and move it,me and dad dug one up 2 years ago and transplanted it but it wasnt in flower yet. i would rahter take a chance on moving it and it dieing then to just leave it and let them get it. sounds like some dumbass hardup teenage kid that dont know what real flowers look like