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Krispy Kreme Doughnuts


on point draz thanks thinking of sticking with 6/9 for this round now that I know to start them off with 6/9 at full strength after a good rootmass is formed never gave full strength which was def my prob.

On a side not Grabbed a bottle of drip clean too today is this the shit guys ? never really had a buildup prob to start with due to run off and an occasional flush.

LSWM my man right now I got only got these KKSC so i handwater DTW. I plan on setting up some watering picks or drippers for the bloomroom though. Hows your watering system set up. It doesnt seem to complicated especially with hempy buckets just set it to go on and off every couple of days or however often I find they need it.

Float valves always caught my eye and are really appealing. So how does it work ? do you keep your ro system on and when it gets below a certain amount it opens the valve and fills up by itself and shuts off too ?


Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
If you run a standard float it shuts off the flow of purified water but water still runs past the filter and down the drain. If you pay for your water this may not be so good.

On the other hand there is a float that will shut off the water to the RO unit when it is triggered. This is better if you pay for your water as non goes down the drain when your tank is full. You can find this type from a fish tank supply company.


Active member
LSWM my man right now I got only got these KKSC so i handwater DTW. I plan on setting up some watering picks or drippers for the bloomroom though. Hows your watering system set up. It doesnt seem to complicated especially with hempy buckets just set it to go on and off every couple of days or however often I find they need it.

Float valves always caught my eye and are really appealing. So how does it work ? do you keep your ro system on and when it gets below a certain amount it opens the valve and fills up by itself and shuts off too ?


In my experience you will get better results in smaller pots feeding multiple times per day. I run 1 or 2 gallon pots. The 2 gallon pots will easily grow 1/2 lb plants. 3/4-1 lb is even possible.

I'm just going to copy paste this from another post I made in a another forum...

1 tote per tray is how I started, but now I'm running 2 trays per tote, but the totes are topped from larger reservoirs, and I have a 1/2 inch ball valves to control the flow to each tray.

So let's keep it simple. One 18 gallon tote per tray. 4-6 plants per tray in ~2 gal pots (7-7.5 liter pots). 396 GPH pump to 1/2 inch PVC or compression tubing. 1/2 inch tubes to a regular 'ole 1/4 inch drip manifold, adjustable ones can be used, but aren't 100% necessary. 1/4 inch drip lines to each plant site with a 1/4 inch tee at each site. I anchor them with drip line stakes.

Only other note is each 1/4 inch line from the manifold needs to either be the same length, or you need an adjustable drip manifold. Again, this isn't 100% necessary, and when you begin multifeed DTW a little runoff on one plant, and none on the other isn't going to make much difference, so long as you do weekly flushes to ensure the ones not getting runoff get properly saturated and ensure nute build up doesn't occur.

I generally water once per day until I flip, or at least until they stall out from 1 watering per day. You don't want to begin multifeeds until they can actually use it. After that I start with 2 feeds per day, then a week later 3. By mid flower I normally am at 4 per day, and if the plants are getting REALLY big I'll add a 5th during lights off, but only a tiny one. You don't want to be over saturating the plants during their dark cycle or they will have no place to transpire the water to and you will end up with rot.

So here's a mock drip schedule. Your duration of watering will be different depending on how many sites you are watering, size of the pot, and your pump. None of my trays have the same cycle, it all varies.

Lights on @ 8 PM off @ 8 AM Full Flower Drip Schedule:

8 PM for 4 mins.
11 PM for 2 mins
2 AM for 2 mins
5 AM for 2 mins

If the plants are getting really massive as some I currently have flowering are... I will add a 1 min drip cycle in the middle of the dark cycle @ 2 PM.

As for the float valves, I use these Kerick MA252 Adjustable 1/4".

You simply drill a 1/2" of 3/8" (I can't remember) hole in your tote/trash can/reservoir, and tighten it down with a pair of pliers. When it fills up it closes the output on the RO. I dunno about other RO's but the way mine works is when you close the output no more water flows through it, and the waste water stops flowing as well. So there's no closing the input or anything like that.

I have a pump in the RO reservoir hooked up to 1/4" line running to my mixing tote, which also has a float valve in it, so I have 18 gallons of RO ready to be mixed + a 35 gallon RO res waiting to top off the 18 gallon mixing res. This ensures I always have a constant supply of RO if I need to mix three 18 gallon batches in a short period of time. Then I have another 25 gallon tote for each room that has the same setup running to individual reservoirs for each tray. Everything on float valves.
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Active member
If you run a standard float it shuts off the flow of purified water but water still runs past the filter and down the drain. If you pay for your water this may not be so good.

On the other hand there is a float that will shut off the water to the RO unit when it is triggered. This is better if you pay for your water as non goes down the drain when your tank is full. You can find this type from a fish tank supply company.

This is not how mine works, but the model I bought is setup to fill a 3 gallon pressurized tank for instant drinking water. Before I had set it up I wondered how it was going to stop the flow, but it stops and I don't have to turn off a valve on the waste water. Just close the valve on the purified water and the waste water stops once pressure equalizes against the input pressure.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I have both kinds. The one I use stops the water flowing threw the RO membrane but still let's the unpurified bypass water go down the drain. He other one stops the water to the filter when the valve shuts off.


Active member
you're it!

i grew out some strawberry crossed to sssdh recently i wanna see what the pure strawberry looks like.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
ASO, auto shut off valve is the thing they use to stop drain water from keeping running in ro machines. They are pretty standard on ro systems now adays. Also the older ro systems would waist 4 or 5 gallons to 1 ro gallon. Today u can buy a 2 gallon waist to 1 gallon ro for the same price as those old ones.

Ifu get any newer system check for these things, they are pretty common. Plus they should come with the float valve included. These are bad ass as u can set them up to a res, I use a cheap trash can to always have ro on hand. then u can start to use the float valves to connect another res to ur watering system with pre mixed nutes and u can not have to mess with fillng resevoirs for as long as u want.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
you're it!

i grew out some strawberry crossed to sssdh recently i wanna see what the pure strawberry looks like.

What are u asking about strawberry cough? Ive got a nice big girl I just threw into flower if u want to see the plant. But I don't have any nugs of her right now since I lost her a couple yrs ago and just got her back recently.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
on point draz thanks thinking of sticking with 6/9 for this round now that I know to start them off with 6/9 at full strength after a good rootmass is formed never gave full strength which was def my prob.

On a side not Grabbed a bottle of drip clean too today is this the shit guys ? never really had a buildup prob to start with due to run off and an occasional flush.

LSWM my man right now I got only got these KKSC so i handwater DTW. I plan on setting up some watering picks or drippers for the bloomroom though. Hows your watering system set up. It doesnt seem to complicated especially with hempy buckets just set it to go on and off every couple of days or however often I find they need it.

Float valves always caught my eye and are really appealing. So how does it work ? do you keep your ro system on and when it gets below a certain amount it opens the valve and fills up by itself and shuts off too ?


The drip clean is ok but certainly not needed at all, especially if ur getting any decent run off. As a matter of fact if u find inbalances I would pull it out of the mix. Its major benefits imo is if ur not getting any run off or ur using drippers that clog easily.


Ok everyone sorry I havent posted in a couple of days schools been raping me literally lol

Ok so the ladies greened back up with full 6/9 so now that thats cleared up I wont be so scared to use more than half strength 6/9 in early veg. Also the clone war will begin in no days at max will get it all prepped later tonight. still debating whether I want to give the dome and rapidrooters a shot again or if I just want to use my easy cloner. Maybe a little bit of both ? aha

For the cloner I will just be using plain phed filtered tap water b/w 100-150max ppm. I usually add a little nutes but this time I wont heard both ways work ? any input fellas ?

Ok so thanks LSWM Ichabod and Mirac ! Def going to look into those valves so let me ask this.... So theres one valve to shut the water off that goes in the rez and another valve that shuts off the waste water? I used to have the waste just run to my outside garden since like you said Ichabod where im at water down the drain counts too !!

Fellas these valves have never failed on you ? ive seen them they seems pretty legit I would just hate to come home one day to see a flooded room this has happened to me once when my dumbass left the water running one day never again do I want to see a flood they suck.

Ahhh ok hmmm right on mirac I think ill save the drip clean for flowering then or might just use it from the start anyone have problems with ratios being thrown off with dc ? I see it does have some extra p-k in it. Like you said mirac it might just be best to keep it simple lol

Ill post a pic of the ladies today before the next gen starts



you're it!

i grew out some strawberry crossed to sssdh recently i wanna see what the pure strawberry looks like.

Ohhhh shit how did that turn out ?!?! i used to have sssdh lost it in my fight talk about a stretcher and long ass colas the sssdh from GHS right ? I only got to save my KKSC and shes overall perfect. She smells fruity glistens in the light and isnt a bad yielder too . what more could you want ? :biggrin:

will def post some photos my man of em when the time comes so take a seat and enjoy the thread.



Active member
Fellas these valves have never failed on you ? ive seen them they seems pretty legit I would just hate to come home one day to see a flooded room this has happened to me once when my dumbass left the water running one day never again do I want to see a flood they suck.

This is exactly why I got the valves. My dumb/stoned ass forgetting to turn shit off. I think if you are running organics or have light getting into the res you may get weird buildup or algae, but with straight RO I don't see how they could fail. Before I had these valves I had my RO res sitting in the shower, but even then I was scared of the drain getting covered/clogged and shit flooding when I forgot to turn it off.

Did you look at the Amazon link to the valve I posted? The things are extremely simple, and I would imagine nearly impossible to fail. I've been using like 6 of them for the past 3-4 months and haven't had an issue yet.

For clones I use growstones in 6 oz clear cups flooded to waste once per day. No dome. Perlite or expanded clay could be used as well. I use straight tap, don't pH or anything. Once they grow roots (usually about 10-14 days I get nubs, full roots by day 21) I start feeding half and half tap/nutes or simply just full strength 1.2 EC Jack's/CalNit just like my other ladies get.

Probably not the fastest method but I get ~90% rooted cuts every time. I tend to take more clones than I need far in advance. Then just over veg them in small pots/cups until I am getting ready to need something for flower. After transplanting to a 1 or 2 gallon pot they tend to only need a couple weeks of veg and are ready to flower. This way I always have some plants ready when I need them, and I don't have shit getting way too big and overgrown in the meantime.


LSWM those look legit just called my local grow store picking a couple up tomorrow ! Im going to hook it up to my big boy filter to try it out and will probably eventually get my ro system back and running once I see how these work. Im super juiced ahah this water rez thing was getting annoying. You guys are awesome heres some pics of the ladies in their last day or two of veg before getting to cutting them and starting the new generation.

arent they purrrrrrr-teeeeeee :dance:



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Update everyone finished the new ladies up a day ago. Decided to give the good ol dome a shot instead of the ez cloner this time around. Plain 6.0 ph water with rapidrooters misted as needed.

The New Gen Begins :D

FYI I grow for my grandfather and I so were way in compliance with our state med laws if anyone was wondering too ! He was a Vietnam vet and has metal shit all in his back and has heat flashes too. MMJ helps him relax throughout the day and its great to see him get to relax and enjoy life. I remember when I was a kid he used to say the pool is warm as hell I would jump in and literally tense up shit was like an ice box ahaha fucking gramps gotta love him though.

Anyways ill post some boring pics tonight :p

ps: putting the the float valve on tomorrow will let you guys know how it goes.


Well-known member
Sounds like things are coming together, I used to run KKSC but lost her a few years back. I can't wait to see how this turns out.


Heres the boring pics I promised aha

Right on Draz ! nothing to crazy just taking baby steps ya know :D

Shes a keeper though



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Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
SSSDH was a creation by Rez, it was his infamous SSH mom that came from GH seeds old stock (black packet) from what I can remember. He crossed it to his Sour Diesel line, was it a specific cut that you grew? There are 2 cuts going about, one of them is the Shire cut, found by Dr Longbottom and the other is the OJD cut found by OJD (UK). SSSDH is some high class grass, for sure. Lemon candy fuel!

G'luck with your Krispy Kremes hehe.



SSSDH was a creation by Rez, it was his infamous SSH mom that came from GH seeds old stock (black packet) from what I can remember. He crossed it to his Sour Diesel line, was it a specific cut that you grew? There are 2 cuts going about, one of them is the Shire cut, found by Dr Longbottom and the other is the OJD cut found by OJD (UK). SSSDH is some high class grass, for sure. Lemon candy fuel!

G'luck with your Krispy Kremes hehe.


Thanks for stopping by HGO hope you'll be following as things progress. Your def spot on in your post. My grow buddy got beans I can tell you that much more as it was awhile ago and It was like a 10+ week flower. Those last two weeks were an unreal swell-age of buds. Colas werent that dense though but pretty damn big lol



Active member
Ohhhh shit how did that turn out ?!?! i used to have sssdh lost it in my fight talk about a stretcher and long ass colas the sssdh from GHS right ? I only got to save my KKSC and shes overall perfect. She smells fruity glistens in the light and isnt a bad yielder too . what more could you want ? :biggrin:

will def post some photos my man of em when the time comes so take a seat and enjoy the thread.


turned out pretty sexcellent. the haze pheno is my new fave day smoke. after about 2 weeks the smell is pretty much strawberry jam. i dunno where the ssh came from i'm gonna assume arjan and co. but the sssdh is from rez and added to strawberry cough KKSC by OJD connoisseur.