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Kosher Tangie, Sleestack, SLH, Exodus Haze


Tent2 Day41 Well apart from overcooking them on N they are looking alright, probably put a dent in the yield but looks half decent all the same. I'm sure I need a new bulb in this tent, gonna treat them to one for the last few weeks.


KT1 day47 Pretty sure that's wind burn on the leaf you can see, none of the heads out of the path of the fan are affected.


KT2 This thing filled in over the last week or so, I thought it wasn't going to do much but has surprised me. Nice Tangie smell on her, but small yield.


KT4 Couldn't capture the trich level well, shes pretty frosty and sticky, plus smelly too! the holy trinity, lol!



KT6 Smelling a bit more like she belongs in this bunch, for a minute there I thought DNA dropped a lemon skunk or og lemon seed in my with the KT by mistake, but the tangie scent is creeping through with a healthy smack of skunk to accompany it.


SLH Doing what she does ticking away slowly but surely till week 7 when she starts to pack on some mass.



Any of you guys have defoliate your plants around week 7? I been reading a few guys are doing this in scrogs to allow for better light penetration.

Thoughts on this lads...


Great looking plants! I usually defoliate, when I feel, the big fan leaves are blocking the light from lower buds. Haven´t noticed any bad side effects yet.

Harvest is not far away, enjoy the fruits of your hard work!



ok this is literally budporn...tempting looks

Lol! Glad you think so bro, they're impressing me too :)

Great looking plants! I usually defoliate, when I feel, the big fan leaves are blocking the light from lower buds. Haven´t noticed any bad side effects yet.

Harvest is not far away, enjoy the fruits of your hard work!


What's up Ace, had a quick skim through your thread and you have some really nice strains bro. I gotta read it more thoroughly, but it's looking all good in your garden.

I misplaced my camera. yet again!! Using the back up so forgive quality!

Tent2 is now 52 days in *51 in the pics. I gotta say I'm impressed by Kosher Tangie. Don't get me wrong the proof is always in the pudding, but thus far it's looking and smelling like some fine pudding :D


Feed is now 1ml per L as I taper down to flush on day 54 for ten days. I'm thinking I might actually start to flush today as KT1 and KT4 are pretty dark green from my over use of Cal/Mag which has a shit load of N in. Ah well you live and you learn. They're still looking and smelling the bomb but I will know for the future to cut it at week 4 bloom latest or try get one without the huge amount of N the one I used has in it.

As the grow progresses I can see that there are 3 main pheno's of Kosher Tangie, from the 6 I have there are essentially 3 sets of pairs. KT2+4 are very similar in terms of structure smell and growth traits. Same goes for KT1&5. While KT3+6 also extremely similar.

So far KT1 is the pheno I have my eye on. It seems like a decent yielder is absolutely covered in a nice thick layer of trichomes and seems looks like it will be done by week 8.5/9 latest. The only one I can see going till 10 weeks is KT6, but then the one that is like it KT3 has started bloom much quicker and more aggressively than KT6. I'd be surprised if it goes past 9 weeks bloom.

I didn't get pictures of Tent1 which houses - Exodus Haze, Sleestack and KT3 & 5. I gotta say though this Exodus Haze is very promising. Still not a hint of Haze but it's gotta be one of the smelliest and frostiest cheese derivatives I've grown, and I've grown my fair share of cheese & it's associated cuttings. It's said to be 'rocksters' cut of cheese used for the cross. Whatever cut was used I think this plant will be sticking around for a while, looks like a decent yielder as well which is always welcome.

Tent2 day51


KT1 When she is dialed in nute wise I'm sure she will yield pretty good.



KT2 Really blown up over the last couple of weeks, thought she was going to be a typical spindly tangie pheno but I can't quite make out what pheno I'd call it smell is a mix of satsumas and dank!




KT4 Started off quickly but slowed up on production about week 6 still a nice plant and lots of trichs!



KT6 This one is the one that resembles the pic in DNA's ads for KT the most. Nice fruity skunky smell and a decent yielder. Looks like the only one that would make it to 10 weeks. The most sativa like in leaf and bud structure.




Finishing up with a few pics of the SLH heads which are now leaning like the tower of Pisa!:D

Need to get some secondary support in there for them, surprised they've remained in place this long, must be the silicon strengthening cell walls. Should've really double netted them. Note to self *you're an ass! Lol.

SLH Slowly getting fatter, this is the stage where SLH puts on the mass. The plant has glass like trichs they are really sticky too.


SLH in background, half decent pic of KT4 in the foreground, lol!




What's good Rocky, Your tents are looking good too!

I got some much better pics after relocating my camera.

Tent1 day 39


Exodus Haze - Far from dialed in but looking pretty good all the same, really like this plant if she smokes anything like she smells "it's a yes from me". IF the haze is doing anything in this cross it is adding a more complex smell. The smell of cheese is really distinct and this one smells like cheese+ something I can't quite put my finger on.



These Sleestack clones have been neglected in more ways than one! When the trichomes started to pop out and that familiar hazey scent came through, keeping them instead of binning them was a good choice! Although the yield will suck the smoke definitely will not. They're way behind due to getting back to health, they didn't start to bloom until 2 weeks after the rest.




Few more of Tent1 plants...

KT3 day39 Quickest to start bloom in this tent and hasn't slowed down since. It's very similar to KT6 but I think KT6 may end up being slightly better... only time will tell.



KT5 Long been an admirer of this particular pheno. Again very similar to KT1 but much more Tangie in smell than KT1 is. Gonna hard to get rid of some of these plants may well need to do a second run with them all before culling.





A few random shots of Tent2, in numerical order. The previous update didn't do these girls any justice.

KT2 is purpling up and hasn't had a day below 20C lights off temps since I got the environment dialed in over 4 weeks back. Think it's safe to assume she a purple phenotype.





SLH Couple buds from the back right of the tent- the area that is worse light. Looking at new reflectors for these tents, maybe parabolics- growstars.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
hey top shelf,,
all looking lovely,,,not long to go now,,,,
nice one!,,,,,s2


Knight of the BlackSvn
That SLH is looking foxy. I had a phenotype that looked like it. It smelled of lemon jolly ranchers, especially in a concentrate. Killing it bro!