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KK's 2011 Outdoor's


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Thanks Joe!

I once seen on here that you have to worry more about your family then your friends .... well right now that is what i am doing... got into a fight with my older brother and he is the kind of dick that wont stand up to me but will do something like chop my plants down... fuck i hate people that wont step up to the plate!

sorry about the randomness guys... im just so pissed!


Active member
I gotta get some picture updates.... I got some from like 2 and a half weeks ago... but they are so out of date i dont know if im even going to put them up... i guess i will... just to keep the thread well documented


Active member
Here they are.. sorry about the wait! they are like 2 and a half / 3 weeks old... but they are still an update from the last pics... maybe i will try and get some fresh pics tomorrow! ill have to see... for now enjoy



Active member
Thanks Paddi... they are a bit bigger, all the small guys got a good maybe 4 - 6 inch's.. maybe more... one of the ones i planted sideways pulled the spike out of the ground so it corrected it's self.. the other pull the spike out also but isnt really correcting it's self, its also turning into a bush! since i trimmed all the branch's at the bottoms of the AMS they are looking so much more healthy on top! and dont seem to have as many bugs!! 1 Skunk#1 isn't reallly killing it, its about the same as the ams's, but the other 2 are looking almost like Christmas trees! hopfully i can get out today to get pics and ties some branch's down. take care everyone!


Active member
well its hard to get nice pics within the small area... but here is a update from yesterday.. got in and tied down all the branch's on the one that is growing with the serpentine technique. and on a few others that where compact. Im thinking the month of no water helped them abit, because i have basically no bugs now! i got my first good rain 3 nights ago.. and have been watering them every week if not twice a week... even tho they got a good rain 3 nights ago i gave them the last dose of ferts.. well atleast untill i start with the bloom ferts!

now for some pics!!!



Active member
Great thread, your plot looks much improved from last year, (from the first page pics) SO Healthy!

Good luck through the rest of the season.




Active member
Red lines show the tops of the plants, the water bottles are the normal sized ones you find on water coolers (1 foot 8 inch's ) they are there so you can kinda get the idea of the size.. all the pics with the water bottle are the ladyburns that were the last ones put out. the second last pic is (last one with the water bottle) is the medium sized Skunk #1 it is tall as me and close to my arms reach wide. the last pic is a pic of one half of the area.. must have forgot to get some of the ones i planted sideways! and the AMS! :( good thing is they are all going good!


Active member
Thanks H.M - i ended up using a different spot then in the pics... i did use this spot last year but only for my mother plant... the spot in the pic gets more light but with the more light it is also alot closer to where people would be and with the skunk strain i didnt wanna chance it!

C.H - i wanna find out some info on H.F.H ... i see alotta people growing their strains and im interested in getting some for next year!

Nopi- Thanks man...



LOL....a funny looking man with a beautiful girl :):):)


Looking good Kanadian :) :jump:

P :smoke:


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thanks paddi, I love girls that are, Tall, Bushy and of course Virgins.. Still hoping to get my hands on some hermi pollen so i can pop the smaller AMS's cherry!

anyone know a good flowering fert for use outdoors?
I still got some liquid bloom stuff from my local hydro shop... but i left it outside over winter and wanna buy something new.


Look good, theres tons of cheap ferts in Canadian Tire & Home Depot......been watching this thread since the beginning things are about to get interesting in the next couple months ;)