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Killer a5 Haze (First grow ever)


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Its your grow you can decide how youd like to experiment. Everyone could say what you should do and in the end it will be all on you. Id get it out of the small pot into a bigger one, and if i lost some roots i wouldnt worry. Id also put it on 18/6 light cycle.

Ive killed plants before and its how we learn. Really in my world i only like the strong plants. If one dies from any of my actions i consider it wasnt meant to be. A weak plant from start to finish with unfavorable results really isnt worth the effort to me. I keep moving no matter what results i get and i never give up . Consistency is where real success lies. You continue trying even after many failures. You just try to do better next time.

Good luck with your plant.


Well-known member
Its your grow you can decide how youd like to experiment. Everyone could say what you should do and in the end it will be all on you. Id get it out of the small pot into a bigger one, and if i lost some roots i wouldnt worry. Id also put it on 18/6 light cycle.

Ive killed plants before and its how we learn. Really in my world i only like the strong plants. If one dies from any of my actions i consider it wasnt meant to be. A weak plant from start to finish with unfavorable results really isnt worth the effort to me. I keep moving no matter what results i get and i never give up . Consistency is where real success lies. You continue trying even after many failures. You just try to do better next time.

Good luck with your plant.
Still if I could just cut out the bottom part so that it doesn't have to try and escape from the holes and just put into the fabric pot then maybe it won't be too confined in length at least. Otherwise I need some type of mini shovel to bring it out of this smaller pot.
It would've been easier starting in a solo cup but hey it's too late for that...


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Im sure you will figure something out. Its hard to say exactly because i need it in my hands to do anything about it. Whatever you decide you will learn something from it xD.


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Done... It wasn't easy...

Don't worry though I didn't try any of the stupid methods I talked about it turns out that there was a better way, the original pot was put in the fabric pot after the fabric pot already had lots of soil in it's ground and then I put it in filled up lots more soil around it, took out the original pot, turned it upside in order to take out the soil and the plant out of it and put it into the bigger fabric pot, my back starting hurting and there was so much to clean up after ... But finally it worked 😁
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Much better.
It now has a lot more room especially below it and quite a lot around it as well (for the roots) hopefully they're okay though. I should've checked them earlier that they were growing right under the smaller pot, what actually got me to check them today was the slowed down growth the past two days and then I noticed the roots being stuck underneath.... No worries now they have tons more soil...
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I think you will notice a big difference now. Lets see what she does now.


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Draining this fabric pot is difficult as I have to take it out of it's setting but still in the same room with another turned on led light from high above using the wooden floor and I have to use lots of fresh toilet paper and rinse out the red bucket (whatever that's called) many many times in the bathroom and then even clean it up with more fresh aroma smelling toilet paper (because that's the kind that we always buy), anyways I then have to of course carefully get it back into it's setting, which I did three times today. Infact I'm thinking of not pouring in anymore water until tomorrow...
Day 28 (I've been counting the days wrong, since popping out of the soil is day 1 and not Day 0) But 27 days have passed since then on this picture....
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Day 29

Apparently I've been counting the days wrong, Day one when it popped out of the soil I just so counted it as Day 0 which it isn't? So yesterday was day 28 and today's day 29....
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make sure to keep a consistent light schedule. The plants rely on consistency. With genetics like that… right now, I’d run the light 16 hrs on and 8 hrs off. Do that for a couple weeks and see how big she gets. If she’s still really small and under developed you can keep it going a little longer. I know you don’t have much room so you will want to switch to 12/12 sooner than later… then maybe 11/13 two or three weeks into flower for the remainder. Best of luck to ya!
I'm bringing back the extra 15-17 minutes today to get up back up to the 9/15 schedule, however if I should turn it back on 10/14 that won't delay the inducing of flowering right? Because the plant has been on this lower light schedule for quite awhile now, wouldn't it signal it that winter's ending and summer is along the way, or is that only if it goes over 12/12? I can't risk it becoming too tall and bushy obviously, but besides that one of the main reasons that I didn't turn it back up to 10/14 earlier was: A Being told and knowing to stop messing with the inconsistencies and B delaying the introduction of flowering.... So I just kept it on 9/15 minus 15-17 minutes. Today I'm bringing it back up to the 9/15, would bringing it back up to 10/14 screw up when it could flower though? Because up close I can already see the preflowering pistals and a few other early signs that are not in the picture...


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Today's the day people, I'm running it back to 9/15 (adding back it's needed 15-17 minutes) my question is should I just run it 10/14 for some time, a week or something or more, if I'm in a rush to Harvest on time? I have no clue what bringing back up the schedule means if it's been on a much lower one for this long.... And the days I have to grow and bloom dry and put to into cure are ticking.... A little help please, the tons of people I've been asking all have very different opinions (inside and outside icmag or anywhere) again like I said I'm going for a much smaller plant but still need it to be more rightly done than not.... Anyways it's on Day 30 since popping out of it's soil...

Okay well no one responded on time so I just left it on nine hours and three minutes, since I was afraid to go up to 10 hours light. I guess I'm leaving it on 9/15 plus three minutes. A few hours after this picture was taken I bent the stem a little to get light into the lower leaves, the ones coming out that aren't the fan leaves. I know that people train their plants and I was thinking of doing so. Why do I remember reading that KA5H doesn't do well with training? I'm thinking of going for it but idk...
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Get it closer to the light now. The light intensity should help prevent it from stretching too much. The genetics you picked happen to be a plant that gets pretty tall. But either figure out a way to lower the light or raise the plant. Get the thing close with out burning it. If it starts to burn back the light off. Just gotta figure it out bud. You got it.