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keep the weapon in the car?

As a grower, I have made the decision to not keep "weapons" near my grow or in my home for reasons of legal precedent. I wonder if any of you have experience in the extent to which they search and subsequently deem a weapon part of the "guns and grow" threshold?

Can I keep a weapon in my car? Storage facility? etc?


Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"


well trained guard dog will ignore the pizza or anything else. he will only take food from his master. and as long as you are any where near his domain to be guarded he will be in on duty mode, ready to rip your leg off if you breach his domain. of course many dogs are not trained to that level and will fall for the classic food trick. but a real trained guard dog will not


Active member
i was just recently told by a friend who is doing the same thing, that keeping the weapon in your car is basically like keeping it in your home. they consider it an extension of your home. so if something happened theyre still going to fuck you somehow.
i dont know if this is 100% true. but i can see that going down that way very easily.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Do you know how long it takes a dog to eat a XL Cheese pizza?

Half a second.

true story.
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Active member
This depends highly on where you're located.

more benign weapons like bear spray, and batons aren't so bad to have around, its mainly firearms that you want to keep away.
there was some guy on here a couple of years ago that got stopped in his car and he had a gun. I think they already had an arrest/search warrant for him or his home. He was facing 5+ mandatory for his grow, but it seems like I remember him saying they dropped the gun charge because he let them search his home or something. Would have to try and find the thread unless it was all edited/erased.

these gun threads are endless.. med state or not, ex felon or not, do you co-operate or not, was it loaded or not, shotgun or pistol, locked in safe or not.... and onandonandonandon

Snow Crash

Active member
If you think your guard dog will protect you then you need to watch a few episodes of it takes a thief on the Discovery channel. Give me a roll of carpet and a lead pipe and I don't give two shits how well trained your dog is. He'll bite the roll of carpet on one arm and find a crushed skull from my free one. There are MANY, many ways of disabling even the most well trained dog.

All you're doing is risking your best friend's life. You want to train him good. Then train him to stay the fuck out of the way and bark like a psychotic. Dogs are better as alarms then as warriors.

What is the Guns and Grow threshold? As I understand it I have the right to bear arms and the right to produce an adequate amount of medicine for myself. Here's an idea... Don't grow an illegal amount of bud at your house. You want to be a commercial grower then get another property and install a real security system... Or a Raiders security system...


I kind of don't understand this but then I'm a dork. A weapon like a rifle/shotgun/handgun is much more useful for personal protection when you have easy access to it. If you need to keep it in your car or storage then it seems like you're planning on needing it, like going hunting, and when push comes to shove good luck getting to it fast if you need to protect yourself.

Not up on laws but the car thing is iffy IMO but storage should be fine. I mean you park your car at your grow, get popped and they search your vehicle. If your gun is in your car and you're at home and you need to go out and get it probably too late.


Active member
instead of gun get yoself a huge bong and stop giving a fuck. Sit at home and enjoy that glass and forget about all the violence.


May your race always be in your favor
If you think getting pulled over with weed in the car is a bitch, wait till you get pulled over with a gun in the car. Honest Officer I forgot it was there isn't gonna cut it with the cops.
Get a big heavy bong, you can smoke it and use it as a club if you need to protect your self.I have two dogs a 145 LB Great Dane bitch, and a 90 lb Standard Poodle with a tude. You ain't getting in my house. rug,pipe, pizza what ever. it won't happen. They are both trained to guard the house.
So I can:smoweed:in peace. Rippers gonna hurt in my house.
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Snowcrash hit the nail on the head. My neighbor was growing some outdoor last year. caught some rippers in the act and held them there at gun point until the cops came. Cops didnt dive a shit that he had guns and plants in the same house. They told my neighbor good job! As long as your plant count is good I think no worries. My 2nd amen. rights shall not be infringed.


Cops didnt dive a shit that he had guns and plants in the same house. They told my neighbor good job! As long as your plant count is good I think no worries. My 2nd amen. rights shall not be infringed.
Depends on the county IMO and also if you're growing for personal use or cash cropping.