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Just WON at the Casino!!!


gets some
I can give you some ideas on your gold purchase. Krugerrands are solid investments as is most any bullion gold product these days. The thing is, there's a large premium attached to gold because the "spot price" isn't reflective of the true selling prices of physical metals. You would be well served to invest in both gold and silver physical metals and stash them in your home somewhere safe. A very good online metals dealer is APMEX (www.apmex.com). Feel free to ask any questions or PM me if you want to discuss more in-depth.

The sad truth is that hyper inflation is likely going to kick in over the next year or two and the value of our dollars will plummet. If you hold physical precious metals, you would double, triple (or more) your investment at that time. I can't stress enough that people should be looking into exchanging paper dollars for physical metals RIGHT NOW.

EDIT: Just noticed you said you're in Canada. Not sure how that plays into it since you aren't holding US Dollars (I assume). Either way, metals are still a good investment since the entire world economy is on the rocks.
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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
btw, here in MN you get paid the entire jackpot amount after you fill out a W-2 form & provide adequate ID. that's the way they do it here on the Indian Rez.

wtg TGT.......


Active member
billy_big_bud! said:
haha congratulations. i love to see casinos lose. dont spend it all at once.

casino doesn't lose :(

people stay there and the guy brings them pants because they peed in theres

and the casuals, well the casuals they wear diapers


nice win man!

enjoy, i would be sooo happy


Tom 'Green' Thumb
Itsgrowtime, thanks for the advice and web link. I am going to go and check it out now. I have been thinking about this for a long while now so now is (like you said) the time to do it. I'll PM you if I have any questions. Actually, I have one now, have you invested in gold and if so have you found it was easy to liquidate when needed?



I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
congrats on the win bro...

i agree with you that nobody needs to know..

If I were you, i would try to do a quick flip on something of value . For example: Search for a nice used car gas saving vehicle at a good price, buy it, then quick flip it on your own for a nice profit..

heavy machinery, tools, and most expensive equipment is always easy to find cheap and re-sell high within days.

moral of my story is that it takes money to make money. so go make your money make you money. make your money work for you, so you don't have to work for money. confusing, but da truth.

peace, LW


gets some
TGT said:
Itsgrowtime, thanks for the advice and web link. I am going to go and check it out now. I have been thinking about this for a long while now so now is (like you said) the time to do it. I'll PM you if I have any questions. Actually, I have one now, have you invested in gold and if so have you found it was easy to liquidate when needed?


I have not personally tried to liquidate any of my metals. The idea is generally to hold onto them until the metals themselves become a bartering tool (once paper money is near worthless) or inflation gets so bad that your metals become worth 5x what you paid for them (great for paying off debts or buying property, etc). Some very good economic minds are calling for $5000/oz gold in the next couple years! In the meantime, for basic liquidation, places like Ebay and your local coin shops are easy places to liquidate, as are the same online websites like the one I linked to.

It's better to have them and have to figure out how to liquidate them than not have them at all and being stuck with worthless paper dollars. For reference, check into the economic crash of Argentina in 2001. It is a peek into the future for us on the North American continent.
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Cannabrex Formulator
Only gamblin' I ever do is the lottery.......$2 a week for the privilege of dreamin' a bit.

But I'll tell yas......iffen I do win, the IC cup is gonna be fun dat year.........


Domesticator of Cannabis
TGT said:
I'll PM you if I have any questions. Actually, I have one now, have you invested in gold and if so have you found it was easy to liquidate when needed?

Hello, I am Russell Oliver of Oliver Jewellery, the guy you see on T.V.


What I Buy

My specialty is gold. I'll buy all kinds of gold. Even the low kts., 7, 8kt., 9kt. from England, 10kt. gold, 14kt, and 18kt. I'll even buy pure gold, that is to say 24kt gold from Hong Kong. Even 19kt. from Portugal. I buy any kind of gold from any country in the world. As a matter of fact I love gold so much I'll even buy broken or damaged gold. I'll go to the extent even, of buying your gold piece. Bring me your teeth, as long as they are gold I will buy them. Anything that is gold is my specialty, so bring it in and I will pay you cash on the spot for your gold.

Because I'm the Cashman.......Oh Yeah!
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gets some
Lots of "We Buy Gold" ads are running on tv these days for the exact reason I pointed out. Gold prices are going to shoot up soon (possibly as soon as December) so anybody that's buying gold today at a reasonable price ($800/oz troy bullion) will find their investment worth 5x that much. Always remember that the paper we call "money" is only valuable as long as people have trust in it. Once that paper has lost trust, its no different than toilet paper.

Anyway, sorry for the thread hijack. Just wanted to point out that money, especially "free" money, should go into investments for your future instead of pissed away on needless crap.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
Itsgrowtime, the thing that bothers me about buying gold is this. Just say gold does jump to $5000.00 an ounce. There is going to be a huge amount of people selling to make their profit, so how on earth are you going to sell when everyone else is selling at the same time. It seems in a rush to sell there would not be any buyers since everyone is selling. I could be totally off, but it just sounds logical to me. Any input on this. There is so much I do not understand so please excuse my silly questions.



gets some
TGT said:
Itsgrowtime, the thing that bothers me about buying gold is this. Just say gold does jump to $5000.00 an ounce. There is going to be a huge amount of people selling to make their profit, so how on earth are you going to sell when everyone else is selling at the same time. It seems in a rush to sell there would not be any buyers since everyone is selling. I could be totally off, but it just sounds logical to me. Any input on this. There is so much I do not understand so please excuse my silly questions.


It's still an investment and like all investments, there is some risk involved. But compared to the risk of the stock markets (*cringe*) or even just hoarding plain paper money, gold is about as sure an investment you can make. It will ALWAYS be worth something (provided there's no confiscation like back in the 30s, which is unlikely). Can't say the same for shares of GM and Bear Sterns! It's had value for thousands of years and nothing else can touch that. Anyway, you bring up a good point. But keep in mind that you aren't necessarily looking to buy gold in order to later sell that gold for more paper money. The gold itself becomes the money! People will sell you their friggin house for gold as long they could then flip the gold for food. Also, your scenario is a little far fetched because these days not many people own physical bullion gold. The gold standard of money was ended years ago. How many people do you know that buy gold? Probably none. So mainly the point is that gold itself will become a form of money during economic disaster. When cash becomes near worthless, then something else that holds a known, intrinsic value will be what you want to have for bartering purposes. Gold and silver are those things. Especially known bullion like Maple Leaf coins and Gold American Eagle coins. Bottom line, stop thinking about money as being paper and that paper being the only manner to purchase things.

Sidenote: That doesnt mean gold can replace having canned foods and other necessary daily staples. You can't eat a gold Maple Leaf coin :)

Space Toker

Active member
Well I know I will not be popular for saying this, but if you have plenty and "don't need it", why not make a positive impact and give it to some reputable charity? If I won, which I never do, I could use it, but still I would take my friends out for a great night on the town, because friends are more important than money and I don't like selfish attitudes and dislike when others do. If they are not real friends, you do not need them, but if they are I would share in your position. Not jealous, well maybe a little but also am happy for you and hope you enjoy it, just feel I had to be the devil's advocate here and promote positive vibes amidst all the bling-bling talk here.
Congrats on your winnings. I live in Canada as well, and I knew about the tax thing. The lottery is the same way here in Canada, but I heard in the states they will take a large part of a lottery jackpot away... But once again, congratulations!! Maybe you can finally afford that dream grow room you always wanted! ;)


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Reinvest the whole thing by taking the Giants & giving 3 points to the Cardinals

mo' money! mo' money!

Space Toker

Active member
huh? I don't follow other than I hate the Giants as I am a Patriots fan, rough time for that, but anyway...
Gold is a good investment? At like $800 an ounce? I remember just like 7 years ago when it was under $250, $248 I think. I knew of a 60-something year old bagboy who invested then, I wish I was him right about now! But investing now? Unless you know something I don't, it seems like gold has a slight chance of going higher, but if past trends are any indication, is near its maximum price and soon will fall into the shitter. Anyway, I do hope to replicate the luck of the threadstarter someday, so I am happy for you, but it would be refreshing for a change to hear about what is good for "us" and not "me". Or did those ideals die in the 60's?