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Just WON at the Casino!!!


Tom 'Green' Thumb
Hello everyone! I just got back from the Casino and I am so happy I actually came home not broke. Actually, I won $7500.00 cash on a quarter machine! I just put in my first $20.00 and played 5 tokens at once and won the jackpot - just like that! Then my cousin who was with me at the time ran out of money. I said I would give her some to play with as she waited and if she wins we would split it. She accepted and then started to play a couple rounds of another quarter machine just two down from the one I won on. We were just chatting when the bell started ringing. We didn't even realize at first it was our machine - another jackpot! I couldn't believe it, two in one night. She won $5600.00 and we split it two ways. So my cousing came home over 2 grand richer, and I came home just under 10 grand richer! I never win, so I guess it was due.

I am not here to brag as it may seem lol, I just was so happy and I don't want to tell anyone I know. I don't want friends knowing because when they they become aware you have money or are doing well they always want deals on weed, to borrow, or just plain get jealous. Not everyone, but I have seen it happen personally on more than one occasion. I mean it's not tons of money, but it's enough to make people angry when they see I won it and I really don't need it. Personally I don't feel I deserve it myself, but it happened so I am not going to let that get me down.

Anyways, I had to tell someone so who better to tell than everyone here? Well, off to read I go, then I am going to try to sleep. Everytime I close my eyes now I see the slot machine pictures rolling by lol!



cant stop wont stop
thats fuckin sweeeet as helll man!! congratts!
i ssee some new grow equipment in your near future..

man last time i hit the casino was about 4-5 months back..
its an hour or so drive and the main plan was the strip club and im sayin this WAS the strip club to be at.. (not that im really into prostitutes but fuckin EH!! these chicks are bad ass and can be more 4 the right price)

anyways on the interstate with my bro a cop pulled outta the dark grassy median and began to follow pretty quickly..

me being the passenger ate the herb and 2 pills of some bomb ass ecstasy.

i didnt really notice any effects from the weed but that EX had me FUCKKKED up!!
so after the strip club closed hit the casino and sat at that roulette table for i want to say a minumum of 4 hours.

had maybe around 400 cash and between that and my winnings lost a good 2-3K.

still gotta say one a the best nights of my life. No regrets..

casino's where its at! glad to hear ya came up


livin my way the high way
wow man just imagine the possiblilities sp of what you can do with a lil under 10 grand. ooo man i would get a new car. have fun spending/saving.


Eeck a mouse Tha best :)


Congrats man! I'm one of the jealous ones :laughing:...not really but would love to be in your position! Have fun with your winnings man.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
TGT good on you man, but that kind of attitude is sad, not telling your closest friends because theyll want to 'get a deal' or have another agenda, personally if i had "friends" like that i wouldnt need enemies. Lose those assholes who get jealous or angry that your doing good, friends, real friends should celebrate your joy and as a requisite should not be bums whod get jealous of your good wealth. But i do know exactly what you mean, i have gotten rid of blood sucking leeches like that in my life, like biggie said man mo money, mo problems
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I have to agree with NYCD, i'd be taking my closest friends out for an amazing night on the town or something, hell with that sort of winning a trip to Vegas would almost be in order.

winning over $1199 u automatically have to deal with the IRS and they take their money up front, its somewhere just above 30% i believe. So u would have walked out of that casino with more like 7g's, and ur cuz would have gotten less, although granted u didnt say how much she lost. So whats up man?

I guess maybe ur not in America, but id guess nearly every civilized nation on the planet does this...


Domesticator of Cannabis


I like betting the ponies but the one arm bandits are fun.


Active member
hey, way to go TGT! Now can I get a deal or what!? J/K man, have fun spending or doing what you're gonna do with that. 10,000 would have a significant impact on my life in the short term, awesome man.



and also congrats to my Danish bro Kallen...for the youngest Dane to win the World series of Poker....crazy I watched it yesterday.

last time I went down I cracked em for a couple grand. I like dice and bj....don't get me wrong I have lost plenty and for my lifetime am down so much I likely do not want to know the figure. But that is why they call it gambling.



kallenavndk said:
Eeck a mouse Tha best :)
hanks m8 im sure he is a happy man atm heheh ho woulden be

Hey why are u all posting this las vegas trip in what are u listening at ? hehe damn sorry champ happy play day
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gets some
Only time I hit a "big one" on a slot machine was also in the first $20 or so. That first $20 will dictate your whole gambling trip since it shows what your luck is at the time. Congrats! Now go buy some gold so your money is still worth something in a couple years.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
Thanks for all the possitive comments from everyone! It sure feels nice to be able to tell someone. About the questions with the people I hang with, most of them are acquaintances that I do business with. Those are the ones that I don't want to know about the money. I do have a couple real close good friends and they would most def be happy for me, but one is having money problems right now because of a very bad coke addiction. If I told him, he would be all over me to borrow and would honestly have good intentions, but in reality would never see the money again. If he was having problems other than addiction then I would help him out no qustions asked. The other good friend I could tell, but I am worried he will tell his wife who I don't get along with, not to mention the shady people she has coming over and some of them talk to my business acquaintances. It seems as you get older your circle of close friends grows smaller.

Now that I had a couple days to let my win sink in, I think I decided to save it for an emergency, such as legal fee's or anything else that could pop up unexpectedly. It's not a fortune, but could come in handy in a time of need. It would be much more fun to spend it, but the feeling of being secure will feel almost as good I am sure.

I was very interested in buying gold to store my money so that it doesn't depreciate so much. Does anyone here know about this and can shed some light on purchasing gold? I read once before it is a little more expensive to buy gold Kugerans (spelling?) than gold bars, but they are much easier to turn back into cash. With the bars you have to find someone to buy them, but with the gold coins you can just take what you need to a bank and get the cash and keep the rest of the gold for later. With the bar you would have the sell the entire piece. So any info would be great and thanks!

thekingofNY said:
winning over $1199 u automatically have to deal with the IRS and they take their money up front, its somewhere just above 30% i believe. So u would have walked out of that casino with more like 7g's, and ur cuz would have gotten less, although granted u didnt say how much she lost. So whats up man?

I guess maybe ur not in America, but id guess nearly every civilized nation on the planet does this...

Here in Canada what you win is all yours. What I won was handed to me in cash in hundred dolllar bills and the only thing I felt I should pay was a tip to the lady handing me the money. I gave her $100.00. They didn't even ask for ID so they don't even know my name. I like this because there is no record of the money being given to me. I am sure I am on video receiving the money, but I don't think they could tell who you are unless they really had to find out.

I would hate to have to give some of my winnings away to the government. I didn't know it was like that in the USA and can say I am glad it is not like that here.

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