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Just WON at the Casino!!!


gets some
Simple. Gold is the counter to the value of the dollar. Dollar goes down, gold goes up and vice versa. With the massive amounts of money being printed and injected into the economy lately (not just the US, the entire world even), when hyperinflation kicks in in the next year or two the value of the dollar will plummet and gold will skyrocket.

If TGT had put all $10K into gold when I originally posted about it, he would already have had a $600-700 profit since then.
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gets some
ItsGrowTime said:
If TGT had put all $10K into gold when I originally posted about it, he would already have had a $600-700 profit since then.

Make that $1000 profit since then. Gold went up another $30/oz USD today. It's only going to keep going up.
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Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Fantastastic!!! Glad to hear someone wins when they go LOL...

you got passed the first mistake most make of playing more, and putting it all back before you leave.. You left with it!! Now dont let the visions of slot machines bells and whistles get you back in that fucking casino playing more.. Enjoy it all yourself, and go back only when it's all spent on positive shit, and you have another couple a bucks you can afford to loose.


sunshine in a bag
I wish I was biz smart.. all this talk of investing makes the wheels in my head spin

Space Toker

Active member
Gold does not just go up, and when it does go up it is due to a whole host of things. So it is not as simple as you say, it is complex. Gold was almost $1000 an ounce in 1980 or right around then, it was $248 in about 2001, and it was closing in on $ 1000 again not too long ago, and now sits at about $768. It seems our friend here lost money if he followed your advice. It also seems to me that getting in on gold investing when gold is trading at near historic highs is, well, not too bright. There is a lot more room for it to go down instead of up. There is more gold than the price indicates, meaning it is artificially high and I would think will correct itself. Silver on the other hand, is way below what it should be, and people keep waiting for it to go up sigificantly and it never does, why this is boggles my mind. Bill Gates invested in lots of silver a few years ago, it should go up big soon. But like I said, by my own admission, it is complex, so maybe gold will make you money and silver will lose money. Who knows? There is a bit of a gamble factor in many investments. I would have helped others with extra money I didn't need, you never know when you may need help and they could return the favor. But we'll see, good luck!


gets some
Space Toker said:
Gold does not just go up, and when it does go up it is due to a whole host of things. So it is not as simple as you say, it is complex. Gold was almost $1000 an ounce in 1980 or right around then, it was $248 in about 2001, and it was closing in on $ 1000 again not too long ago, and now sits at about $768. It seems our friend here lost money if he followed your advice. It also seems to me that getting in on gold investing when gold is trading at near historic highs is, well, not too bright. There is a lot more room for it to go down instead of up. There is more gold than the price indicates, meaning it is artificially high and I would think will correct itself. Silver on the other hand, is way below what it should be, and people keep waiting for it to go up sigificantly and it never does, why this is boggles my mind. Bill Gates invested in lots of silver a few years ago, it should go up big soon. But like I said, by my own admission, it is complex, so maybe gold will make you money and silver will lose money. Who knows? There is a bit of a gamble factor in many investments. I would have helped others with extra money I didn't need, you never know when you may need help and they could return the favor. But we'll see, good luck!

Uhhh, what gold price are you looking at? I recommended buying on 11/17 and 11/18. Spot price was $734/oz and $738/oz, respectively. Today's spot price is $760/oz. How would he have lost money on my recommendation to buy gold? He wouldnt have. No clue what you're talking about. You probably should actually verify what you are saying is true before you say it. Anyway, spot prices don't mean a thing these days so it's best to mostly ignore them. The physical market has disconnected from the paper market, and that's a first ever, so your historical comparison is good but hardly indicative of anything. It's a different kind of market these days than in 1980 or even 2001. If you can find me an oz of gold bullion for $760, Ill eat my hat....right after I buy all the gold they have.

The helping people thing is just philosophical differences. I can't help anyone else until Im set personally. Unfortunately, the utopia of people all coming together to help each other that you envision is unrealistic these days.
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Space Toker

Active member
well I wish you good luck but we do have philosophical differences as you say. You said you didn't need the money, which would mean you are already "set". People do help people, nothing unrealistic or utopia-like about it. People who have the least to give actually seem to be the most generous as a percentage of their income given away than do more well off people. Anyway, your business is just that and I don't want to be seen as telling you what to do, only what I would do in a similar position. If you believe in karma and higher powers and all that, you do one thing. If you believe in a more in an inanimate power, you do another. Who's right or wrong is not for us to decide but all gets sorted out in the end. I hope your investments work for you.


gets some
Space Toker said:
well I wish you good luck but we do have philosophical differences as you say. You said you didn't need the money, which would mean you are already "set". People do help people, nothing unrealistic or utopia-like about it. People who have the least to give actually seem to be the most generous as a percentage of their income given away than do more well off people. Anyway, your business is just that and I don't want to be seen as telling you what to do, only what I would do in a similar position. If you believe in karma and higher powers and all that, you do one thing. If you believe in a more in an inanimate power, you do another. Who's right or wrong is not for us to decide but all gets sorted out in the end. I hope your investments work for you.

I think you have me confused with the thread starter. Understandable with the TGT/IGT thing though. I sure as hell could use that $10K even if TGT doesn't need it! It would be great for my current room rebuild :joint:. Im all for helping people if it is a responsible decision. I kinda look at it like the instructions they give you before you take off in an airplane. "If someone requires assistance with their oxygen mask, please put yours on first, then assist that person." The moral is that you arent much good to other people if you are in trouble yourself.

Space Toker

Active member
my mistake sorry
and what you say is true no disagreement here
hell notice I don't say I would give that money away RIGHT Now, ie. "if I was in a similar position", ie. "don't need the extra money". So yeah, hell I could use $ 10 k right about now too! extra money you don't need? never knew what that was like! So of course if you are barely able to keep up with paying your bills, you are not going to give money away. so anyway, good points.
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