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Power Armor rules
That LED light looks to be working very well for you. Those plants look happy and healthy which means a nice harvest coming soon.



Active member


As the title says,, thank you all for you comments and just plain ol' following along on this little journey I'm on with the LED's. I've said it before and I'll said it again and again and again, it's very appreciated. It truly and honestly is and also, if someone can gain some knowledge and information out of the deal...even freakin' better!!!!





All above images from flower day 36 (Sept 08/12)


Hey Vukman,

How are your plants liking the temps? They look pretty happy to me! I ask because it looks as though you are hovering around 30C / 86F, which is about where my new cab is at the moment (can get up to 88F if it's warm out). This is generally considered a bit higher than optimal, but as you mentioned, the sweet spot for LEDs is supposedly above what it is with other lights. Do you think I should be shooting to bring temps down, or leave it as is?

Again, looking great!


Active member
Hiya Socrates..Thank you for the question...The temps. are hovering around that 30C mark but yet, you do see where the thermometer is. I placed it there so I can get a read on the canopy temps. If you want, I can lower the thermometer in the tent to see what the 'ambient' temps are mid-way or at root level.

Yes, the girls are very happy and even in the morning before lights on (8:00-20:00). They are on a digital timer. The RH actually even raises during the night. It quickly drops back to 'acceptable' levels though within 15 minutes of lights on.

During the summer, I was worried about the temps because we had some damn heat waves that I thought would fry them but I guess it's all strain dependant. I mean in the tropics, we know that the RH hits 100% with temps in the 40C's and they survive so they pulled through with flying colours. I did and still do have 2 fans in there though. 1 at root level and 1 at canopy level.

As for your quandary my friend, I would say to adjust your grow to what the plants show you they like. Your girls might be perfectly content with the temps that high while someone else's may be stressed at that temp. I guess it's the same thing as some strains are nutrient hogs and others show signs of burn at the slightest irregularity in their 'feeding schedule'.

Sorry I can't give you a definitive answer my friend but I hope that the info I have given here has helped and made your decision a little easier.

Good Luck

P.S. Thank you again for your kind words...always means a great deal coming from the community.......:)


New member
Hey vukman!

I’m pretty curious about Your grow. I’m looking forward to see how will your girls looks like when they are done.

Unfortunately I have yet to see LED-grown buds that make me say WOW. I am a very hard sell. Only exception is Verdant Green’s buds on this forum. He has the only LED-grown buds on the internet what I would want. So before me thinking further about buying a LED grow light I would like to see what kind of result you have in the end of that grow.

If I’m decide to buy a LED light, than I will buy it from the Chinese manufacturer, and not from the fraud HGL nor any other “brand” who’s sell the same lights at 200% price.

You told me that “the HGL model of spectrum layout and design has not proven to be the best”. Maybe you’re right, but it’s funny because for me it’s seems like the HGL has a little bit better spectrum for the plants than your "Black Star". (According to the pic what you sent) Am I wrong? :chin:

“HGL” spectrum

“Black Star” spectrum

I’m also curious about how much heat does a LED panel generate. They don’t have any IR wave so they not going to warm anything just the air above them. In my plan the extractor fan will right above the lights so it’s going to push that warm air out of the cabinet immediately. And my cabinet will larger than your tent (2m x 1m x 2,6m). How will I achieve 28° Celsius on winter with a room temperature of 21-22° Celsius? Should I have to run a heater inside the grow “room”? That’s not what I want.
If I go with 1000W then I’m afraid the opposite will happened and I need an A/C on summer.

Here is my plan how it will look like if I go with LED:



Keep up the good work!

Best Regards,


Active member
Hiya Wisahmeluck...Nope, you're not wrong at all... I've always said that I jumped into the purchase of the lights that I got before I got all my facts straight. I actually did it on a whim to be honest and then when I got them, as usual with me..that's when I got head long into the research and have found out the information which I did.

So yes, HGL lights are better than the ones I have but I'll be damned that for the extra oz. I am going to pay a grand more!!

As you said, you're going to buy Chinese as well as will I when I make my next purchase but I have been in constant contact and been sending pictures to the manufacturer and sharing information with them about new technology as well.

You damn well know the next light/s I buy will blow the shit out of these ones I have here now!!.. What I would have to do with these here to make them really pop would get a DIY (which I am also looking into) and run some white full spctrum LED's in with them...Some 10W-20W full whites...which others are discussing as well......Then these "Blackstars" would pull their weight as a supplement light and not as the primary..

Also, please don't forget, in my defence here, I did not start the LED's from the start of this grow and this is the first grow with LED's as well. I have learned a great deal and will continue to do so. Plus......:)....strain plays a part in things too...please bear that in mind as well......NOW>>>>>>>>>>>with all that said......

Here are the pics at flower day 40.....



As always and I hope I've shown so in this post, that I more than welcome constructive criticism and will more than openly admit when I am wrong.....

All my Best

Harry Lime

Active member
Vukman those girls look sweet. Have you run the Uncle Tom before? How long do you expect them to go till chop?


Active member
Hiya Harry Lime:

Nope, never have run it so I have no idea what to expect yield wise. Thank you for the compliments my friend. It smells....sweet is the only way I can describe it. Like a honey melon or cantaloupe. Some one early on in the thread mentioned that Uncle Tom maybe something called 'Baldy' but no idea.

I've got around a week or so to go with them...The trichomes are translucent and some are even opaque so I figure a week will have them all opaque on their way to amber...Only time will tell...


Active member
Heya gang.....just wanted to post a few pics so you can see the difference.. What I did and usually do is pick off a large portion of the fan leaves around a week or so before harvest. Did that 2 days ago.

Today (sept 14/12) when I opened the tent, I could actually notice a size difference.. I mean much more so than usual. Could be just me but I'll let you all be the judges of that....





what do you think...is it just me or has there been a noticeable size change??


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Nice update shots vukman!

I can smell them from here!

Turning on my online carbon scrubber for this thread


Active member
sweet like melons and cantaloupe.......It's on the home stretch...flush time that is...figure about a week or so and we're done with this batch...Then the moment of truth will come when the weigh in happens after the drying..

I know right off it's going to be low. I didn't start with the LED's and then I got those damn 'Cooties' but there is a much bigger issue at work here and that can only be attributed for my impulsiveness and lack of knowledge and information or ignorance which actually is the proper word to use.

I'm just holding off on that information for a bit but it does have to do with the wavelengths of the chips which are in these lights I am using.. Let's just say that the spectrum and the quantity of individual wavelengths are totally out of whack and I haven't even touched upon the optics......more will be revealed at a later date...Let's just say the yield could and should have been a lot better....


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
vukman, they look DENSE so I think the end yield might surprise you my friend. Next time I would test that by topping the shit out of them or some bondage work to even out the canopy then cut all the lower growth to see how just the top primary and secondary bud sites produce.

Dialing in a light is never done on the first run, trust me I wish it were that easy as well and we have all had YEARS of experience with our hps's and this stuff is new so some tweaking will always be in play brother.

Can't wait for the results though, please email or fax me a bud or two when they are ready. Man how cool would that be LOL


Active member
Well, you know they are still working on that technology where you can actually 'smell' stuff from and through the internet.. Actually, they were talking about that a few years ago and I don't think that it is beyond the realm of possibility even with the technology we have now.

I honestly think they've not followed through with it due to the fact of how it could be exploited. We all know that 'hackers' and I say that in the truest sense of the word. A 'hacker' is a person who hacks away at something to see how it works....It's got nothing to do with cracking code and DOS attacks on web sites.. Now, with that said, I'm sure some 'hacker' would figure out real quick how to send all kinds of 'smells' through the net...LOL....Can you imagine..Smelling the product before you buy so you know what you're getting...Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....aahahah


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Well, you know they are still working on that technology where you can actually 'smell' stuff from and through the internet.. Actually, they were talking about that a few years ago and I don't think that it is beyond the realm of possibility even with the technology we have now.

I honestly think they've not followed through with it due to the fact of how it could be exploited. We all know that 'hackers' and I say that in the truest sense of the word. A 'hacker' is a person who hacks away at something to see how it works....It's got nothing to do with cracking code and DOS attacks on web sites.. Now, with that said, I'm sure some 'hacker' would figure out real quick how to send all kinds of 'smells' through the net...LOL....Can you imagine..Smelling the product before you buy so you know what you're getting...Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....aahahah

just imagine all the 14 year old boys sending their farts around the globe, thats what I envision with that technology LOL


Active member
what 14!?!? I'm 47 and I'd still do it!! ROFL....ahhhhhhhh....it's the simple things in life that make it worth living...:)

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