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Just bought me an old guitar...

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
Aww thats so sweet..:smile: only time my son dont like it is when Donna Jean starts to roar lmao..but that period didnt last forever and what we listen now is the basics, Workingmans and Aoxomoxoa today..


been playing for around 12 - 13 years now. Nothing brings me more joy then being able to relax and play the guitar and coming up with new shit...

gonna record a demo very shortly.

enjoy the guitar bro.


Mother Nature's Son
My good friend has a Blonde Stratocaster that he customized, a Midnight Blue Fender Artisist Series Eric Clapton Signature Stratocaster that has the smoothest neck in the world! Polyurethane finish on it, that bitch is like buttered ice. The two nicest guitars I have ever played on. He has them hooked up to a reissue '57 Fender Twin Deluxe Amp, with some badass tubes...I forget. He also has a reissue reverb, going for that old feel. Tube screamer and delay pedal and we are cranking. When he first got the delay, we sat in his hot room, smoking joint after joint. My brother, him and I jammed for a long time. Nicest setup I have ever played out of. I am really glad I got to know him!!

Rolls the best cones too! :joint:

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