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Just bought me an old guitar...



I just bought my first guitar off ebay. I needed to get an old beater to use for learning slide, and found this old guitar with a trapeze tailpiece. Looks like it is from the 50's maybe. Its a bit of a gamble, the lady who was selling it didn't know anything about guitars and gave a very vague description and kind of fuzzy photos. It only cost me squat though, so can't go too wrong.

Be playin some slide shortly!
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Future Psychopharmacologist
Heres my guitar. Its an old peavey t60 prolly from the early 80's. Great overall guitar but i really want a strat.


Uncle Jesse

Active member
Cool i have an old Washburn D-10 and a couple of harmonica's a Hohner Tremolo, and Hohner Blues Harp in c, Had a fender Bass & amp but got rid of it, wish now i kept it .

you can't go wrong with music! have fun and enjoy !

most of my friends have les pauls but they Cost , If your just learning the one you got is fine, new strings, take it to a shop have em lower the action, makes it ezier too play if ya like it get something better later . Later this year im gonna pick up a Huney Burst les Paul.
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robobond said:
to each his own. personally I like the action of a strat better.


and most of the Les paul people prefer Marshall amps as well.

Im partial to Fender guitars and especially! Fender amps....


Active member
I'm thinking of getting a guitar also to learn, I have thought about this before but didn't want to spend tons of money so I haven't got one yet.

I forgot about ebay...

would an electric guitar be okay to learn on? I really would like an electric rather than an acoustic. I like the sound of electric better.
I quality American made strat will run you around the same price as a Les Paul.

You can get a Mexican strat for half that, but those things are worth fuck all, half the time the neck is fucking crooked before you even take it out of the shop, and the string buzz and sound all fucked up when you play them.

American Strats are quality, but nothing like a Les Paul.

Like someone else said, to each their own.

That being said, when I start jamming out and get into it, I could care less if I am playing a Les Paul or a $50 acoustic guitar, my mind just gets carried away.
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Un - Retired,
horses for courses

horses for courses

some guitars are better for playing certain things than others are
playing Gary Moore on a strat sounds weak as it doesn't have the gibson sustain
my personal favorite is my Ibanez, really nice action and easy to play

heres some of my sons collection of guitars

this was him when he was 14


yeah i like ibanezes necks a lot i got a nice collection! epiphone acoustic, yamaha acoustic, fernandes revolver pro with built in sustain...its OK kinda big chunky neck..., Ibanez gio a budget ibanez...i recomend budget guitars..i think the selection is great and they got style...i mean when youre first learning all you need is a cheap guitar that stays in tune..., Rok Axe...my first guitar $99 with amp and gig bag from the department store covered it in postal stamps ...White telecaster i built with one of those build your own guitar kit and gave it a strat head thinking i was being original only to find out the company built teles with strat necks a few years later...so now its not as cool..but thats my favorite electric...theres also a jackson DKMG which is VERY NICE and an ibanez Rg thats very nice also

acoustics are my fav though!
http://youtube.com/watch?v=Ddn4MGaS3N4 <<<kinda cool


aww man and i just cleaned it :(

heres a better one of my epiphone :yummy:

my plants always stretch in the beginning :( they fill themselves out later but...i dunno....i want short plants and im too scared to top them when they are young but trimming seems to be the key to a bushy plant....


Active member
i have a couple guitars...
an old made in texas "charvel" strat..that plays like a dream ...a peavey tracer(it's a beater but plays nice)
and an old epiphone acoustic that i got for 50 bucks

hal...what slide tunings u using?
i do some slide...usually in d or g open
also straight tune slide
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Yummybud said:
I'm thinking of getting a guitar also to learn, I have thought about this before but didn't want to spend tons of money so I haven't got one yet.

I forgot about ebay...

would an electric guitar be okay to learn on? I really would like an electric rather than an acoustic. I like the sound of electric better.

Hey Yummy...

I'm just a beginner too. If you like the sound of electric, definitely start playing with an electric. Most important: make certain that the guitar you practice with is "playable," meaning that the strings are at a good height above the frets. If the strings height (the "action") is too high the guitar will be harder to play. Many folks give up because high action is harder on the fingers, especially a newb who has no callouses..

Don't forget...ebay can be risky, especially if you don't know much about used guitars. The only reason I felt comfortable looking on ebay is because I was looking for a guitar to play slide with, and you can play slide just fine on guitars that are bent out of shape.


mtnjohn said:
i have a couple guitars...
an old made in texas "charvel" strat..that plays like a dream ...a peavey tracer(it's a beater but plays nice)
and an old epiphone acoustic that i got for 50 bucks

hal...what slide tunings u using?
i do some slide...usually in d or g open
also straight tune slide

Hey John...

Not sure what tunings I'll be going with, I am a complete beginner, have only been playing guitar for about 3 months now (got me an old Yamaha FG-160 to start with). I have always loved the sound of slide guitar though, and recently encountered some opinions that learning how to play slide is harder if you already have been playing guitar flatpickin/fingerpickin for some time. I figured, why wait, may as well learn slide while I am still a beginner.

Regarding the tunings...not sure, but I may be guided by the condition of the Regal when I get it. I have heard that some tunings put a lot more stress on the guitar, and if this little Regal I'm getting has any structural issues I'll likely go with tunings that are easier on the tension.

Straight tuning with slide....I have heard that this is harder to play, so I'll likely wait to try that tuning.