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Just Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part 3


Wow man im freaking speechless and you know thats something that i never have a problem with, never, but the pic's are beautiful. I had them re vegs last year and it felt great to sit with them, but man i cant even imagine sitting there having a smoke:dance013:

Good or lucky my ass, your just all out good man, cuz when your good you dont need luck, even tho your going to disagree with me.

Wow, damn man......Great work and thanks for sharing it with us! I have wondered why you didn't do a shit load of re veg's, but i sure see now you dont have to. Damn man, shit:thank you:

Hope the trimming goes well and glad ya had some unexpected help.

Wow man, cant wait to see what your going to pull out of your sleeve in part 4, i just dont know how it can get better then this man.

Great job:respect:



Well-known member
More Random Thoughts

More Random Thoughts

Warning....At the end of these grow logs....things may go off topic.

Took five bucks from my partner yesterday. The bet was weather or not it would rain. Took until dark but sure enough, comming home after dropping the girls off at the airport, the road was wet.

You think I had time to take most of the last two monsters? Yep. took everything that was ready. Took hours on the Jack Herer (used scicors) minutes on the Rodney (used loppers). The Jack double will gurantee blow thru five lbs. There's a personal record there.

I'm bummed....One of the trimmers is...was? my very first girlfriend. AKA....the one that got away. We're talking 32 years ago. It's not often you get a stroll down the road not taken...At 50, the trip back to 18 was fuckin' glorious....but you can't stay long enough.

Shit happens...nuff said...where were we?

We're not quite done. Still have the cane to do. Have to stress test the last plant, and pull the scraps. I'll probably be trimming to Febuary....or Christ's second comming...whichever comes last. Still gotta do totals, What I did right, What I did wrong, And a few smoke reports. We ain't dead yet.

But we're close. On life support here....shut it down, take the dogs back, return to normal.

Weez....TYVM. whoda thunk? Two for two, still batting 1000

Rusty....again TY. An attaboy from you means somthing.

Nameless...stop lurking....come out and play.

Canni....Yea you're right...I slipped you the Thai....have fun....

Sorry I couldn't resist. Ok...these impressions are from a one plant sample. your mileage may differ.

All the Rodneys you have, have the same bud structure. The HB/rod you can tell because it's darker green. The buds are nuggets. Pure Rodney will grow smaller than Kush/rod. Same color young. The buds on pure rod aren't tight. That looks like Kush/rod. If it is that was the biggest of the kids. The buds are tighter than pure Rod, but they take the longest of the kids.

O. K. I bit. Which is it? Looked at your Rodney log...they are where they should be. Kinda close? I'm not an indoor guy so I don't know. These ain't the Indica's you like to play with. You have a fan on them?

I feel like I did you a disservice. I hadn't run them, and you didn't get the pick of the litter. I didn't know that would be the Jack/Rod.

LSY....dude...you made this log. I disagree with you. all luck brudda.

HRM...TY...you don't say much...your genetics speak for you.

Headband....still the only one that called Rodney correct.

To everybody that commented and repped me I Thank You too.

Even Fedor. Everybody needs a brick chucked at them once and a while.

Does it sound like I'm saying goodbye? Because I am. To part three. It's a fitting day for it.

Now, smoke reports...I don't do them....Not impartial, too close. That's like an open book test. Somebody else has to do them.

Hope you all follow me to part four...




High country cat herder
Yep, your corrrect, bud in the pic is one of the Kush! :tiphat: If you went thru the album, #5 was only one pic of the HB. #2 and 3 are 2 of the kush pheno's side by side. The one is so sparse with flowers that It's almost impossible to think I'll get any yield from it at all!

At present I do not have a pure Rodney in flower. I took a clone and kept the seedling as a mum. Clone is starting to take off and will be getting trained and topped to help reduce stretch and increase yeild, if she takes after her cousins I'll need all the help I can get.

I'm expecting 80+ day's of flower, Weez? Horsey?


Well-known member
I Screwed the Pooch.

I Screwed the Pooch.

Damn it to hell.

In order for me to put this to bed, were missing the final piece of the puzzle. I screwed up in the cane.

Last week we were suppose to go finish this. Go down the line and take everything. Last Sunday we did all the advance work. Last Monday we got the call that Green Harvest would be up.

Great. Most of the crop is in and the're going to fly. Typical. Day late dollar short. Scratch the entire week.

Saturday it rains. Fields are soup. Skip Sunday, Today, Halloween should be perfect. We change plans. Instead of just the two of us, each of us now has a driver. We planning a smash and grab with both of us harvesting, the driver hauling to the road, and partner's wife picking it all up at pre chosen spots. All planned out, everybody is ready. Even had a diversion planned.

More rain today. It pounded. The quad loves the mud, but the bikes don't. Scratch today.

Now we've put ourselves into a corner. Next weekend hunting season begins. The fields will be full of people with guns. In the next four days we have to brave the mud, and do the job.

Doesn't help that the rain is here and getting worse. It'll take us all of eight hours to do this job....so we play it by ear and see what happens. If necessary we can do this the long way, or even on foot. But it's gonna be ugly. Any way this goes its gonna be ugly.

It can never be all easy. Shit like this keeps you honest. One good thing. If the fields are mud, the workers will be having the same axcess problems as us. Any more rain (that's a given) and the workers will be getting some time off. We can work with that.
Although I can't help with your mud wrestling, I can...if absolutely necessary...offer an address to ship all that nasty trim, lol.

Helluva job. :yes: :yes:


Well-known member
All, None, Most of, or Very Little of This is Bullshit....

All, None, Most of, or Very Little of This is Bullshit....

Well....You want to know what yesterday was like?

Get four of your friends....wait, make that four people that don't like you. An ex wife or two. Put two of them 20 ft above you and the other two 20 ft in front of you. Give all four of them an endless supply of dirt clods. Put your helmet on, sit on the quad.

Then hit the throttle and have everybody open fire on your head.

The quad throws a lot of mud. Should have had a clue when my partner suggested I pilot. Heard him laughing as he hid behind me the whole way. Asshole. He thought ahead. I'm just pissed I didn't think of it until the first clod hit my head..

It wasn't pretty, but not as bad as I thought. We got in easily, and got started. Partner harvested, I hauled. Got pelted with mud pretty much the whole time I was moving trash bags full of buds to the road then taking my partner to the next patch....life is hard.

We did pretty good. Three patches gave us both duffels and seven stuffed trash bags, before sun set. All came from the same seeds planted around the house. Some was seeded, most wasn't. The rats make sure of that. A lot was overmature, but with Sativas in the cane, it doesn't hurt them in the least. Just adds more weight.

That puts the pressure on me. He set the bar pretty high. The patches I planted have to do better than his or I'll never hear the end of it. We'll find out soon. Just not today. Fuckin' raining hard now. Here's what saw when I was about to leave the house. Scratch today.


Since my house is kinda full, and it takes forever to fully dry here, all of this will be dealt with down there. He's got the room and the people to do the nonfun part. My plate's full in that department.

We still have the wet blob of weather hanging offshore and upwind of us. It's suppose to be there the rest of this week, with reinforcement on Thursday. Today ain't Thursday...WTF???

Guarantee...we're going to be working into the weekend. But if it keeps raining like this we won't have to worry much about the yahoo's with guns....or anybody else. They'll be stuck in the mud 50 ft off the road.

So what do I do now? I can burn some time putting gratuitious shots of piles of hanging vegitation like this;


Or bags of product like this;


Oh, thats most of the Diesel x Rod. Not bad. Fifty two ozs total. And there is still a little more to take off the stem and the small second bite left to trim. Height wise she was one of the smaller ones. Heres some of the tops.


So far the HB x Rod first take came out to twenty seven ozs. Haven't gotten to the second bite yet. Still drying.

Only three big plants left in the garden. The EE, the Thai cross, and Canni's favorite strain...the Kush x Rodney. The EE is seeded and undergoing the stress test, and the rest only have popcorn left.

Since I'm hoping to kill this log off by next week we might as well get to the what I did right and what I did wrong.

Wrong? Ever wonder what happens here when a plant has no mold resistance? Of the two oldies, you all know how well the EE did. Here's the other side of the coin.


Sweet Jesus... that's ugly! I did take some before the mold and rot blew her up, but that's just a flat out waste.

And you all saw the Jack trifoliate a few posts back. There's a mess. Jack's stems are very prone to rot. All of them had branches or tops die off before the buds were ready.

The gulch should have had less plants. I put them too close together. And I should have double framed the gulch. Also I couldn't get to the tops to pull dead leaves or check for catterpillars. Frankly I should have pulled them all over and made them easier to get at.

If I had started them in pots instead of directly in the hole I coulda got another foot or two off of all of these. It wouldn't made a lick of difference because on these, most of the yield is on the branches.

Also paranoia is overated. Easy to say that now.

What I did right? Two things. The weather I had no say in. It was shit, but when I needed it to good it was great. The other right thing I did was give up the budded Thai crosses, trust my instincts and keep the Rodneys. That was the best move I made. Took the chance, pushed back the harvest and it paid off....in spades.

What do you all think of dog shit compost now? It's free and it works. Can't ask for anymore than that.

Also sending wifey to mom's was....what's the word I'm looking for?
I can't say that, but it did work out.
What do you all think of dog shit compost now? It's free and it works.
Got a recipe for that? Is Chihuahua dung ok, or does Pit Bull work better? Does the manufacturer use dry or canned additives? Do you adjust ph or let it sit-out overnignt? Would cat dung do in a pinch?


Well-known member
Let's Have Some Fun...You Really Want to go there?

Let's Have Some Fun...You Really Want to go there?

I know...this is a shitty topic. Wonder how long it'll take for Ganji Hasi to yank this post....we'll find out soon if he actually reads this shit.

Rusty...you are quite the shit stirrer....You want details?....We can give you details.

Shit from small dogs will work....but collection's a problem. It takes a lot of little piles to add up. Same with cat shit. I refuse to chase the cat. He's a shit stasher anyway. Here's a small one. Like your avg Chihuahua turd. Not much there.


Now this is what your looking for. Here's a monument. If I dropped this....be mighty proud. Shits of this size are the ones to use. It's not rocket science. Bigger dog = bigger turd.


Some of the dogs are older. they drop it steps from the front door. Collection there is simple. The younger ones go further out, but I find those too. Usually by stepping in them.

As you can see the manufacterer used no preservatives and or salt. Just dry food and chicken and rice. Then run it through any dog. Don't bother to adjust the PH. Just add it all to the compost pile with all the kitchen waste, pulled weeds, raked leaves, potted plant root balls, the trim, and all the yard green waste....Oh wait. Do you still want some of that trim? And everything else that will decompose with time.

When you get a big pile cover it with dirt then forget about it for a year.

After a year....dog shit compost. All natural. And it's free! So Rusty...there are your details...be careful what you ask for.

This seems like a good place to close this log out....on this note.

Yesterday we got an early start and finished the cane harvest. Green Harvest got a patch. The other five were there and looking good. We have some scraps still left, but there comes a point where enough is enough. We reached that point a week ago. Working a mature canefield is bust ass. I've had enough. The scraps can rot for all I care. My age is showing. Dreamed of a thousand, planted 500, took about 100 and of that hundred...maybe thirty were really nice....We're just happy it's over.

So Long Season 2011 is done....Pau....Kaput...Over. Since I've seeded the EE that will move to Part Four.

A month or two from now I'll revisit this after I trim it all down and put in the plant totals, and I'm working on a victim or three to do the smoke reports. I also have a bunch of cane pics that I'll put up after everything cools down. It was a good year.

Now I can downshift and not have my life revolve around the plants.

The party's over....Last one out please turn off the lights.


Last time I was round this place things where getting crazy. now I come back its a ghost town; Full to the tits with some good ass weed. I'm still dreaming of the south O.H.
good luck with the next season how many of those do you lucky bitches get down there every year?



Just read some (not all) of the thread and great story in the cane fields. Great job grabbing the harvest in the red muck & kudos in the bravery dept!

Preaching to the choir here but it sure is frustrating that green harvest goes on and not enough $$$ left to really deal with all the ice that's somehow made to the tropics without melting.

My wife and I moved to Maui around 7 months ago (Kihei) and like you said in the opening post - it's tough but someone's got to do it...
