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Joe Rogan: Most Interesting human to follow.



yea Is saw joes myspace page, and it had all this info about dmt and other delics... And he smokes the good shit... so he gets a little more respect from me.

I bet he was baked everyday on the man show lol


9Lives said:
Joe Rogan is exactly like Bill Hicks...as i recall they used to be friends...he's style on stage...the voices..everything. It's just that he's stage presence lacks a bit.

As i recall he was friends with Bill..anyone who respects what Bill had to say..is more than cool in my book. I think i understand what Joe is trying to say..but he does not handle it as well as Bill did. Imitation is the greatest form of admiration after all.

Doug Stanhope.. He's the closest thing to a new Bill Hicks.
And is funny as hell too :wave:

I'm pretty sure these guys don't wanna be Hicks or even compared to Hicks, but there u go



"It's just a flesh wound"
sogman said:
Hey that was pretty good. It's amazing how much offense people take to smack talk.
Meh I feel no remorse, but next time I'll let you slip ur bullshit opinion in just so I don't have to respond to you.

You can always spot the OG trash. Welcome to my ignore list. Don't bother to respond, I won't be able to see it thank God.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
aah Stanhope...not my cup of tea exactly.

He's rambling a bit too much for my taste..He's lacking the twists and turns Bill had..

and not a very good actor...just like Joe Rogan..Don't get me wrong they are not bad but they just lack the charisma..


I know what u mean man, he does lack a big screen presence, but that's part of the appeal to me :)
When watching a guy like Stanhope do stand up, u know his not gonna be filming a Dr. Doolittle movie or some lame ass thing like that tomorrow.


I can't say that I'm a big fan of Rogan, but I was impressed by his ability to articulate some of the points on DMT. Was the music playing at the end part of his 'show' or did the person who put the youtube piece together add that in?


Active member
word, i had this subscribed and havent read through it in forever. But a few months back i picked up his stand up dvd and hes pretty freakin funny. Very damn funny, the smoke planes filled with chronic smokes the best part lol "dude what the **** are we doing with our lives...i have a cell phone but im dressed like a fuken genie"


if there is any 'most interesting human' to follow, it's def. not the roganator
but yeah, that was a funny youtube thing
especially when he tells me i need to dream or i go crazy and die. LOL


Wow, some of the things roganator says on the pot shpeel is straight out dumb, lol

D Rock

Rogan is cool with me but I had no idea that he was so intouch with the unknown, and into his mind body and soul like he is. I might have to try this DMT. Good find.
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I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
journies said:
Wow, some of the things roganator says on the pot shpeel is straight out dumb, lol
Joe Rogan is very out there type of guy a lot of arm motions and gestures. but nothing he said was dumb. if your talking about the smoke part hes right. for every deleterious effect of cannabis smoke there is some anti agent. cannabis contains anti-carcinogens, is anti inflammatory (used in the VI as asthma medication) and it is an anti-mutagen. There is even evidence that THC prevents cancer. the guy knows what hes talking about.


Active member
joe rogan kicks ass. i like the video on fear factor when some pissed off chick punches this dude, and rogan gets in her face...her boyfriend gets in rogans face, and then rogan pulls the ol' hockey trick, pulls his shirt over his head. loooooooool, pwnd.


C21H30O2 said:
Joe Rogan is very out there type of guy a lot of arm motions and gestures. but nothing he said was dumb. if your talking about the smoke part hes right. for every deleterious effect of cannabis smoke there is some anti agent. cannabis contains anti-carcinogens, is anti inflammatory (used in the VI as asthma medication) and it is an anti-mutagen. There is even evidence that THC prevents cancer. the guy knows what hes talking about.
Cannabis doesn't have anti-carcinogenic properties when just smoking it. You have to isolate and concentrate specific compounds to achieve anti carcinogenic effects. Anyone (in this case the roganator) who claims smoke doesn't do anything to your lungs is wonky


neat videos. never knew joe rogan was into that

a friend of mine spent some time in portland and said it's pretty easy to find dmt there. he smoked it a few times and saw stuff that he said changed his life. interesting stuff.


I've had a few life changing experiences involving psychadelics, that said i find Joe rogan to be incredibly annoying. I just think he is rather obnoxious, and that a person who had really reached a peace with themselves wouldn't feel the need to be so damned loud. Kharma will catch up to him as well.