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Joe Rogan: Most Interesting human to follow.


Get two birds stoned at once
Guys, you obviously dont get allong so just stop talking to eachother, dont have the last word and dont speak to eachother again.


You know, I'd like to think that I'm alot more aware of the stuff around me than most people, but fuckin a. Joe Rogan just explained to me that while being psychoanalytical, logical, and aware of all of these surroundings may be good and all, I've got to master the other world. And, YES, Joe Rogan is the most annoying thing to watch on UFC, but if I had this much good inspirational info stored in me, I wouldn't be able to shut the fuck up either.
sogman you have ALOT to learn. I can guarantee by the things you have said and the way you carry yourself that you have some UGLY karma following you around(you don't have to believe in karma its there anyways waiting for you). I can thus also garuntee you the "scared shitless" experience you are asking for. Been there done that my friend...still recoopin, but suffering offers a chance for the most profound and possitive growth. I have become a much better person after the things I have seen, my karma was as ugly as my worst thoughts but now I am working towards cleansing my karma. I wish you luck in you dmt trip and I hope you find what you are REALLY looking for. Peace and love brother.


Active member
joe rogan, he hosts the "hit tv show" fear factor, I'm sure you've seen it..

and sure the dude is annoying, but he makes some seriously valid points in that radio show. heres a downloadable mp3 version for you yukon, give it a listen, worth your while....


and as for the heckler video....too funny, I would do the same if I were doing standup and caught shit.....right on..


but KG, you insulted Joe Rogan, what is the difference?

he could be posting here...

i think the guy is great. thanks for the links, good stuff.
kheph said:
but KG, you insulted Joe Rogan, what is the difference?

he could be posting here...

i think the guy is great. thanks for the links, good stuff.

Very valid point, some people are not as "open-minded" as they think they are. We have likes and dislikes and Joe Rogan rubs her the wrong way, but in truth there is nothing wrong with Joe Rogan and I would expect a woman of kharma's intelligence to be able to see the good in him and realize his little annoyance's are not him...


if this were a grow thread or something what KG said would be considered trolling. the comments just weren't needed. that chick is warped at times.

if your going to take a shit, at least take one on topic... and spray some air freshener please. :moon:
I like joe rogan as a ufc announcer a lot more than goldberg. Goldberg wouldn't know a triangle choke from his ass.
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Get two birds stoned at once
Hes done a lot of stuff actualy now that I think about it, I first saw him on that tv show about a new radio and he was the janitor lol.


Get two birds stoned at once
Mushies sound super easy to grow, no lights or weed smell! Grow it under your bed in college! But where to get the spore syringes and a presure cooker cheep?
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Active member
just to warn you mushies are classified as a dangerous drug and brings stiffer time if you get caught. but super easy to grow. you can order syringes from a plethara of places on internet most for 10$. there are shit loads of varietys. just read up before you start.

as for joe, i love him. the guy he replaced on the ufc sucked bad. i always find him entertaining and very knowlegable about the sport. also like "right on the button" funny as hell.

deft- news radio was 1 of my favorites. andy dick and phil hartman made that show for me.

and dam that youtube was good. dr. rogan preach on
There's actually a drinking game people play when they watch the UFC that's entirely based on what joe rogan says.

Here are some of the suggested rules and phrases. "Right on the button" should be added.

He's Rocked = 1 drink
"Warrior" = 1 drink
"hes got it, hes got it... ok he is out"... = 2 drinks
"We have been waiting our entire lives" = 1 drink
Goldberg calls Joe "buddy" = 3 drinks
When Goldberg says "lets go partner" to Joe = 4 Drinks
Plugging a future UFC event = 1 drink
"Stud" = 1 drink
"Omoplata" = 1 drink
Screw up name of move = 2 drinks
In his world = 1 drink
"He's got it, he's got it DEEP...oh wait he lost it" = 4 drinks
"Touch gloves as a show of respect" = 1 drink
"Fighting in Japan" = 1 drink
"For sure" = 1 drink
"Dirty Boxing" = 1 drink
"Elite" = 1 drink
Militech reference = 1 drink
"Brutal elbows" = 1 drink
"Big Right Hand" = 1 drink
Goldie breaks out the old baseball bat/lowkick analogy = 2 drinks
"shows well-rounded skills" = 1 drink
"heart" = 1 drink
"We all know wrestlers don't like to be on their backs" = 1 drink
"No joke" = 1 drink
"phenomenal" = 1 drink
camera cuts to celeb = 1 drink
"Quintessential" = 1 drink
"can he finish it here" = 1 drink
"war of attrition" = 1 drink


Active member
Kharmagirl I will agree that this is a public forum and you are entitled to your opinon. The way I reacted is actually the exact opposite of the way you should react when faced with skepticism. The people who are supposed to find this information out are the ones who are listening for the voice of god, and were handpicked by fate. Maybe the apple will far farther from the tree.

Leonardo that is so typical. So you think I'm a nasty person and need to be punished by bad karma for getting pissed off on a forum, "lay off". I am very generous to people I don't know. I always let everyone show me who they are before I create any opinons. I ignore faces and body types, I will listen to anything once except for ignorant skepticism. I mean the link was like right freaking there! twice!

There is nothing that annoys me more than people who are so stubborn they won't even consider spending a small portion of their time to listen to something. I mean she thinks her opinion was valid even though she simply insulted him and went off topic. I mean that say's enough. Kinda reminded me of graffiti that you'd see in bathroom stalls. LOL so was my comment don't worry I know this.

I have to thank kheph cause the issue definetly needed a reappraisal. Excellent point man, I wish I could've said something like that. Maybe soon my brain will grow some more like leo promised it would :D fuck..... *shakes head*

People are people, Nobody's gonna remember what I said years from now but they might remember what Joe Rogan said which is why I posted it on here for people that I knew would appreciate it. Posting it on here was my first thought after watching it.

Joe is funny dude and he's sharp of wit. There's alot more of him to come yet so strap yourself in kharmagirl.


Silver Bullet: As a person who has seen his share of UFC(most of which had Rogan on them), that game is fucking hilarious.

"Let's see if he can get his right leg over his left. If he does, he'll have it locked in."

"Those Militech guys are animals. All they do is beat the crap out of each other."


Active member
i think the funniest part of both videos is when joe rogan is dissing that heckler and she says something like he never gets laid. he goes "WHO WANTS TO FUCK ME RIGHT NOW?"

*crowd goes wild*



three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Joe Rogan is exactly like Bill Hicks...as i recall they used to be friends...he's style on stage...the voices..everything. It's just that he's stage presence lacks a bit.

As i recall he was friends with Bill..anyone who respects what Bill had to say..is more than cool in my book. I think i understand what Joe is trying to say..but he does not handle it as well as Bill did. Imitation is the greatest form of admiration after all.