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Joe Rogan: Most Interesting human to follow.


Active member
The above link is a 9 minute clip on DMT and it will blow the lid off ur skull. The way he describes the shit is inspiring to me, because I'm in the process of ordering some from an excellent online source. PM me for it if u want.

I cannot waite to get my greedy sweaty immature hands on this. I literally want to be shocked and scared shitless. Infact if I am not I will be disappointed entirely and prolly drink beer the rest of my life. :D

I've read too many shitty erowid reports on erowid. I know many people before me have tried DMT knew about DMT. It's not about how knew first.
I tried to inform a buddy over msn but he's got so much pride and stubbornness he bragged about how he knew about DMT before an shit so I didn't even send him the youtube. He's not worthy yet.

This guy has the time to be a stand up comic, host for numerable television shows more to come obviously, travel around and post on his website forum 24/7. He is like a perpetual machine of confidence. When you are watching him do his acts he's in auto-drive. He's good at associating his thoughts into words when he describes stuff. He's way more smart than the people he hangs around in showbiz. I guess smart isn't cool these days.

I also watched a video of him describing a sensory deprivation chamber.
Very cool shit! Heres the youtube in case you were interested.


Nice find, good clip also. Joe Rogan is one smart guy, people don't give the guy enough credit.

My experiance wasn't as "profound" as his with the substance, but it was really similar to being thrust into the peak of an LSD trip but with it's own twist. Great stuff, once I am able to have my own stash I'll be able to better understand it. I would suggest anyone trying it, but be prepared for a nice jolt into another reality if you do it right so make sure you set down to pipe after hitting it.


Active member
Yeah man I'm gonna, this stuff didn't really come to light to me till now.
Better thing to mention. Joe Rogan is total stoner. :p

But Yeah I didn't give him much credit before which is why I was shocked when he started shooting his lips off about dmt like he had a doctorate in it.

I can't waite to get my canary grass seeds!
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Active member
sogman said:
The way he describes the shit is inspiring to me, because I'm in the process of ordering some from an excellent online source. PM me for it if u want.

I cannot waite to get my greedy sweaty immature hands on this. I literally want to be shocked and scared shitless. Infact if I am not I will be disappointed entirely and prolly drink beer the rest of my life. :D

are you planning on extracting dmt or making ayahuasca...

cause what he's describing in this youtube thing is smoking pure dmt... and you can't buy pure dmt... drinking ayahuasca is a much different experience...


Active member
Smoking it, Obviously I'll have to research the extraction. From what I heard its as simple as soaking in a solvents and alcohol for weeks.

A few forks in the road won't stop me. pssh


wow. I never knew this guy was so intouch with the world around him. for all this time i thought he was just a mindless tool.


... and you can't buy pure dmt

Smokeable DMT - Street drug - $300 a gram. It's on Sonoran Desert toad's secretion as well as some other animals too. You smoke it like hash on a joint but much less. A guy I know got popped with several Gs and it took weeks for the cops to determine if it was a drug or not. Product of the USA.
Google it, they sell shirts, how to extract it and all. It's smoked and the high last like 10 minutes, like crack...

Ayuaska - Vine of the Souls, also has DMT, but from a barky vine (Banisteriopsis) combined with a MAO inhibitor found in a different plant (Psychotria etc..) Alot of cooking and reductions...that one is to drink and lasts like 4 -20 hours
Google Santo Daime or UDV

I've seen variations of ayuaska where it is turned to honey by concentrating the first batches and mixing that until it evaporates into a thick honey like substance. The smell of Ayuaska is like a molasses/honey smell with forest and soil hints, dark golden brown. Hawaii is becoming a big center for these groups who use these as well as Cali now that it was recognized in a Supreme Court decision this year. Amazing sweet goodness.
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"i'll wrap my dick around your neck and start you up like a fucking lawnmower"

that's gotta be one of the funniest things i've ever heard
lol. "right before you go to sleep or before you die your brain pumps out large amounts of dmt"

and theres an alien communicating with me, except he's made entirely of energy...and there's no outline to him, and he's telling me not to give in to astonishment.

Rogan's awesome.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Joe Rogan is ANNOYING. I can't stand his stupid little comments. He can't stay quiet for 2 seconds. "Ooohhh. he got rocked on the button"! Grrrrrr! I love watching UFC but Rogan wrecks it every time. Sorry, a bit off topic I know, but when I saw the title of the thread I almost fell off my chair :tongue:


lol joe rogan is hillarious, especialy on the chappelle show episode with the crack head.
sweet clip though, might need to venture into DMT some time.


Active member
Kharma you obviously didn't watch the video.
You sound like my friend who was ignorant, and your certainly not worthy either.

I won't tell you to sit on a knife or something but when I post 2 fucking links and you ignore everything but the title I want something to run you over.


also, why would you buy dmt if you could extract it yourself like joe said?


~Resident Puck Bunny~
That is rude. Plain and simple. I am NOT ignorant. Your comment was out of line. Why the need to insult? Am I not entitled to an opinion???? Saying you wish death on me is horrible! Merry fucking Christmas to you to, arsehole. I could honestly care less what drugs Joe Rogan does. To me is he annoying.How do you know I didn't watch the video?? I watched it and I still don't care for him. So what?? How does it affect you if I choose to not like someone? The second you wished harm you crossed a line. You seem like a person I am glad I will never meet.
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Active member
Hey that was pretty good. It's amazing how much offense people take to smack talk.
Meh I feel no remorse, but next time I'll let you slip ur bullshit opinion in just so I don't have to respond to you.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Getting upset because someone has an opinion different than yours is immature and close minded. If you can't handle varying opinions, don't create threads 'cause everyone has an opinion. I don't insult people who like Joe Rogan, that's their perogative and doesn't affect me at all. Sorry you have a hard time coping with people and opinions. :wave: