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Joe Biden Thread


Well-known member
I still reckon trump is done with the republicans, that’s why he’s randomly trashing them and making them choose to vote against him.
He’ll probably take most of his followers with him....

What Will the new party be called though?

If he runs again he will run as a Republican. The rino's couldn't stop Trump in 2016 because the republican voters overwhelmingly supported Trump despite all the attempts to stop him and that won't change in 2024. If Trump runs again he knows the majority of Republican voters will back him. Any Republican in power who goes against Trump is walking on thin ice with the voters who put them there.


ICMag Donor
So much will come out on trump in the next four years he will be toast. As soon as pressure starts and some explanations are due the culprits will be begging for immunity deals and singing for canaries.


Well-known member
So much will come out on trump in the next four years he will be toast. As soon as pressure starts and some explanations are due the culprits will be begging for immunity deals and singing for canaries.

I won't believe anything coming from the Biden administration or the msm, so good luck with that LOL. Even if Fox was to come out against Trump we already know that channel is ran by rino's.


ICMag Donor
I won't believe anything coming from the Biden administration or the msm, so good luck with that LOL. Even if Fox was to come out against Trump we already know that channel is ran by rino's.

It will be the ROTs. Republicans ousted trump.

Thought I was on the list.:D


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
So much will come out on trump in the next four years he will be toast. As soon as pressure starts and some explanations are due the culprits will be begging for immunity deals and singing for canaries.

i can hardly wait for melania's tell all book!


Active member
It's been done.

How about TARPers? Trump's Alternate Reality Party.

TARPers, and their supporters copy Putin’s top three techniques for disinformation, on a never ending hamster wheel.

1) Deny facts ( Biden didn’t win election)
2) Deflect attention from the facts, or whataboutism’s. (Take your pick, Democrats were in the KKK in the 1940’s, or lots of people believe something happened according to polls, etc)
3) Dissemination of Lies (Biden stole election)

The point is to sow doubt about facts and make believe that everything is subjective and there are no actual facts.

This was from a former U.S. ambassador to Russia, Michael Mcfaul.


Well-known member
Deny facts - Like the fact that Trump didn't collude with Russia.

Deflect attention - msm never reported on the Hunter Biden situation as a deflection.

Dissemination of lies - Blame everything on Russia.

Yep this game can be played both ways.


Active member
The Republican led Senate Committee to Investigate Russian interference found the following;

1) Trumps campaign manager Paul Manafort delivered internal polling data to Constantine Kilimnik, on key swing states during the 2016 election. He also delivered the Trump campaigns strategy against Hillary Clinton.

2) Putin was personally behind the Democratic email hacking that was released through Wikileaks. Wikileaks “very likely knew it was assisting a Russian intelligence influence effort.

3)The trump campaign sought to take advantage of those leaks by asking for advance notice of those leaks, and crafting public relations strategy’s around their release, and even encouraged further theft of information and continued leaks.


>MSM not reporting enough Hunter Biden stuff? Barr himself won’t investigate that, big wup on the tax crap, think he’s special for that?

>only on fox, breitbart, oan, newsmax, do the Democrats blame everything on Russia. Show me examples otherwise.


Well-known member
I don't see proof of Russian collusion anywhere in your post. While Paul Manafort was delivering polling data (not really a big deal) Hillary's campaign was working on the Russian dossier propaganda which was created by (drum roll) a Russian agent. I believe Seth Rich delivered the emails to Wikileaks.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I don't see proof of Russian collusion anywhere in your post. While Paul Manafort was delivering polling data (not really a big deal) Hillary's campaign was working on the Russian dossier propaganda which was created by (drum roll) a Russian agent. I believe Seth Rich delivered the emails to Wikileaks.

It wouldn't matter if Trump admitted he worked with the Russians. you would still hand your soul to Trump.

Polling data, not a big deal?.... OK. I wonder why Cambridge Analytica worked so well. Oh how people forget. It was the Rep that started the Russian dossier..


Active member
I don't see proof of Russian collusion anywhere in your post. While Paul Manafort was delivering polling data (not really a big deal) Hillary's campaign was working on the Russian dossier propaganda which was created by (drum roll) a Russian agent. I believe Seth Rich delivered the emails to Wikileaks.

The steele dossier was started by Republicans

Seeing as how Donald Trump is the don of his crime syndicate, there's no way he didn't know all of the Russian interaction thatbwas going on. All of the intelligence committees reports show a lot of contacts between Trump's campaign and Russians. They knew they were attempting to help them, actively welcome the help, and didn't tell the authorities.

You can call that benign or not a big deal but it's pretty shady behavior undermining your own country and working with a hostile foreign power. It doesn't matter if you believe it or not.

But yeah let's talk about Hunter Biden's laptop that everyone forgot about.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
The steele dossier was started by Republicans

Seeing as how Donald Trump is the don of his crime syndicate, there's no way he didn't know all of the Russian interaction thatbwas going on. All of the intelligence committees reports show a lot of contacts between Trump's campaign and Russians. They knew they were attempting to help them, actively welcome the help, and didn't tell the authorities.

You can call that benign or not a big deal but it's pretty shady behavior undermining your own country and working with a hostile foreign power. It doesn't matter if you believe it or not.

But yeah let's talk about Hunter Biden's laptop that everyone forgot about.

but,but his taxes!:bigeye:

which is apparently a huge sin if your last name is biden but not trump...


Well-known member
The steele dossier was started by Republicans

Seeing as how Donald Trump is the don of his crime syndicate, there's no way he didn't know all of the Russian interaction thatbwas going on. All of the intelligence committees reports show a lot of contacts between Trump's campaign and Russians. They knew they were attempting to help them, actively welcome the help, and didn't tell the authorities.

You can call that benign or not a big deal but it's pretty shady behavior undermining your own country and working with a hostile foreign power. It doesn't matter if you believe it or not.

But yeah let's talk about Hunter Biden's laptop that everyone forgot about.

So Democrats, rino Republicans, and the FBI were seeking the help of the Russians behind closed doors to make up dirt on Trump aka the Russian dossier that was pushed by the msm for years is not undermining our country in your eyes? But Trump publicly looking for real proof of dirt on his opponent is undermining our country? Even after Wikileaks already said they had the dirt which got everyone's attention? Spin it however you want but I know better.


Active member
I won't believe anything coming from the Biden administration or the msm, so good luck with that LOL. Even if Fox was to come out against Trump we already know that channel is ran by rino's.

Hello all,

Yeah, the mango messiah, like jim jones, relies on your blind devotion.

Just out of curiosity boogie, how would you reconcile your adherence to tRump should it be revealed to you that he is indeed a con and a fraud?



Well-known member
Minds, I stopped listening to the news way before Trump ran for President. They lost me with weapons of mass destruction, the obvious bias once Trump entered the scene only furthered my disdain for the msm.


Active member
So Democrats, rino Republicans, and the FBI were seeking the help of the Russians behind closed doors to make up dirt on Trump aka the Russian dossier that was pushed by the msm for years is not undermining our country in your eyes? But Trump publicly looking for real proof of dirt on his opponent is undermining our country? Even after Wikileaks already said they had the dirt which got everyone's attention? Spin it however you want but I know better.

What the fuck is a RINO. Just because you're a Republican doesn't mean you need to fit the presidents entire dick and balls in your mouth. You can stand up for what you believe in whilst still holding party view. Trump is actually the antithesis of all the values TRUE Dems and Repubs hold. Trump is a lying grifter. You're telling me Trump is more of a Republican than John fuckin McCain or Abraham Lincoln? You're off your rocker if you think so.

It happens every election cycle. Republicans arents just running against Democrats, they're running against each other. That's what they do, they do oppo research. What they DONT do, however, is welcome help from a hostile foreign power in winning elections. Not only is it cheap and pathetic, but it basically negates any victories you win. It may not be illegal but it's definitely cheating and beneath decent people. If Trump was so great he would've won just on merit, but he had none.

He was also impeached for attempting to extort a foreign ally so they would cook up dirt on his political opponent. (Exactly what you're raging against.) The sworn testimony said Trump was looking for the announcement* of an investigation. Not so much looking to find actual dirt.