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Joe Biden Thread


Well-known member
I'm pretty sure federal judges and Supreme court justices will shoot down any unconstitutional mandates Biden tries to force on us.

if they are actually "unconstitutional", they fucking BETTER shoot them down. is someone just does not like them, they can vote against the person who enacted those policies next election.:D. the High Court is designed to examine things like that...IMHO, i have yet to see much (yet) that will make chump happy from his picks to the court. not rare for a POTUS to be disappointed by his choice. if they really are right-wing idealogues like some on the left believe, they have kept it hidden pretty well so far. skeptical questioning from Justices Roberts & Kavanaugh RE killing the hated "Obamacare".


ICMag Donor
Whoo-wee....someone (imubiu) needs a thc/CBD shake and gulp down...butterscotch or double chocolate?? Chill, would ya?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Having a Trumplican claim voter fraud , why are any surprised?. We all know even those in here would lie for Trump.


ICMag Donor


Ok, here it is: AS.com

BTW, 7 out of 10 times, I reference info......not out of my magician's hat or edited YT vid....

Biden wins US Presidential Elections: reactions and breaking news
Presidential Election 2020: Joe Biden elected 46th President of the US
Joe Biden: 290
Donald Trump: 217 (DJT won Alaska's 3 EC votes)

- Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States, promising to be: "A President who seeks not to divide, but to unify. Who doesn’t see Red and Blue states, but a United States."

- The President's campaign reveals intentions to file a lawsuit in Michigan to prevent the battleground state from certifying its election results

- Trump victory called by AP in Alaska, the 14th consecutive Republican victory there.

- President Elect Biden gives his thoughts on Trump's refusal to concede: "I just think it's an embarrassment, quite frankly... It will not help the President's legacy."

- Attorney General William Barr has called on federal prosecutors to examine allegations of vote fraud before the final results are certified. To date, there is absolutely no evidence to support the claim.

- The US Supreme Court hearing on Republican's appeal to remove Obamacare looks unlikely to be successful, Justices Kavanagh and Roberts appear to be siding with the Democrats.

- President Elect offers optimistic caution on covid-19 vaccine breakthrough: "I congratulate the brilliant women and men who helped produce this breakthrough and to give us such cause for hope."

- Biden - Harris team launch @Transition46 Twitter account. Trump says it's far from over, refuses to concede and sites unspecified pending lawsuits.


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Kiss My Ring
And... that ^^ is true simply because YOU say so?

I mean after all, Dr. Bob Melamede does YT vids and he's just a quack... riiiight? pfft. The Gerson therapy, Phoenix Tears, etc... etc,.
All just BS because they are on YouTube?
Straw man much?

I have a novel idea, why don't the folks who keep condemning YT (+ other sources) as being unreliable/ non viable sources of information/ news; bestow upon the rest of the community just what sources are deemed fit for consideration?

Oh no! Can't do that, then I cannot be condescending/ hypocritical and ever so sanctimonious. bah.

I mean.. y'all keep saying certain sources are NOT reliable/ viable yet, I've not often seen those that are considered worthy shared here either.

My method for researching is to read/ watch as many differing sources as I'm able to (besides msm). Depending upon the subject matter, this requires more/ less time and or sources.
THEN, I can draw a clearer picture of said subject based on several pieces of varying info.

I thought this is how folks who really want to know 'stuff' acquire that knowledge/ information?

No? Not everyone does this? :thinking:
good for you.

we have discerning minds. we can determine the validity from the subterfuge.
don't let these fools bully you into submission.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
My method for researching is to read/ watch as many differing sources as I'm able to (besides msm). Depending upon the subject matter, this requires more/ less time and or sources.
THEN, I can draw a clearer picture of said subject based on several pieces of varying info.

I thought this is how folks who really want to know 'stuff' acquire that knowledge/ information?

No? Not everyone does this? :thinking:
If you are ignoring msm, how is this research? This is the problem with people doing their own research. Anyone can make a website or a youtube video.
In the days before the internet a lot of views were confined to the nutjob sitting in the corner of the local pub. Now they make youtube clips or set up a website.
Before the internet research consisted of reading academic books or papers by people who actually knew what they were talking about. Now it is join the dots stuff created by conspiracy theorists. Truly depressing what people call "research" now.


Well-known member
If you are ignoring msm, how is this research?

Because alla MSM is heavily biased towards one side or the other depending on which audience they are trying to attract to purchase the products being sponsored by their advertisers, it's just that cold for one thing.

They ALL have an agenda, Fox News, CNN and MSNBC and they are carefully packaging their product (their highly edited version of the news) so that you buy it!

..... not to mention the news they choose not to report because it doesn't fit their narrative and would detract.

Like CNN recently before the (cough, cough) choice of Vice Presidential candidate advertised a then upcoming special featuring a totally created photo mock-up of 3 candidates standing in a row.

On the left side was Elizabeth Warren looking pale but with a 'nice smile'.

On the right was Mayor Pete, looking pale but with an identical 'nice smile'

..... but in the center was Kamilla Harris with her body turned to the side so she jutted forward in front of the others looking really bright-eyed dynamic with a megawatt smile.

Now, no one had to actually watch the show to figure out who CNN was pushing YOU to want!:D

..........Before the internet research consisted of reading academic books or papers by people who actually knew what they were talking about..........

lol, my point exactly, like just today when MSNBC's highly educated/ respected historian, author, commentator Jon Meacham just got outed for writing alla Joe Biden's speeches!

Do you think he was unbiased in his commentary?

None of them are, they all have a bias whether it's conscious or unconscious.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Pennsylvania’s top election officer says just 10,000 ballots were received after Nov. 3. Even if these where not used Biden would still win. So now Trumps trying to have all of the states votes removed. Why would anyone think this is OK?.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Any state that would automatically do a re count is perfectly fine. Its foolish to think Biden's lead would shrink by 14k+ votes. In PA Biden is leading with 50K votes with 99% reporting.


Well-known member
lol, my point exactly, like just today when MSNBC's highly educated/ respected historian, author, commentator Jon Meacham just got outed for writing alla Joe Biden's speeches!

Do you think he was unbiased in his commentary?

None of them are, they all have a bias whether it's conscious or unconscious.

Jon Meacham is a republican first of all, and a well known presidential historian. I'd want him to write my speeches too if i was going to be president. The guy is like a walking dictionary in terms of presidential knowledge.

Also any percieved biases are going to be projected toward the popular sentiment or person as well as the corporatist worldview, in this case Joe Biden who just won the presidency. Was MSNBC biased towards Trump in 2016 when they would air dead air empty podiums of Trump speeches instead of airing for example, a Bernie Sanders speech?


Well-known member
Jon Meacham is a republican first of all, and a well known presidential historian. I'd want him to write my speeches too if i was going to be president. The guy is like a walking dictionary in terms of presidential knowledge....

He may have been a Republican at one time but not sure about now.


"And I’m not being — I promise, this is not being partisan. This is not some anti-red hat thing. Look, I live in Tennessee. I’m George H.W. Bush’s biographer. I value the Republican party that I knew when I was growing up."

I like JM and agree with all he says, even have his most recent book!

..... to bad MSNBC axed him, but I understand that they have to appear to be unbiased, even if they aren't!;)

St. Phatty

Active member
Does Trump or the GOP use their own money to pay for the re-count ?

I say, HUMOR THEM. Let them count the votes, if possible at their own expense.

Along the lines of SNOW THEM WITH PAPER. They want to be buried in 50 Million ballots - let them be.

If possible, draw them out. Push back on Trump. Try to get him to insist that they can count the votes.

Then say, OH, OK. Give them exactly what they ask for.

Perhaps the next thing we will learn is, Trump can't count. He SUCKS at 'rithmetic.

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