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JLP's **SDOG F2** Freebie Grow·Along



sirshamus the fat buds are just as frosty but have a ak47 look nice stocky fat budded plants look. this is the s1 seeded plant i have it was my first seed .it was a coffee /chocolate flavor pheno. it made me a shite load of s1 seeds.



Active member
Yes sir Dan, this cross packs on frost from the beginning from what im noticing and jus keeps on packing it on, my plants are only 3 weeks into flowering and wow theyre some of the frostiest plants ive grown to date! It sure is shocking to see how much frost these have at such a young age!

All my plants are between 8 n 15 inches tall :), small but ay im only in it for the seeds this run! next run ill let them get much bigger

Update Below


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Group Shot


SD Plant 1

SD Plant 1 Cola(Top)


SD Plant 2

SD Plant 2 Cola(Top)


OG Kush Plant 1

OG Kush Plant 1 Cola(Top)


OG Kush Plant 2

OG Kush Plant 2 Cola(Top)

Sorry for such shitty pics :( but jus wanted to give ya fellas a look at my lil pregnant SDOGs :)


Active member
Any updates on ya ladies fellas? This Saturday will be week 4 of flowering for me and oooh boy they get stinkier and stinkier as the days go on :)


Nice plants PureSativa420! Very healthy. Good job man.

Mine are at 70 days today and looks like 2 will finish in less than another week and one will probably go 80 days. Ill post up some finishing pics soon.



Active member
Thanks buddy im trying to do them justice but as i stated I overferted them a lil hard but they bounced back very quickly and didnt slow them down at all, and them ladies drink up lots of water, been giving them a drink everyday with nutes every other water till I burnt them now its every 2 waterings and they just seem to love it! They live under a 1000 watt hps all by themselves (overkill for there size)
ok well i got 2 SFV OG KUsh going right now and one of my 2 OGxSD is alive and well. the other due to my neglect died as a seedling. (I was very busy with work for 3 days) anyway things are looking good now and thier all veggin so hopefully thier ladies. i'll probably pop another one or 2 of these.


Nice job PS420. Lookin nice and frosty bro.

I chopped mine... one at 75 days and the other two at 77. Here they are at day 74:

First the leafy 75 day OG pheno.. tried a 4 day dry sample.. taste exactly like pinesol cleaner with a long candy finish very potent already and sooo tastey its unreal... even with no cure.

Next is the leafy 77 day SD pheno.. smells awesome... like piney greasy lemon.. havent tasted yet:

and finally the 77 day OG/SD pheno, not very leafy, this one smells like lemon drop candy. A small tester bowl last night was off the hook. This may be the tastiest weed Ive ever grown...WOW! tastes real strong lemon candy. taste sticks in the mouth and ripped me real good... high is superb already:

Interestingly, I made some F3s with the OG pheno and the OG/SD pheno and on the latter I got about 125 dark ones and about 50 like the ones I got from JLP.. almost white but they were pulled right from the same bud as the dark ones and they pass the squeeze test.. the couple other crosses made with these girls were all dark seeds.

F2Z :rasta:


This is my big dog at over 5ft .the buds are the strangest looking i have seen hardly any calyxes their are some but not what i am use to. if i trim the leaves their will be no bud left .
so i am not going to trim any resin coated leaves off .i am just going to trim where the resin stops. and she is at 71 days in 12-12 and its still mostly clear to cloudy. so i am taking it to 80 days then look at them under my microscope .





Active member
Interestingly, I made some F3s with the OG pheno and the OG/SD pheno and on the latter I got about 125 dark ones and about 50 like the ones I got from JLP.. almost white but they were pulled right from the same bud as the dark ones and they pass the squeeze test.. the couple other crosses made with these girls were all dark seeds.
Did you use an SDOG male?


Dan that is strange. After all that veg it sucks to come up with few/no pistils!
I guess it would still make a good batch of bubble.

Virgin Harvester, I certainly did, hence F3s... Ill be growing this strain for a long time Im sure,,, In the not too distant future I plan to grow a dozen or so from each female and then pick the parents for f4 from that. But first its on to some clones I have coming as well as some new seeds I got... :rasta:


this is my other plant that has more . but basically has the same flower growth. what it lacks in calyxes it makes up in frost so its a give and take. this is sourdog #2. .






this is a bud i took off of the plant .its 70+ days i am letting her go over 90. check out the bud its very strange looking but very frosty.






I will let it go longer and make some canna butter out of it to help out some people that do not like the smoking of the plant and rather eat it .like some brownies. i have been wanting to try out some recipes to try on my mother for Fibromyalgia,arthritis. and other ailments.


Some finished buds

Some finished buds

Hey Dan, Lookin good bro.

Here are the top buds from my 3 girls at 3 weeks cure. Getting tastier all the time. Very nice free seeds JLP! Thanks again.

F2Z :rasta:

plant 1

plant 2

plant 3