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jlp-C99, JW-C99xNL, JW-A11, NS-SShxNL & Western Winds :)


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Hey dan, Tyler and SoSincere and anybody else who might be lurking, :)
Just a quick note - spent some time last week and bought a new camera, finally had
a chance to take a few pics with it and next day flipped puter on to load software
and transfer pics for first time and frikken puter won't access hard drive. Another day
later and I give up for now on that and spend another day buying new puter, setting
it up. Got proxy software on, more software to load, blah, blah, blah. Well, I'm back
online but thats about it, lol. Sorry for the lack of updates and I'm kinda offline from
Sat. to Tues. but I'll try and make up for it next week when I'm back on. Should know
a bit more about the camera by then. It only has about a goggleplex settings. lol
Take care and for god sakes don't forget to check your ph! NS
And back up your files!
and eat right ... and... and...


I'm not a real goat.™
Damn bro.....never cease to amaze me with your pics/plants.

Sorry to hear about your PC troubles.....can't wait to see the pics from the new cam!



Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Hey 5LG, thanks for dropping in. Loved the Red Diesel. :)

Here's a pic of a branch of 'lil Cindy.
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Active member
wow nice results nugget, good sh!t... the cnl looks to be a yielder, let me know how she smokes/smells/and cures, im sure to grab a pack when joey gets more. let me know if theres a way to send pics through PM's, ill show u the ak's and ak99's... im still not ballsy enough to put them up on the forum. believe me i wish i could show everyone.


:kewlpics: I want some sour punch ganja :D I hope the smell sticks with her
when she cures. Have you test smoked any of her yet?

Mr. Durden :joint:


Active member
Hey NS, those SLs sure came out nice. It is a nice yielder as well as being good smoke.
Hey I have a plant growing that came from a seed that I found on my silver lights. I had a plant nearby hermie and that's prolly what knocked her up.
It's a great looking plant, just like the SL mom. Big difference in smell though. This thing smells like crap. I mean like dookey. Nasty.


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Sorry for lack of updates...

Sorry for lack of updates...

SoSincere, I'm verrry happy with the CNL.
hazy, yo dude, thanks for drop'in in. I agree. I haven't smoke tested her a lot
but all signs are "good". Doesn't it scare you to grow seeds that come from
herm pollination. Hows your luck been with those as far as more herms? I like
your description of the smell, i always laugh when peeps say, it smelled like
stinky socks or BO - "but in a good way". I know what they mean though.

Here's a few pics of a Crazy Cindy branch after I cut her down. Crazy tall
plant but I need those for the stadium effect on the outside rows. I lean
toward sativa highs. This plant had four main branches and yielded well. The
clones I have at 1 wk flower will each have 8 or more mains. :)

More tomorrow... NS.
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Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Boring veg update...

Boring veg update...

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Hey NS :wave: I cant wait to see the WWinds go into flowering. Hope she turns out better for you this time. Is Sdog the same as snowdog or is it something totally different? Whatever it is it looks great. I always enjoy your pictures. Later dude.

Mr. Durden :joint:


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Smoke Report... such as they are...

Smoke Report... such as they are...


C99 F4's

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Active member
great pics of the finished product nugget, and i totally agree with ur opinions of that lame grow report format. I too have yet to read a grow report done in that way! I got my proxy and I'll be sendin u some ak99 pics when the next round is finishing up, because ive never taken pics of them before. That wont be for another 3 weeks, their at day 40. Ill definatley be trying out the CNL when they come back, they look too good and you sound like u really like em. thanks for the report


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
SoSincere, very glad you got a proxy. You'll be a whole lot harder to find now should
someone decide they would like to. Peeps posting at sites such as this without a
proxy prob don't realize how easy it is to locate computers. If anyone out there does
not believe do a "locate me" search in your browser. It's kinda enlightening and scary.

On a happier note, I do love my cnl. Getting ready to put two clones of her into flower
later today along with two SL#1's. These will be going into dwc. I start all my plants
in dirt and at flower they either get more dirt or I plug'em into some hydroton and
stick'em in a dwc bucket. They love that! Like dirt plant on steroids. I'm also thinking
about replacing the hydroton with coco and see what happens.
Looking forward to your pics SS.
Take Care, NS
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Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
A Rainy Day Update...

A Rainy Day Update...

It's rained for the last three days and the forcast is for 3 more. It surprises
me that my humidity hardly goes up. The cooler weather sure is nice for
indoor gardening. :) But I like the sun. :violin:
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stuffs just incredible mate.frosted flakes mate
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