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jlp-C99, JW-C99xNL, JW-A11, NS-SShxNL & Western Winds :)


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Hey nuggetshiner, I hear you on stocking up. :wink: I've lived thru Operation Green Merchant, as well as the demise of OG/Heaven's Stairway/
along with various breeders' legal woes, you just never know. So, despite the fact that I have enough seeds to last a lifetime, every now and again I'm compelled to "stock up" when something unusual shows up. :D

I bought a Canon G10. I like having a compact camera, not ready for a DSLR yet. It's replacing an Olympus C-3030 (3.3 mp's) which in the early days of digital, was a top dog. Got a feeling I'll be feeling like you towards your Sony. I look forward to playing w/ it this weekend tho!

Over the last 5-6 yrs of growing, the Apollo high has been my favorite, which has me running them again. My future grows will mostly be more extreme sativas, and I'm sure I'll find something that blows Apollo away, but it's just such an easy, quick plant to grow, pretty hard to beat!

Anyway, get on w/ that testing, and I look forward to your next barrage of photos! :smoke:


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
2 FRIKKEN hrs to upload 4 pics, dont'cha luv it

2 FRIKKEN hrs to upload 4 pics, dont'cha luv it

My new personal name for this site after this morning is...
International Molasses... cause of the way it runs, or International Upgrade
because things are always slow during the upgrade which is always. Sorry
for no response, you don't want to hear from me right now!
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Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
2 More Come Falling Down...

2 More Come Falling Down...

Highlighter Hey nuggetshiner, I hear you on stocking up. I've lived
thru Operation Green Merchant, as well as the demise of OG/Heaven's
along with various breeders' legal woes, you just never know. So, despite the
fact that I have enough seeds to last a lifetime, every now and again I'm
compelled to "stock up" when something unusual shows up.
I bought a Canon G10. I like having a compact camera, not ready for a DSLR
yet. It's replacing an Olympus C-3030 (3.3 mp's) which in the early days of
digital, was a top dog. Got a feeling I'll be feeling like you towards your Sony.
I look forward to playing w/ it this weekend tho!
Over the last 5-6 yrs of growing, the Apollo high has been my favorite,
which has me running them again. My future grows will mostly be more
extreme sativas, and I'm sure I'll find something that blows Apollo away, but
it's just such an easy, quick plant to grow, pretty hard to beat!
Anyway, get on w/ that testing, and I look forward to your next barrage of
Hi Highlighter! Enough stuff has disappeared to know this prob won't last
forever. RIP OG & HS. :( I'm having a great time growing and smoking all the
different genetics. Can never have enough.
Congrats on the new cam. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. DSLR's are expensive and
complicated. The P&S works great in the garden. I'm like mister anal about
that camera in there. Watch out for the plants, don't use it with sticky
fingers, careful where I lay it. My P&S is covered with resin, lol. I'll take a pic
of it, always wanted to do that.
I agree the a11 high is pretty good. They are easy and quick. My only
complaint is flavor. Gonna get all three phenos out and try'em again. I'll shoot
a couple dry bud pics also.
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nuggetshiner said:
My new personal name for this site after this morning is...
International Molasses... cause of the way it runs, or International Upgrade
because things are always slow during the upgrade which is always. Sorry
for no response, you don't want to hear from me right now!

Golden Skush, kinda like "pot on a stick". :)
Came to 110 gr. - 5 gal. pot - dirt - pbp & lk - 32 in. plant height - topped once.
Smoke report later when I'm mellower, lol.

NS, Those nugs look fantastic!!! I would really like to try that Skush, you've done an amazing job growing it and I bet it smells off the hook. I must admit I've learned a lot from reading your thread. You are a true pot connoisseur indeed. Thank you for taking the time to come to ICMag and help folks, we appreciate it greatly. :rasta:

You're right about the flavor of the A11. My Jules plant (i believe it was the Genius pheno) is pretty bland. Zero taste, but I did pull it early...Meg was better tasting (the Cindy pheno). The high is superb. I have some pretty bad and uncontrollable anxiety issues (that was my #1 reason for growing pot). The A11 takes care of the anxiety quite nicely. I do notice a bit more of a racy feeling when I smoke on the A11 that was pulled at 52 days versus the A11 that was pulled at 60 days. I've got 5 A11 clones in flowering now, I'm going to let all of them go till about 58-60 days. I've also got 3 A11 seedlings in veg, we'll see if I get any different phenos out of those. I did just place an order with Mandala for 8 strains. The new ones look pretty promising. I haven't tried and of his genetics so I'm pretty stoked about that. What do you use to enjoy your herb by the way? I have a VaporBrothers vaporizer, seems to bring out the flavors in the herb a little more than a pipe. As I always say, great job NS
:joint: :rasta:
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Stunning as usual, congratz Nuggetshiner! Those buds look really great... I'll be starting my new grow in a few weeks, after my holidays. I'm currently toking on the last remains of my last indoor harvest, seems a pretty long dry spell is coming my way soon. I managed to reveg the most sensational SSHxWW plant of the ones I had grown from the seeds you gave me... Got some pretty nice weed too. Hope you're well :D


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Lots going on...

Lots going on...

ThisBuds4You, thanks, wish you could smoke some of it with me :) The Skush
is just starting to cure and I've already smoked half a top bud. :) It's a real
"frontal lobe crusher", in a good way, lol. Gonna let it cure for a month before
a smoke report. Thanks for the report on the A11 flavor. Lets me know I'm
not the only one. Bland is a good description but I have one that last time I
tasted it was just plain rank - not good. Funny you should mention pulling
one early, they smell so nice of lemon chiffon in flower that I wondered if
taking early might help flavor. Wonder where highlighters came from? I'm sure
there are good phenos out there or it wouldn't have lasted this long. Glad it
helps with the anxiety, thats the main thing. :) Cool on the Mandala stuff - I
enjoyed and am still enjoying some Hashberry, think the cure is going on
1 1/2 yrs. Almost out though. :( I have three glass pipes. A little bong in the
garden, too small but it works. Another 5" straight glass for ease of use in
the garden and a 7" bong for out of the garden. I don't like bigger bongs, too
much work just to get the damn thing going, like bagpipes or something, I
get tired of all the bumps on my head from hyperventilating and falling down.
Ok, not really but I like smaller pipes. My main thing is I clean them or at
least my main one once a week. I get a kick outa peeps who worry all about
flavor then pack the bowl of that huge bong that hasn't been cleaned prob
ever and its opaque so you can't see what the hells going on in there. Kinda
kills the flavor.
Wow, stoned on Cindy and posting on Sat morn. :laughing:
Thanks for the honesty TB4U

Hazelnuts, good to see you! Was just thinking of you a couple days ago. :)
Sorry to hear of the impending dry spell - better get those beans down!
Glad you enjoyed the widow.

A few garden shots - some of whats going on...

This is Wonder Skunk in space...

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:yummy: glad to see you got the Johnny Blaze running again, shes looking super frosty. Im digging the SDog and Wonder Skunk too, mucho :respect: for your growing skills bro. Great update man, peace.

Mr. Durden :joint:


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
I'm kinda behind in the garden after the holidays and I've been working my ass
off trying to catch up. Try to update this week. :)
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Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor


Hmmmm... this is strange.
Hey eyes! The plant is kinda leafy, well, real leafy. More than I like when I have plants with
a better calyx to leaf ratio. Much better. But this stuff is pretty powerful and stinks to high
heaven. Don't know the dry weight yet but prob in the 2.5 to 3 zips range.
take care. :)
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ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Lovely as usual, nuggetshiner! :D

I hear ya on the pics. Just a little too large. I reduced mine before exporting them over, happy I did.

Keep 'em coming! :smoke:


Active member
thumbs up to ya,nuggetshiner! thanks for the shout out and remembering.well hopefully joeys ak47 is less leafy and more bud.she looks pretty crystally though.


The JW white russian is proving to have a great leaf to calyx ratio, think I may have even scored a cherry pheno. Please keep the JW and JW cross pics coming!


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Hey CD, that's all you get from me, ha ha ha.

High, I mean Hi Highlighter. Can't even upload pics today. It says my .jpeg are the wrong
format, lol. I usually load them at around 800x600 and then the program makes the
thumb. I don't know all the ins and outs of the process yet. I do like being able to put
thumbs in that peeps can click on if they want bigger. Prob still does that but I haven't
worked with it much yet. I like the sites where a mouse over brings up the full size pic.
Gonna get the pics of the A11 dried buds soon. :)

Hey eyes! Thanks for stopping in. The second pheno (pics below) was less leafy, looks
to be a better yielder. It filled out the lower buds quite a bit better. Out of the two I'm
gonna keep this one for a couple pollenchucking projects. Haven't grown JW's ak47 but
from pics and stuff she doesn't look like a leaf monster.

homerdog, howz it goin? I have some WR sittin' in the safe. I was going to put a few
down but them I received some Apophis (Anna C) Freebie with my last order and 6 of
those babies are going down today. It's a cross of Chem d and Alpha diesel. Hope you
got the cherry pheno. :)

Can't post pics. When I can I'll edit this and add them. NS


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Hey NS awesome pics you have realy caught my attention with joey weeds strains going to be picking up a few this year...
How do u get the writing in your photo's?


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Edit wouldn't let me add these to my previous post so I guess I'll stick'em
right here.
Benji snuck in.

Hey Benji, I use Coreldraw. You need some sort of graphics
manipulation program. There's freeware out there that will do it but I've
been using Draw since ver. 3 so I don't know whats out there. You could
do it in Word too. They all do it differently so unfortunately you'll need to
read the "help" files associated. lol. Wherever you do it it's just
creating and overlaying the text and usually combining the text and pic.
All programs use diff terminologies to make it easy, lol. It's pretty easy
and quick when you do it a few times.

This is another NL
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Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Some More Stuff...

Some More Stuff...

quick pic
The Candy Store...

This is what she looked like on 12/18/08

CS cola pics...

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Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
I forgot the JB...

I forgot the JB...

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Active member
hey nuggetshiner,wouldnt mind seeing that nl all trimmed up(on plant) to get a better gander at the bud structure.ill be following your thread to see what else u got on deck.

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