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JLo - Kentish Creme X Flo


Active member
The S1 I already chopped is exactly like the KC too, looks like the KC terpenoid profile breeds fairly true.

Good to hear you have collected plenty of pollen.

Elevator Man

Active member
The male is still producing pollen, though it's slowing now - can't say I blame him really, as I've been really milking him lately. I put some pollen on the Appalachia and my original green Flo last night, as they could both do with a JLo cross, and also as the two JLo females aren't yet ready to go into flower - about a fortnight yet. In the meantime I'll keep the pollen I've got refrigerated, or even frozen - the pistils have withered on the two plants, so it looks like it's viable...


Active member
Nice one, sounds like you're putting that pollen to good use. if you have some left over after you have done all the work you plan, send some my way and I'll dab some on what i have flowering at the time, I can hit the Oaxacan with some.

Elevator Man

Active member
I just hope it takes, as that green Flo has used up three of its nine lives so far, and I've still never made any seeds from it. I'd prefer a Flo/MoFlo incross, but JLo is the next best thing, and I think it can only boost the good traits of the green Flo (high yield, resiny, fruity and potent).

Both the selected JLo females are repotted finally, as they were getting very tall and scrawny and running out of space and nourishment! Hopefully I can get those two into flower within two weeks.


Active member
I didn't realise there was a high yield Flo, is the green one you speak of the Oaxacan leaning pheno? Only thing that put me off running the purple Flo again was the low yield.

Elevator Man

Active member
No, this is the one I grow outdoors usually - I don't think you've ever tried it - never had a clone at the right time, or any bud! This is 'the one' really - as far as I can tell, it's the closest to DJ's specs, and probably a Blueberry-leaning pheno. The only one from the original seed-packet I'm still running.

BTW, that's a Park Drive in there for scale in the second batch of pics - should be about actual-size...;)



Active member
My god, no i haven't seen that one before! The yields is many times more than the purple one, I think I should give this green one a spin, looks very nice indeed. You've been hiding this one from me, obviously, shame on you! There's me thinking none of the Dj stuff yielded that good then ya spring that fat girl on me!"

Elevator Man

Active member
Indifferent - I honestly thought I'd given you a clone yonks ago, along with the old purple pheno? Maybe not. But yeah, it's always been a good one, but it's a slow revegger, which is probably why I've never had any around - it's so nice I always smoke it really quickly too. BTW, that one was under 1200W, in a very large pot. Next one down in about three weeks...;)

Ohm's Law - that's the plan, one day, though I'm hardly in a position to breed plants for a living, so it all takes a long, long time to get through the generations. And huge numbers just aren't possible in my space, but I'm pretty good at picking parents. Ideally, if I could get final breeding parents from the F3 generation, the F4s would then be releaseable - I don't think that's impossible, even in my cramped, limited and time-wasted situation...;)


ICE Cream eater
Indifferent - I honestly thought I'd given you a clone yonks ago, along with the old purple pheno? Maybe not. But yeah, it's always been a good one, but it's a slow revegger, which is probably why I've never had any around - it's so nice I always smoke it really quickly too. BTW, that one was under 1200W, in a very large pot. Next one down in about three weeks...;)

Ohm's Law - that's the plan, one day, though I'm hardly in a position to breed plants for a living, so it all takes a long, long time to get through the generations. And huge numbers just aren't possible in my space, but I'm pretty good at picking parents. Ideally, if I could get final breeding parents from the F3 generation, the F4s would then be releaseable - I don't think that's impossible, even in my cramped, limited and time-wasted situation...;)

Yeah man you really should release some seeds so more folks can enjoy them ((;
We know you don`t have a breeding facility and shit but who cares...
They look awesome enough even now (;


ICE Cream eater
Also I`ve read that you KC is pure jamaican, you should really release that if you can too.
I think all those pure strain like Deep chunk, PTK... afghans, pakis, Jamaicans, mexi etc. should be widely available so we don`t loose them because of heavy hybridizing ((((;


Active member
Yeah, Eman does things properly, many professional breeders could learn a thing or two from him imho.

I may have been given a green flo cut as one time or other, but i have had some that didn't survive long enough to root so never grown it. I know I've had more than one flo cut but only ever flowered the purple low yield one.

Elevator Man

Active member
I finally got the two JLo females (#3 and #4) I'm going to use for breeding big enough to flower, and they went in a couple of days ago - they have very big, cabbagy leaves, and look like they'll be quite large plants overall, so I'm giving them plenty of room to expand. I have #5 as a much smaller plant, which I'll just keep for fun for now. #1 and #2 were binned.

The male expired a couple of weeks ago - the pollen was certainly viable, so it's now residing in the freezer, in a vast amount of silica gel, baggies, film canisters and airtight plastic boxes - I just hope it stays dry enough, and cold enough to be still viable when I take it out! I didn't want to have it sitting around for the month it'll take to get the two females ready, and timing being what it is, freezing it was the best option - it's worked for me in the past. It was in the fridge for a couple of days and then moved it into the freezer, so fingers crossed it'll still work when it comes out.

Sadly, none of the male clones survived - isn't it always the way...? ;(


Active member
Maybe this is an appropriate time to tell ya we found two males from the KC S1 seeds you were so kind to share. I'll see if we can get a pic uploaded later.

Elevator Man

Active member
Oh good - the JLo male was very KC too, so should be interesting. These two females are amazingly chunky and 'big' - far more vigour than the KC, and much more branchy and robust than Flo - looking very good so far, as long as I can keep them under control.

Elevator Man

Active member
The two JLo females are approaching four weeks now, and so are going to be ready for some pollen this weekend. I seriously hope my frozen batch is viable, or it's another delay! It was very, very viable before it went in, and it's as sealed and damp-protected as is humanly possible, so fingers crossed it'll work.

I'll update again once I know what's happening - hopefully with some pics too...

Elevator Man

Active member
My previous attempts with frozen pollen were also successful, but then I had a chest freezer that went to -27°C, which may have been partly to blame - now I have a normal domestic fridge I'm not so sure of the preservation capabilities, but I'm sure it'll be fine. I usually decant to a pre-chilled film canister, then put that in the fridge to equalize a little first before bringing it out to room temperature.

Keeping pollen at room temps didn't seem to keep it good at all, and that was why I was a bit more organised this time around. Fingers crossed...;)


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
well E-man this is an amazing thread - ive been working my way through it for a few days now. the JLo looks amazing!

cant wait to start my KC s1's - hopefully in a few weeks i can pop some. i plan to cross it to the deep chunk but im thinking that both of those plants have very little branching.

im just vegging up some Lemon thai F3 from bodhi atm and after 1 topping the branching structure is rather nice - if they carry on like this and are good smoke then im thinking this might be a good one to cross to KC. they already smell like lemon cleaner!.

heres a pic of 2 of the lemon thai- i can delete later it if its not cool to post it here. apparently the mother used was an 'indica' pheno.


thanks again for the great thread - ive learned a lot fom reading it


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