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JLo - Kentish Creme X Flo


ICMag Donor
if you dont mind me askin,,,,has the s1 improved on the mother?,,,,,,,,

from what ive read it sounds like resin content has increesed,,

i wonder how the S1`s terpen profile matches up to the mother too:)

yeh man ,,very cool,:)


Active member
Dunno till I smoke it!

The resin is also profuse on the mother,I wouldn't say it's increased.

Seems the mother has a rather complex terpene profile as she has a lot of smells and tastes depending on how she's grown.


ICMag Donor
yeh man,,,,enviromentaly dependant traits are funny:), observed taits are possibly polygeneric........... 1thing could easly depend on another,,,,,,,removing aspects of the enviroment could even improve the end result ,,,heterozygote genepairs dont help ither,,,,,

what do you think the S1 has lost in relation to the mother?

thanks for answring my questions Indiff :)


Active member
You have been reading up on genetics haven't you!

I think the variances are minimal really, but I can't really say till I smoke em, but I think it will be a case of nuances rather than distinct differences.

Also, I feel more runs of these phenos from cutting are needed to really judge them. The differences in calyx to leaf ratio I'm seeing may be down to a number of nutrient factors etc.


ICMag Donor
im trying...im not the best at understanding what ive read tho,,,,i bactrack an an do the bulk of my learning

i was gettin a hammering a while ago, so i did a load of reading,,:),,,,now i feel i can stand-up for what i believe in,,,,an i can reference it too:),,,,wickid books bro,:),,,il share them with you whenever if you like:),,,,some of these books are diffiult to get [no pdf`s exist] and expencive hardbacks too,,,[it basicly proves that fems are amazing]...lol

thanks again for answing my questions indiff:)

im guessing you have seen a decreese in yeald....?

il be very interested to hear you overall insight,,,,,,,i cant wait for you to smoke it and sum it up :)


Active member
My two Kentish Creme S1s are looking to be rather different phenos. They both look nice in some ways but not so great in others. The first one has tiny buds but they are plastered in resin and purple, this one has a great calyx to leaf ratio but the yield sucks, I image even in coco fed hard this one won't yield good.





The other one is similar in most regards but is much leafier. It may however, be even more resinous a the resin is all over the leaves, and seems to extend further down the larger leaves than the other one. This looks like a very good plat for hash making but will also yield poorly for buds.




I am going to cross cuts of both of these to the very indica bubblicious male I found, that should up the yield.


Just read through the whole thread... KC is absolutely beautiful and the JLo is equally so though it doesn't look like the resin coverage is quite as much.. still higher yield is always better! Good luck with the male EM, hopefully I'll come across these strains sometime in the future :D

Elevator Man

Active member
Big Balls...

Big Balls...

Here's the JLo male about 30 mins ago, and just beginning to open on a few sets lower down. I'm expecting maybe another week before he's fully dropping, so I've given him a mixed dose of BioCanna Vega/Flores tonight, and will do one of just the Flores in a few days before it really sets in.

Hopefully I'll get a couple of weeks-worth of pollen-harvesting before he gives up the ghost, but I've taken a few clones just in case:



Active member
Very nice, he looks very much like a KC dom pheno to me.

Save me a bit of his dust if ya manage to collect loads, I'll dust some on the two S1 cuts I have next time I flower them, they are small and vegging at the mo.

Elevator Man

Active member
It's certainly more chunky-looking than regular Flo and MoFlo males (below) - and nice to see that the purpling is appearing. One interesting thing to watch will be for resin coverage - I've been quite lucky with resinous Flo males in the past, but if it carries through the KC level of coverage, it could be really frosty in there...;)


Elevator Man

Active member
The first pollen has begun to drop tonight, so I'll begin collecting it before I go to bed - here's hoping there's a plentiful supply! I've got clones of the male rooting in the propagator, just in case it turns out to be a classic...;)

Elevator Man

Active member
Well, for the first collection, I got quite a sizeable amount - a very good sign. I should be able to 'milk' this every couple of days for a fortnight at least, I reckon...;)


Active member
Cool man, if he's like some males I've had, and the OGxPA springs to mind, he'll drop pollen in huge quantities!

Elevator Man

Active member
Wow - I got even more last night. I usually leave it a day or two between pollen collection, to enable the plant to regenerate somewhat, but this one might actually perform every night at this rate.

That would be really cool, as I can think of a few other strains that might benefit from a touch of JLo...:chin:

Elevator Man

Active member
I've got four good wraps of pollen so far, and they'll go into the freezer today. I reckon I can get at least another week's use out of this one though - flower-stalks everywhere! Managed to rub the top parts which have a little resin showing now, and hey presto - smells like the Kentish Creme...;)

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