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JLo - Kentish Creme X Flo


Active member
Cool, I picked the #4 from the pics as the one that looked most like KC so interesting to hear it's also expressing the most KC-ness in other regards.

My S1 is still looking very sativa, looks like a small yielder. I have kept cuttings of this and the other one that is not as far into flower. I had to work really hard to get these to branch and grow as anything other than a pole so I know what you mean.

Have you used Halo on the KC before to promote branching? Harpin is supposed to promote growth of side shoots.

Any signs of hemaphrodism in the F1s yet? I am praying there isn't a nasty hermie trait lurking in there.

Elevator Man

Active member
Yes on the HALO - I use it on everything now, and it really does work, in terms of promoting side-branches. I only popped in occasionally to see the JLos in flower at my mate's place, so can't give a clear answer on the hermie thing, but I never saw any, and he said he pulled a couple of nanners off very early on from one, but he can't remember which. They all look pretty solid in that regard, really.


Active member
Not bad. Had a nightmare with them in veg, never grew that healthily, always some defficiency or issue with em, took forever to get a clone to root, not an easy to clone one, for sure.

Since putting em in flower they have recovered their health, not easy plants to grow it seems. I have a clone of each now just in case either is special.


ICMag Donor
is it a verdict of loss of vigor in comparison to the mum?...

i still like the sound of it,,,,,the stuff im reading lately tells me the s1 should be more homogenous than the mother

its good to see it:)


Active member
I think it's a case of me not meeting their feeding requirements properly, these unworked regional cultivars (can it be called a landrace?) are a whole different ball game to highly worked commercial lines, often they have unusual requirements in terms of feeding. I will get it figured out I hope, if not, I can always pop the J-Lo seeds I have. In fact, I'm itching to pop those now I've seen the first test grow.

Kentish Creme S1 with stupid amounts of resin for early flower. She has very small buds though. I think she is at 36 days since going into 12/12, and going by how long her mother takes (75-80 days) she isn't even halfway yet. I doubt she is gonna yield well but she has triches on her fan leaves (look at the lower right in first pic), purple tips to the calyxes, purple undersides to the leaves and looks like she will be rather exotic and lovely, fingers crossed.



If she has this amount of resin after 36 days, how much is she gonna have after 75 or 80? Can't wait to see for myself!

Elevator Man

Active member
Yay! At last! And looking good too - very chubby leaves on this run, clearly. It's a chameleon, is the KC...;)


Active member
That KC looks very nice doc, have you managed to get it to bush out? It's a bugger to get to branch, just wants to grow straight up with no branching. Yours has way fatter leaflets than mine, always interesting to see how genes express differently in different grow environments.

Phenotype = Genotype + Environment

as a rough rule of thumb. We have the same Genotype, but different Environments, hence we will see different Phenotypical expressions, interesting to see how much they differ.

If there is a fairly large range of phenotypical expressions observed in different environments,that indicates the genes are not that stable, and that would make sense, as no-one has ever worked the KC line for stability. A classic example of stable genes would be Cheese as it's always pretty much the same, no matter who grew it.


ICMag Donor
Yeah ,, the plant in the garden has been super-cropped and beasted with nutrients

Elevator Man

Active member
I've never known a plant vary its shape and profile as much as this one does - I've had mostly short, indica-looking plants indoors, with chubby leaves like those above. Others have had much weirder-looking types in more awkward growrooms with monster sativa leaves and gigantic calyxes - given it's the same clone every time, it's amazing how much it can change.

I found that the brighter the light, the less stretch, and more indica profile emerges. When I had it in my super-bright 1200W room a few years ago, it was difficult to make it stretch at all! ;)

This was the plant that resulted:



Active member
Christ, you never showed me that stocky one before, if I hadn't seen it without the stretch I'd have never thought it possible!

I have managed to control the stretch on the two S1s I have a lot more than I did with the original cut, but they have still stretched a fair bit.

Elevator Man

Active member
The JLo male is beginning to flower nicely now - many branches and clusters, with magenta highlights on the flower-parts. The petals look like they'll start opening over the next few days, but I expect the clusters to get larger yet - he's definitely more beefy than usual Flo males. I'll get some pics taken as soon as he starts dropping.


Active member
Nice, send me some pollen and I'll BX him to both my phenos to broaden the genes for further selection in subsequent filial gens.


ICMag Donor
the purple 1 looks mint,,,,,have you guys seen them colours from the kc line beffore???

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