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Jaws Gear?



@ jaws do you have any info on your Dark Matter Cargo (fems) also Lime Kush (fems) Raspberry OG f1 thanks in advance


Well-known member
was told that the DARK MATTER CARGO were good pieces, have always had mixed results with the LIME KUSH fem's..some did well for ppl others not so much, main reason why i'm running the LIME COOKIES now i'm looking for a LIME KUSH PHENO and i think i have one, can't be 100% sure but i got the killer LIME scent so that's at least a start.

humm RASPBERRY OG f1 was not aware i sent any of those out, were did you get those seeds if i might ask??.

have a decent one going as we speak, it's in a bottle but she's looking good smelling awesome..i'm betting she will rock in the next round once i get her into the 3 gallon pot.



>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
Now I remember where I have heard of Jaws gear.

A dude that was running the lime cookies asked me if I ever heard of Jaws.

I had never.


i havnt actually got any of your seeds just making enquires all your strains look fire need to score a few packs i think


Well-known member
ya i was scratching my head over here trying to think of who i could have sent any of those seeds to and was drawing a blank..

just ask around i'm sure some one can lead you to them.

thank you :biggrin:


ICMag Donor
I grew Chocolate Banana Kush a few years ago.
She was a fun to grow, colorful plant.
Tasty but it's been a while & I dont recall details clearly enough to elaborate.


Yeah i really want to grow some of this cross but everywhere i lookt it's out of stock.
Chem soda cookie or chem soda og look dank
Jaws I have 3 packs of your Fruity Pebbles IC,and a pack of your Fruity Pebbles f3.How frequent does the cereal pheno,pops up in the ic?


Well-known member
both of those pieces will have lot's of cereal pheno, it's the main reason why i breed with the female & male cereal when working both those lines.

getting a cereal 100%

same with the FEM line i'm working as we speak..

peace :biggrin:


New member
hi bro, im on RIU too & see your gear on there, im new here, im sad RIU deletes a persons grow pics after about 4-5yrs, does icmag do the same or are a persons grow pics here indefinitely?


New member
both of those pieces will have lot's of cereal pheno, it's the main reason why i breed with the female & male cereal when working both those lines.

getting a cereal 100%

same with the FEM line i'm working as we speak..

peace :biggrin:

Is the cereal pheno the colorful one?
When do you think fem seeds will available?
I'm in a 2x2 and specifically looking for the colorful pheno


Well-known member
ok so i'm not sure at all what to say to ppl who ask me the Question about the COLOR ISSUE.

i have been growing the cereal f1 for a few years now and i have never seen her throw color's like what ppl are seeing on the NET it seems every one is looking at pretty much the same pic or the same couple pic's, not sure if that's even real or not..

i'm most DEFINITELY NOT going to tell ppl ohh ya your going to get the multi colored cereal pheno from my work with the strain.if you do great wonderful awesome, but like i said i have never seen those colors ever in the years i have been growing her..

the first round of fpog f1 cereal fem's are made there hanging now, wont be any released until i have them tested..the way my testing is going that may be a while..i may have to break down and test this piece personally..while there being tested i will be making a second batch.

peace :biggrin: