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Japanese growers


Active member
rising sun said:
J-Freakeier just checked out your gallery.

I thought you used aeroponic like NFT tech? Looks like you have changed to aeroponics or DWT?

If so without giving too much away could you explain how you get this great equipment in Japan?

I think you might have posted once about Sodatu being OK on OG? Is this correct?

Are you freakier than freaker now because of the stress or buying grow nutrients in Japan?


It's a high volume recirc dwc system. Some people call them bio-buckets, but it's just dwc really. All my stuff is diy except for the lights I got years ago. Anybody who buys equipment or nutes should always have everything mailed to a non-growing address.


Active member
As far as the pushers in Tokyo are go, I was told that the laws changed and police can make undercover buys now. Not to mention that they put up thousands of cameras all over Shibuya and Shinjuku. But I don't know anything about Iranians fighting with people. Things aren't as open as they were 10 years ago that's for sure.


Japanfreakier said:
As far as the pushers in Tokyo are go, I was told that the laws changed and police can make undercover buys now. Not to mention that they put up thousands of cameras all over Shibuya and Shinjuku. But I don't know anything about Iranians fighting with people. Things aren't as open as they were 10 years ago that's for sure.

i heard something last year about undercover purchases being legal. i wonder how frequent they do those kind of operations?

ive been thinking about moving, to fukuoka, tokyo or kumamoto. but lately ive heard olny bad things about tokyos marijuana scene... might want to smoke another fatty and rethink that one...

Fuck That!!!


Active member
It's not bad as long as you're not an idiot. Gaijin - pusher is much safer than japanese - pusher since you know one isn't a cop. Just don't meet up in a town center. Arrange to meet in another place.


as long as the gaijin are down then its alright :joint:
id still prob end up growing my own just because i dont like paying high prices for dank.

do you know if they do the infrared scans in tokyo?
or is that just in the usa?
Japanfreakier said:
Do I? I don't give a shit. Listen Bitch, just add something to the forum or move along.

wow. . . .what was your contribution? OH yeah, you rudely pointed out

that seeds are in fact Illegal......AND.....We now have no grow w/pics being

posted. I was really looking forward to seeing his plants flower, but now

I just wasted 9 pages of reading.

You really just should have let him finish. Would have been the mature thing
to do.

You know so much about people getting busted, have nice equipment, and have come off as trying to be some big-time Cannabis grower.....and yet
it's sooo illegal in your country? Makes me wonder if Japan has an Inside
man on the police force....... :chin:


New member
Settle down kids...

Just got done drying/trimming today.

Rising Sun-

Did you have a different handle on OG?

Or is my memory just failing me?


Active member
SensiMilla024 said:
You really just should have let him finish. Would have been the mature thing
to do.

I think you missed the part where He left mainly because as he put it, he felt it was a security risk to his grow and he freaked out. The Japan forum at the OG; which was frequented by about 20 ex-pat growers, was translated into Japanese and put up on a drug/anarchist/anything goes Japanese site that the police have a task force checking all the time here in Japan. Bust are made every week from leads that come that site. He didn't like it that I was here with my handle from OG. Thought that I would bring that police here.

But you know what, I'm not here to babysit kids who give out info that can get people arrested. Some people would have tried to salvage the thread and point out the info was wrong. Me, I prefer to make this to a big "YOU CAN GET ****ING ARRESTED WITH THIS INFO" thread. To each their own.

You might think I'm a prick but at least I'm here to help out any growers with questions in Japan. Not many have showed up after OG, it was already a small community to begin with, but at least I'm here, reefer here's too. I'm high right now, but I know there is one more here.

I think the mature thing to do is protect growers first.


Active member
ReeferRider said:
Settle down kids...

Just got done drying/trimming today.

Rising Sun-

Did you have a different handle on OG?

Or is my memory just failing me?

Nice. I regret that I ever let my NL go. I thought I was sick of it till it was gone. Nice weight, great high. **** trends..N.L. rules.


New member
The wife and I took another trip to Amsterdam last summer, and she really liked the NL.
So, being a good husband, I grew some :D

Actually, though, neither of us smokes that much any more. I've still got jars of bud from two harvests ago...
Last edited:


Active member
Give it away give it away give it away now. What you got you got to give it to ya mama, what you got you got to give it to ya papa. Give it away give it away give it away now.


New member
Japanfreakier said:
Give it away give it away give it away now. What you got you got to give it to ya mama, what you got you got to give it to ya papa. Give it away give it away give it away now.

I wish that they didn't institute the "No PM's for members with less than 50 posts" rule...

Otherwise we could get in touch.

I can't even access my old PM's :jerkit:


Active member
Lol, I didn't even notice. But I have a strict no meet policy anyway reefer, but thanks for the thoughts.

I used to get pms from soliers. Have you ever recieved any? They type in what I think is supposed to be hip-hop inspired langauge that just makes me cringe. Always asking to hook a brother a up or something.

But I'm a pussy so I never meet anyone.

blazn azn

checking in as a japanese grower. sept i dont live there anymore and dont think i could... i just dont think i can handle being so paranoid. major props to you guys in japan.


Active member
The police are on one of the campaigns again (seems like a month) and they are catching a lot of people so be extra careful when driving. obey all the traffic laws.