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JackTheGrower 2010 Collection test grow



Come and see the show

I am starting this log a bit later than I had planned.
Sorry it took so long to get the thread going Ernst, the weekend of cooler than usual weather and work in the yard took its toll on me. Brownies knocked me down quicker than usual.

These seedlings went into rockwool cubes on the 13th of May.


The stretch is not normal for the strains, it was my error leaving them too far from the light the first couple days. There were runners leaning for light anywhere they could find it, but they have straightened out well since going closer to the lamp. I was not worried about them getting tall because they are going to spend the latter part of their cycle in the sun.

Strains are as follows:
Turloco #1 & #2 Greenhouse White Rhino x Kryptonite's Bubba kush X OG Kush; beans are from 2 females.

Root pic Turloco #1 #1 4/4 germ

Turloco #2 #2 3/4 germ

Tiki Jo is Kryptonite's Bubba kush X OG Kush X Greenhouse's "The Doctor".
Check out the roots sticking out of the cube on Tiki Jo. 2/4 germ

BOGO lineage is Kryptonite's Bubba kush X OG Kush F2.
First root up germ for me, but after pulling what I thought was the remains of a munched stem out of the cube, out popped the cotydelons, so I just poked another hole in the cube and stuck it in. Root came out the bottom of the cube before putting in the cup, but growth seems stunted.

Here is a sample of the normal BOGO roots. 4/4 germ

This is the root up BOGO, you can barely see the white tip of the root.

They are under 400w HPS at 16 hours light a day getting ready to go outside when they fill the cups with roots. Some plants will go into the raised planter on my porch, and the rest will be going in the ground or 10 gallon pots to catch as many rays as possible. They will be part of an 18 lady backyard medical supply grow.

Looking forward to some sticky frosty indica nugs come harvest time, there should be some nice main colas on the gals.

Thank You Ernst - for the organic advice and threads you have on natural growing under the JackTheGrower handle, not to mention the testers.

Here's to good weather, good health, and good harvests.:tiphat:


Roomies are gone

Roomies are gone

Only the babies left in the tent now. Reorganized to put the whole tray in the zone of the 400, thinking of potting up to 1 gallons, bumping day length to 18-20 hours for the next couple of weeks, inducing flower & putting them outside end June or first week of July for a shot at Silverback's(RIP) 60/60 forced flowering method for some, and putting the others outside at time of flip.

Early morning before coffee shot.

Here is what the coffee helped me get around to.

Enjoy the season. Best of growluck to ya. :gday:


Each Gardener has a style and each style gifts the rest of us with information.
Thank you for sharing your garden.

Looking good! Pulling up a chair!


Looking good.. Sent ya some snaps of these stray sprouts branching. Even with that stretch I'm guessing the Tiki jo will branch like crazy soon.

An Clean that fan.. LOL Blocked air flow is wasted energy..


to remember where they are later

to remember where they are later

Here are today's pics. Top the side views. Starting to get into the growth stage - 2 days before up-potting. Water only so far.



:plant grow:enjoy


Already Branchy and still gots the cotyledons.. Good going.. I consider it a sign of health that the cotyledons stick around a while.

I bet these get big for ya!


Ernst & JamieShoes, thanks for adding to my thread. Love to see people acknowledging life!
Here are some more pics before & after uppotting.




2 and a half weeks for vegging inside left. Will be putting all but 2 plants outside then. The remaining 2 plants will be flipped to 12/12 for 2 weeks before going outside in smartpots for a quick test harvest.

Keep your outlook positive & enjoy what you find anyway.


sunday 6.6.10

sunday 6.6.10

Good morning ICMAG! Its time for the hardest part of journal work. Writing out the presentation and submitting the report. Always hated book reports too, they got in the way of reading books.:rant:

Not alot of activity to report in veg, but here are pics for the log.

6/3 pic

6/6 pics


Aromas are starting to emerge, but not really defined yet, a mj sweet musky slightly skunky scent happening in veg. Gonna have to be more observ-creatative with my smelling and telling now. inhale-nose-brain-flip it around-brain-fingers-keyboard-exhale AARGH thass no eezy to describe.

Transplant mixture was 50% coco, 10% worm gold plus, 30% perlite, remainder made up of amendments and leftover media(coconot, potting soil, dolomite, rock phos, gypsum, EJ rooters myco, coffee grounds, powdered eggshell++.) Lightweight amount of bioflora dry organic crumbles 6-5-5 + 8% CA mixed in (fish meal, seaweed, chicken poo, sulf of potash, leonardite OMRI listed bag-o-funk additive.)

Temps have been getting acclimated to the outdoor summer heats. Light on max 11° above ambient with a high of 96° in the tent when closed up, 3° above with 1 panel open - been leaving it open until going to bed to keep temps down. Heartiness and heat tolerance of the breed will definitely be tested this run.

Thanks for stopping in. Stay focused on the future, but don't forget about the right now.:tiphat:


So happy to read the Scent in Veg is happening for you! It's true.

With the Tiki-jo you may be able to differentiate the Sweet males from the more Kush males too.

Offer them some kelp and molasses liquid + brewed coffee if you like.


midweek pic update

midweek pic update

6/7 am pic

6/8 pm pic

6/9 am & side pics


They got fed 6/7 with a slurry mix of dry crumbles, 5-1-1 alaskan fish, coffee grounds, worm gold plus, and molasses. Kind of masked the scent of the plants with a fishy funk tone.


Still have those cotyledons. Good job.. You have not stressed them for nutrients and they like you!

Toss in some healthy rich organic soil.. Just a little to be sure you have the microbiology stocked.

And you get to grow in the SUN!~ I'm jealous!

Also that hanging tarp concept is outstanding! I have been considering how to work the clone station here and that is an Ideal solution for me..

Thank you!


6.12 transplant update

6.12 transplant update

Saturday morning was sort of productive for garden work this week.

Moved the plants outside for transplanting into 2 gallons today. Roots were massed on the bottoms of the 1 gallon pots already, the EJ Rooters Myco must be having a magical effect on them. Still have the 3 Turloco #2 plants to transplant, ran out of mix at 10 pots, so they will get finished up tomorrow after mixing some more good stuff.

1-2 weeks and all but 4 will be outside in the dirt and planters taking advantage of the free hps in the sky. One each of the test strains will get put in 3 gallon smartpots for 2-3 weeks of 12/12 inside and then go out on the patio for the rest of their flowering time.

The BOGO plants were the hardest to transplant - I probably won't be using 1 gallon growbags anymore, might have screwed one up in the process. Hopefully it will recover quickly from having the rootball disturbed.

BOGO root pic

Tiki Jo roots are the thickest still.

Out in the sun for a few minutes

Back in the tent waiting for the light to kick on in a few hours

There was three times as much of the dry crumbles mixed into the soil this time, along with dlime, peat, coco, perlite, some terra firma, ewc, Rooters myco, and compost. Watered in with Azamax at 2ml/gal and some Safer brand Caterpillar Killer(bti) to keep the critters at bay.

Thanks for lookig, and have a great season. :)


6.14 update

6.14 update

2 days after repotting and they are taking off in veg now. The smell is organic on top of the plants aroma, so I can't give an accurate description of it, but there is scent in veg on these plants.
in the tent


So far no sun bleaching has shown up on the fans, and they are a healthy green color.

These have been very easy plants to maintain. :tiphat:


6.18 pics

6.18 pics

Turloco #2 outside in 3gal smartpot.

Canopy shot

Side view

The smell is starting to differentiate from the fish fert cover scent. Fruity, but not sweet or skunky to my nose. White Rhino has the fruity pebble scent, but this is not quite like that. They are only a month and a week from germing, so I know they will pick up a lot more scent as they go. The bubba kush smell is not coming through like the plant in the ground is, but that had no smell for a couple weeks after planting.

I am really looking forward to flowering these plants out. This weekend, all but the 4 smartpot plants will be going in the dirt outside. The smartpots will get 12/12 until the 10th of July in the tent and then go outside to finish flowering until the end of August or mid September harvest.

Thanks for peeping. Enjoy your season.:gday:


planted 8 outside

planted 8 outside

Three BOGO in an L shape, the top right is Turloco #1


Tiki Jo is sitting in the background and will get planted after I get up in the morning along with 3 more plants. One of the Turloco #2 plants is in a 3 gallon smartpot and will stay placed in full sun as it moves around.

The 2 in front are Turloco #1, the rear are Turloco #2


The planter got rejuvenated with dlime, ewc, soft rock phosphate, kelp meal, blood meal, diatomaceous earth, and dry crumbles.

The hole in the patio is 1/4 compost, 1/4 perlite, and a mix of peat, native soil, coffee grounds, eggshells, dlime, gypsum, dry crumbles, ewc, kelp & blood meals, soft rock phos, diatomaceous earth, with chopped up leaves & stems and hydrotons on the bottom. It is about 22 inches (knee) deep and 3.5 feet square. Almost all day it gets full sun exposure.

The tent lights have now been turned off for the summer. Here's to free energy from the great orange disk in the heavens.

:plant grow: :woohoo: :canabis: :jump:


I am glued!

I can't wait to see if the Turloco follows it's White Rhino Mother.
Even if it favors the Bubba X OG buds it will not disappoint I am sure.

Turloco is Kryptonite's Bubba X OG crossed with GreenHouse's White Rhino.

This is extremely nice to watch. Thanks you Kannubus! You are a kind Gardener for running these under the Great HID in the sky!


Tiki Jo in the dirt!

Tiki Jo in the dirt!

The roots on Tiki Jo are massive. When putting the rest in the dirt, the roots looked healthy - just ringing the bottom of the pot after 10 days. Tiki Jo had a cap on the bottom of super thick white legs going crazy. They would be pushing the lid off a hydro bucket before the plant was done flowering I think.


Pics of the others in progress.



Lots of scent when the sun has gone down from these plants. They are gonna make some great tasting bud, and also seem to take less water than the other plants I have growing because a couple have done a bit of the claw. I will just go easy on watering them until they acclimatize to this desert I am cultivating in. Nice foot tall plants ready to explode in the rays of the socal sun. I am gonna be one satisfied gardener come October/November. OG, Bubba, and White Rhino mixing it up in da yard!



I see you like the evening scent. Just thought to suggest you brew some Coffee and Kelp with Azomite and Organic honey if you want to.

You can add some bone meal and green sand too.. Mound a "water trough" around the plants, soak with water really well and then liquid feed. It will boost the scent if you use fresh kelp meal say from Groworganic.com.

So that's a possible for you if you like to try that. I would brew on a low heat rather than boil.
You can mix rice in the top soil too.. Try the "Dented can stores / Over stock" for cheep rice. I bought 20 lbs for $5 the other day.


6.26 pics

6.26 pics

Here are the current pics of the tester plants. The Turloco #2 in the 3 gallon smartpot is doing the most branching of all the plants. I was worried about not enough root room for that one.


Here are the Tiki Jo plants. The second one was wanting watered at the time of the pic.



BOGOs & Turloco #1 top right

Turloco #1 & #2


Some of the lower fans are showing the effects of starting their life indoors and got a bit sunbleached, but less than any of the other plants had from their transition. The genetics hold much promise, and the plants are growing pretty happily for me.

The teapot at work


Brewing tea for the kiddies. Two airstones and a stocking stuffed with rice, soy flour, coffee grounds, alfalfa pellets, dry crumbles, oatmeal, kelp meal soaking in fish emulsion and molasses in the water. Watered with the tea this evening mixed 1:3 with filtered tap water. It has only been brewing since last night so I topped it up and will be watering with it again tomorrow evening.

The reason for the cage around Tiki Jo #2 is only to keep my dog from trampling it in her chase of the birds in the yard.

Thanks for checking out the grow and enjoy what life throws in yer face. :wave: