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JACKS Three Ring Circus!!!


No Longer a Human Watering Can
HA HA yea it is a busy table .... man the table changed my life i have so much free time my nights arent consistent of constant water can refills and back breaking plant moving ...... even if all you used it for was runoff catching they would be great .....but flood and drain is so easy a caveman could do it .....!!!

peace buddy


No Longer a Human Watering Can
caligreen>>>> FOE SHO !!!!!

Dr. Purpur>>>>> thanks man ..... twas a good shot !!!

krushonkush>>>>> what is up buddy i havnt seen ya in my thread in a while .... thanks for the compliments !!!

peace all :smokeit:


No Longer a Human Watering Can
TrichyTrichy>>>>>thanks for stoppin in .. good to see ya around in places other then the bump !!! :wave:

redspaghetti>>>>thanks buddy... Good to see ya

Man i have been tokin on bubble Exclusively for three days now ,, i dont think ill go back to smoking buds .... if it don't bubble it aint worth the trouble , right !!! .... HA HA, J/K i did contemplate it for a moment though


BUUUUUUUBBLE BAAAAAAAGS?!?!!? When did ya get those my friend?!? Dank lookin hash, how much did you put in to get that much? PEACE


No Longer a Human Watering Can
caligreen>>>>OHH yea For sure ,, gotta love the bubbble !!

i got them on Friday night via ups ... its only the gallon set i shoulda got the 5 gallon but oh well it works

i put in what u see in this pic less then a half oz, more then a quarter oz of popcorn nugs and a hand full of clippings seen in the bag next to the rubermaid ,... so all in all it yielded a good amount of bubble for a small amount of buds !!! I didn't weigh either the buds or the bubble but next time i will ... I was just excited to make some

Headband >>>> all my cuts are clone only ....... thanks for stopping by
TT>>>>> :wave: :cathug:


Very nice, Jack! :respect:

Great timing!
I'm about to make some bubble too.

I've been bubbling for a while now.
It seems every run gets better! :yes:

Gonna add some popcorn buds for the first time.

Do you bust up the buds before mixing?


No Longer a Human Watering Can
PEAT>>>> whats up buddy !!! gotta love the bubble ....

i didnt break up the buds but i did use a electric mixer that bad boy busted them up just fine .....thanks for stoping by buddy !!!!


I gotcha. :yes:

I use a big plastic cooking spoon to mix with.
So I guess I should take the time to break em up a bit.

:listen2: I'm not around as much as I'd like to be.
But I try to check in regularly... :lurk:


No Longer a Human Watering Can
For sure. I used a spoon the first time and my arm hurt after 30 min of mixing.... Yea i would say break it up ... maybe if ya got a grinder try grinding the larger buds straight into the mixing bag.

Dont be a stranger ...


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
Nice Jack. I love bubble too. I use my drill and a plastic paint mixr to stir it up. Wait til u see the trim I have saved up. Looks like half my freezer is sugar leaf n popcorns lol
on the other mention. Ur plants look fantastic. N the guard dogs look like they do a good job