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I've got a high tolerance...looking for something to rip my head off!


Registered User
Strain confusion (always smoking different strains and smoking them in different ways joints, bongs, vapes, edibles, ect....) is a good way too avoid the "blahs" when your a serious smoker, gotta keep all different types on hand, hazes, to kusshes to sativas to indicas.

Surprised no one else advocates this. Pretty much the only way for me to toss a head spinner anymore... to constantly switch it up, or to mix weeds in a joint.

My take on it is that it changes up the cannabinoid profile... where one becomes dull, another will kick it again. Just constantly switching it up.

I've had/have hazes that used to cause me to break out into a sweat... no longer the case, but I can get it to spin me for a loop... just in rotation.

I also chase dragons bro! It's okay... that's where new shit comes from. ;-)


I smoke a lot...a joint an hour all day, every day. My usual's aren't cutting it any more...they leave me wanting more.

So, here I am...asking...begging...for some suggestions on what to get next. A Sativa for sure...but which one? Who has a RELIABLY potent strain that I can buy in seed right now? I don't want to have to search through 1000 or even 100 plants to find that ONE really potent one. I'm looking for potency only right now. Potent with no ceiling...is that too much to ask?


so what have u been smoking the past months ?

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Okay then well I guess that would also be me LOL I smoke all day everyday and yes there was a time when I even considered quitting as it just wasn't doing it for me anymore. Then I got this bud that passed all the bud before it and knocked my socks off and I realized that this was why I loved cannabis so much. This type of bud was so amazing and unlike all the other bud on the street. So the hybrid kept me in this game but the whole your lazy because you smoke all day is very offensive to me as lazy is the last thing I am. So you can stick your sterotyping into my pipe and smoke it Headband707


Feeling good is good enough.
"Thanks for the suggestions... For those of you concerned that I'm "wasting my life"...I'm retired, it's my treat to myself after many years of hard work..."


If you wish to keep enjoying Cannabis you must regulate its use.

Much valuable advice has been given already so I will not "quote".

Trust me, you can still waste the rest of your life as a burned out stoner... always chasing that "high".

I say this based on personal experience and with much respect.




Active member
Lol i love how people can smoke WAY too much pot to the point theyy cant get high, then rather than just cutting back your plan is to find some sort of super strain to keep your habit going. This is NO different than somebody who drinks all day everyday and is looking for stronger booze, you would say this person is an alcoholic, and that they should either learn to set limits like everybody else, and if they simply lack the self control to regulate their own use responsibly, then they probably shouldn't be drinking at all and should quit. Because of prohibition we don't have any set "social norms" like we have developed with alcohal. i think once pot is legal people will start to realize there is a difference between use and abuse. That just because you aren't going to overdose, smash your car into a tree, beat your wife, or become a lifelong addict doesn't mean you can't overdue it, become lazy, put off important deadlines, become less outgoing and social, and have a case of black lung from smoking 12 to 16 joints a day...can you even walk up 3 stories of stairs?!?!.weed is just not strong enough to get you high all day everyday for extended periods of time, and even if it was it wouldn't be good for your lungs or your life...people that spend their entire lives stoned are missing out. pot is great for a little variation on sober consciousness, we cannot understand what it is to be sober, without something else to compare it too but that gate swings both ways. if you are stoned for so long that you have no idea what it is to be totally sober than high becomes the norm and your body learns to IGNORE the high, even though its still there so that you can function somewhat...smoking a joint an hour is crazy and i honestly can't understand how anybody that smokes that much could get anything done in their life...not to mention they are probably the most boring people in the world to have a conversation with...just a zombie...i get carried away occasionally and throughout a day i'll smoke 4 or 5 joints with freinds while disc golfing, but my tolerance builds fast when i do it and i usually take it as a sign to take a break, when my tolerance is at the level i like to keep it at id be retarded for half the day after one joint of chemdog or og kush...in fact i am about a week into a clean session, i figure i'll start again when my next harvest is finished, though that will be about 7 weeks away so ive got some time. it's good to clear your head and get back to accomplishing tasks you have been putting off, personally after 6 months of smoking taking a break is like doing another drug for the first few weeks, i have so much energy now and my appetite dissapeared, lol great way to lose a few pounds...Like it or not though pot is a powerful drug and can be abused, it's better to set time aside to get high and enjoy it, rather than just trying to do everything you normally do high...do yourself a favor and quit for a month, then all strains will take your head off...then grow up and learn some willpower sso you dont just abuse it till you cant get high again!
A tad sanctimonious don't you think mommy?

THINK man, the guy is asking you for strain recommendations not judgemental life lessons from a noob.

And to joeuser, as has already been said, variety is the key, like you i'm retired AND I smoke all day every day and if I didn't have several flavors to cycle through i'd have gotten bored with it long ago.

Peace, SOG
being fat soluble you can't just flush MJ out as easily with hydration(drinking)but regular aerobic exercise will be very effective in lowering your saturation level

I can think of many other more detrimental ways to pass the time,I will partner with MJ too


so what have u been smoking the past months ?

thats the thing cheesey, I can puff away all day on low grade ie trimmings etc but the real macoy dont let you abuse it that much before:dance013:

id suggest growing some white russian, warlock or exhile but as a previous post suggests anything will trip you after a lay off.......if greens not strong enough run some BHO...:wave::jump::wave:

Sour Deez


Ever since I switched I have been getting TWICE as high on HALF the amount..sounds like a win win to me!!!!:dance013:


Feeling good is good enough.

Ever since I switched I have been getting TWICE as high on HALF the amount..sounds like a win win to me!!!!:dance013:

Switching between Vaporizer, Joint and Bong works nicely since each has different operational temperature (actual) and method of extraction.

Since Cannabis contains so many different compounds that influence effect this works towards the ever important VARIETY.

Need to keep that Brain guessing where the next hit will come from!



Active member
SSSDH and Durban Poison have always hit me pretty well though malawi is always a fun high. Some of the mexican sativas are nice as well though its hard to get genetics nailed down there since so much has been hybridized. If you can get a cut of SSSDH where you live go for it, she takes a while to finish but the high is awesome.


Thanks those who suggested strains and didnt offer "life advice"...cause the OP isnt the only one wanting to pick the minds of more seasoned growers and find what strains knocks thier socks off.


No life advice from me lol...i have the same problem with having a high tolerence and ive been eatin a good potent cookie or 2 a day and those nice sativas been hittin me again hehe.. I would get a nice haze strain from a good seed source like Mr. Nice or Tom Hill (i know long flowering time) but who cares when you need that fire.. then just add a cookie to your joint and you should be good

headband 707

Plant whisperer
LOL knock socks off shit lol .. Okay I got some PK I believe she might have been Lavander Purple Kush (Clone Only ) She was so dank that you could smell this baby pretty far away and you couldn't carry this on your person lol.
Had some pretty sweet "Green Crack" and "Road Kill Skunk" that is almost impossible to find now. I'm talking about bud that has staying power not bud that you get immune to after 1/4 lb..
The best bud I ever had had no name or atleast I didn't know the name lol had a kush /skunk smell and to this day I have never seen anything like it..peace out Headband707


Feeling good is good enough.
OK... I'll jump as well:

Mango Haze

Sensi Star

Different phenos from these strains will keep your brain pickled yet crispy !



Active member
with out doubt
indica.. sensi star.. this will get you baked and put you to bed no matter who you are its lethal .. a differant leauge to all other indicas imo
sativa.. pure columbian gold 18 weeks flower. that shit was like crack, i got the seed off MM breeder of crazy cross seeds, i HIGHLY recommend you look at his columbian hybrids

i also had some great killer phenos from rezs sour wonder and heads g13 diesal

there loads out there but those 2 stick in my mind the most out of the dozens(probs over 100) of strains ive tried


So many wonderful suggestions!

Yep, I've worked my life for just this moment...I own everything outright, no bills, git some land for privacy...and smoke my weed. Some people want a beach house...I just want to smoke my weed. Some people want a fancy car or a boat...I just want to smoke my weed. Is one "better" than the other? My hobby is growing and smoking. I still have other interests, play games, but I like to do it all high.

Anyway...to answer some questions and make a few comments...

Indicas just don't do it for me. I've had/have White Rhino, NL, Afghan, HK, and none get me really high. I could smoke it like cigarettes and be straight all the time. They look and smell beautiful...but the ceiling is for midgets!

I've had Sativas Tom Hill Haze, Aisle 9 (SSHxTHH), CindyHaze (C99xHaze), Satori...and they're OK. I can get to "that place"...but I have to smoke a LOT...too much...to get there.

I've made QWISO and ice water seived (bubble bag) hash. QWISO sucks compared to the bubblebag hash...but it's SO mush easier to do. The problem with concentrates is I don't get enough. 7 grams gives me like a days worth of hash.

I mix my weed now. Some of this...some of that...usually an indica with a sativa...and most likely 3 or more in a blend. Usually whatever 3 I have the most of at the time.

Everything gets cured...everything is at least 2 months old...nothing more than 6.

Most days, I start with the extreme Q...it seems the freshest, clearest high, a great way to start the day. I use about a joints worth per 1-1 1/2 hour session. This is when I get the most done...cutting the pasture, fixing broken things, running errands. At noon I switch to joints and those go every 1 1 1/2 hours too. After dinner the bowl comes out. I had a bong for a while but it wasn't worth the trouble and still make us cough.

I understand pheno hunting but I was hoping to start with a strain that reliably spits potent girls. I've made clones but they were always a waste of time since I've yet to find that "tripping weed" that I had as a kid.

I need to find a Sativa that has reliable "fuck you up" qualities.

Thanks guys for the suggestions...even the preaching shows you cared. If I were a 17 y/o talking like this...well, that would be a whole other affair. I've already done my time, now I want to play.


I agree with the edibles. Way higher ceiling, lasts longer, just don't overdo it or you'll really fuck your tolerance. Cannamilk is super easy.

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