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I've got a high tolerance...looking for something to rip my head off!



Bro I seriously feel for you if you haven't had a strain that has really hit all the right spots for you.. lol.. Trust me when I tell you that there is A and then there is A++ out there lol .. peace out Headband707
You really arent getting what im saying ..so take the band off your head for a second...ive had A++ before just like anybody else thats been smoking for over 20yrs. WHAT IM SAYING IS THAT YOU CAN NOT SMOKE THE SAME STRAIN EVERYDAY AND IT KEEP HITTING YOU LIKE IT DID THE FIRST TIME. Now i hope you get what im saying this time. You keep picking like two words i say and try and go with that unless your just one of those people that likes to argue just to argue about something. So i think if ya do keep getting just as high everyday off the same ol strain then you have the tolerence of a teenager that just started smoking....its kinda wierd most people on this post agree with me but not you:wave:


There's no such thing as "one hitter quitter" weed...... just "one hitter quitter" people.
I agree...too many peeps looking for something that isnt there...but beware there is some people out there that might suggest that you havent smoked A++ before lol hehe and those people know who they are


Well-known member
So i think if ya do keep getting just as high everyday off the same ol strain then you have the tolerence of a teenager that just started smoking....its kinda wierd most people on this post agree with me but not you:wave:

It might not be like it did the first time, but the same strain CAN be satisfactory every day for, say, a year. At least, to some of us, a minority, judging by posts :)
(Almost) pure sativas under the sun and after a good cure do the trick for me - I always get high from them, and I don't crave for more, 3-4-5 puffs throughout the day and night are enough for complete satisfaction :dance013:
People are different and weed they grow is different, weird :)
I used to smoke a lot of indicas and hybrids, and I always ended wanting more. Then I started growing my own, and I grow sativas. They don't have this tolerance and craving for more, and teach me how to want less and be happy with what's present :) Give me good pure Haze and I wouldn't mind smoking it till the end of my life every day and every night... especially if there are several phenos :jump:


It might not be like it did the first time, but the same strain CAN be satisfactory every day for, say, a year. At least, to some of us, a minority, judging by posts :)
(Almost) pure sativas under the sun and after a good cure do the trick for me - I always get high from them, and I don't crave for more, 3-4-5 puffs throughout the day and night are enough for complete satisfaction :dance013:
People are different and weed they grow is different, weird :)
I used to smoke a lot of indicas and hybrids, and I always ended wanting more. Then I started growing my own, and I grow sativas. They don't have this tolerance and craving for more, and teach me how to want less and be happy with what's present :) Give me good pure Haze and I wouldn't mind smoking it till the end of my life every day and every night... especially if there are several phenos :jump:

I totally agree with you i am a big time haze lover and you can for sure smoke on the same strain everyday and be happy with a good haze. In the original post on this thread he asked for a strain the was gonna rip his head off cause his tolerence is too high..he also states he smokes a joint every hour all day every day and im saying that no one strain will rip your head off every time if you smoke it like that...it will still get ya good and high but not rip your head off like the first time...

headband 707

Plant whisperer
You really arent getting what im saying ..so take the band off your head for a second...ive had A++ before just like anybody else thats been smoking for over 20yrs. WHAT IM SAYING IS THAT YOU CAN NOT SMOKE THE SAME STRAIN EVERYDAY AND IT KEEP HITTING YOU LIKE IT DID THE FIRST TIME. Now i hope you get what im saying this time. You keep picking like two words i say and try and go with that unless your just one of those people that likes to argue just to argue about something. So i think if ya do keep getting just as high everyday off the same ol strain then you have the tolerence of a teenager that just started smoking....its kinda wierd most people on this post agree with me but not you:wave:

LOL okay well although I love a good argument
So let me tell you what I'm throwing down your way so we don't have any misunderstandings here..
I have had this amazing bud for about 4 years and I have not had any of the usual immune build up which is very unusual for me. So yeah that would normally be the case . I would have said that it's hydro and this is why it's so amazing but it isn't it's the strain and I would say it's a PK as far as I can see and it's off the hook lol peace out Headband707:tiphat:
Bra I don't agree with most ppl at the best of times lol :dance013: sending good karma your way...


You really arent getting what im saying ..so take the band off your head for a second...ive had A++ before just like anybody else thats been smoking for over 20yrs. WHAT IM SAYING IS THAT YOU CAN NOT SMOKE THE SAME STRAIN EVERYDAY AND IT KEEP HITTING YOU LIKE IT DID THE FIRST TIME. Now i hope you get what im saying this time. You keep picking like two words i say and try and go with that unless your just one of those people that likes to argue just to argue about something. So i think if ya do keep getting just as high everyday off the same ol strain then you have the tolerence of a teenager that just started smoking....its kinda wierd most people on this post agree with me but not you:wave:

I agree...too many peeps looking for something that isnt there...but beware there is some people out there that might suggest that you havent smoked A++ before lol hehe and those people know who they are



BHO and make your own capsules

^^ There's some advice if slowing down is not in your line of thought.

Other than overloading your body with cannabinoids, the most important factor to realise in this discussion is that our brains only have a certain number of cannabinoid receptors. So if your are flooding your brain with 16 joints a days worth, then finding a stronger strain is not going to magically grow you more receptors for you to get higher.

Take a brake, let your body/brain flush some cannabinoids, and then go back to normal use. Mix things up sativa/indica wise, as the two ends of the spectrum usually have very different cannabinoid make-up and certain receptors may be full (say common 'sativa' type receptors) where if you smoke an indica, you may be blown away.

Moderation and variation are the key to continual enjoyment of our favourite herb. But if those two are too much effort, just make BHO capsules which will blow your mind the fuck up everytime.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
^^ There's some advice if slowing down is not in your line of thought.

Other than overloading your body with cannabinoids, the most important factor to realise in this discussion is that our brains only have a certain number of cannabinoid receptors. So if your are flooding your brain with 16 joints a days worth, then finding a stronger strain is not going to magically grow you more receptors for you to get higher.

Take a brake, let your body/brain flush some cannabinoids, and then go back to normal use. Mix things up sativa/indica wise, as the two ends of the spectrum usually have very different cannabinoid make-up and certain receptors may be full (say common 'sativa' type receptors) where if you smoke an indica, you may be blown away.

Moderation and variation are the key to continual enjoyment of our favourite herb. But if those two are too much effort, just make BHO capsules which will blow your mind the fuck up everytime.

NO, NO ,NO ,NO ,NO, JK LOL....

Okay if your bud is really good 16 joints is too many you should be able to smoke 1 joint and be stoned for 4 hours..

Yeah taking a break just doesn't do it for me. Not that I havn't many many times it's just that I seem to get right back to square one in no time . So finding the right cannabis is more important. I'm always on the quest lol..Yes I agree there is a limit to the brains tolerance and I also believe there is more types of cannabis out there then we are obviously privy to that have staying power as I have run into it. Although it's few and far between it is out there . I have heard that "Skywalker" is one although I have never had this one myself peace out Headband707:)
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NO, NO ,NO ,NO ,NO, JK LOL....

Okay if your bud is really good 16 joints is too many you should be able to smoke 1 joint and be stoned for 4 hours..

Yeah taking a break just doesn't do it for me. Not that I havn't many many times it's just that I seem to get right back to square one in no time . So finding the right cannabis is more important. I'm always on the quest lol..Yes I agree there is a limit to the brains tolerance and I also believe there is more types of cannabis out there then we are obviously privy to that have staying power as I have run into it. Although it's few and far between it is out there . I have heard that "Skywalker" is one although I have never had this one myself peace out Headband707:)
Skywalker is FIRE FIRE FIRE...and i agree if you smoking 16 joints a day either ya need to spend more time in your growroom fixing the problem or better find some new genetics lol


donut engineer
I quit smoking for two months about a year ago.

I smoked half a joint of C99 and it was like I was a teenager smoking that first toke again. I giggled and babbled like a fool, became overly excitable about trivial things (like potato chips) and was generally incredibly fucked up.

Your cannabinoid receptors need a break.


Registered User
I'll bottom line it... addicted to tobacco, coffee & weed. It's more about getting normal than getting high... anymore. It would take something extraordinary to stop for a while.


havent tried it, but i'd love some grinspoon by b's farm. something like 100 day flower super sativa.

do you smoke mostly one kind? indica vs sativa
if so, mabey try the other


New member
havent tried it, but i'd love some grinspoon by b's farm. something like 100 day flower super sativa.

do you smoke mostly one kind? indica vs sativa
if so, mabey try the other
Grinspoon is awesome. Tried some on my last Dam trip, on the last day too... Cut thru everything and had me FUBAR'd. And that's after 4 days of smoking non-stop with 4 friends.


New member
jack herer? That's a standout for me and a sativa.

I've gotta say, I just recently cut back only slightly and have seen almost immediate gains in the quality of the high I'm getting.
Fastest and Easiest results that require finding no new strains are just have 1-2 less sessions a day / longer breaks in between sessions, annoying but I saw results like the 2nd day.

enter sandman

Active member
addicted to coffee & tobacco also...as stated before me, try some 75% to pure sativas. I've smoked since 1980 & I still have not gained the type of tolerance I hear so many people having. It's also good to have at least a minimum of 2 different strains, preferably 4-5. One thing that keeps my highs fresh is doing different things, like new hobbies or things you've never done before. A lot of this problem is mental. Try to resolve unresolved issues that are bothering you (whether you realize they are or not). As we grow older, we accumulate loads of pure shit in our subconscious from all the negative people we meet & negative experiences that happen during everyday life. You don't know why you are feeling drained of energy & getting depressed all the time...it is your mind. My highs go to shitville as soon as I start lingering on negative people/things. And about 4 years ago I started bicycling...I did not start it to help my high, but discovered that it really does help. I ride every other day about 15 miles & it kind of resets my high in a way. Good excercise in any form.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I used cannabis and zyban years ago to get off of tobacco best move I have ever made in my whole life and never looked back.. Now I'm one of those ppl that say "please don't smoke those filthy cig around me" lol peace out Headband707


Beer weed and bikini, ok now I got a boner! :blowbubbles:

ew she is smoking brick weed, dont kiss me with that mouth. go brush your teeth.

anyway i know its been said a million times but smoking a joint every hour is shitty, no strain on this planet can keep up with that. if anything smoking aint the way to go, id be vaporizing if i was you. retired or not no sense in wasting a shit ton of weed on joints.

personally for me vape always works, now how much you vape like you smoking every hour will greatly depend on how long the high lasts but its always there for me with vapes. i know with smoking its not the same i dont care what you say, the more you smoke the shittier it seems to taste, feel and even be able to get you high as with vaping it will always be potent, just with abusive use like that every hour, your high wont last as long as it would if you took your time.

plus i can promise i can get as many hits off a small vape bowl of some kill versus a joint or bong any day.. no ash, no disgusting last hit taste left in your mouth or your friends, no ass smell in your house from all the smoke, no damaging the shit out of your lung tissue, no wasting bud like its water, no crappy taste of rolling papers, no need to buy rolling papers.. i could go on and on about the benefits of vaping but some just dont care to get into it, to me smoking is damn near primitive now.

i always try for nostalgia sake to smoke here and there. i always realize what a waste of time and weed it was when i couldve just vaped all that weed instead, happens every time at the end of that joint or bong bowl.. its almost like the feeling you get after you just masturbated, dirty, gross, doesnt feel so good anymore, feel like shit and wish you hadnt done it.

as much as ill always remember the good times smoking, it cant compare to a good vape to me at all anymore and never will. it shocks me with the amount of decent vapes these days that not more people use them still, sadly most the people who do have them dont use them properly and end up sticking with smoking because they dont want to take the time to figure it out.


my advice would be just lower your intake and detox your system !!

that and move to somewere subtropical !!! down south to spain in your in europe or down to florida miami if your in the states !!

sativa grown under intense sun are night and day to what you can grow under a grow light !!

cannaboigen.......... destroyer
ace ........................ golden tiger, bangi , panama
seedsman ............... suger haze !! ...... this over looked strain is my pick to freak you out columian x haze freaky shit !!
mr nice ............. neville,mango , nevilxmango !! . nl5xhaze
and source some good thai's too there lots out there !!

facts are if you dont find what your lookin for in this lot your likely never to find it !!!

you would have to start edibles in large amounts !! could get scary if you over do it with edibles, iv been on a horror ride ill never forget eatin to much .............. never again ! !!

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