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It's the CLUBS not the GROWERS!!!

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Active member
supply vs demand, price is what market will bear. end of arguement

capitalism 101? You know there are other forms of social norms that used to exist and will exist in the future?

ever hear of communism? egalitarianism? socialism? fascism?

not everything is gonna be capitalist forever folks.

Things are changing quickly.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
So this whole thread is mistitled. ITS THE GROWERS not THE CLUBS.

Actually its the government who are arresting people for growing a plant forcing the price to skyrocket. You want to make a real difference, get mj legalized. Then let the market dictate the price in a legal industry....


Active member
Actually its the government who are arresting people for growing a plant forcing the price to skyrocket. You want to make a real difference, get mj legalized. Then let the market dictate the price in a legal industry....

I'm a big supporter of the DEA getting the reggos and coke off the street... Keeps the market in demand, and I just don't like coke heads.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I say legalize ALL drugs. The only drug that people dont use because of its illegality is marijuana. Anyone who wants to shoot, slam or snort is already doing so regardless of its status. Id rather all drugs legalized then try to pretend like the war we wage on our own citizens has been doing anything more then growing the demand of illegal drugs produced in health risk enviornments being produced by people who dont give a shit what their consumers ingest. Just look at all the mexican coke that is coming into the USA now that is being chopped up with cow dewormer causing all sorts of horrible shit to our people. Id rather see the people who are going to use these drugs consume them from regulated manufacturers, rather then any scumfuck piece of shit with some extra space and a lack of care to their end user...


Active member
Growers are #1 behind not legalizing MJ. They've paid for the stealth. They're getting rewarded for their risks. Why would they want to open the door to competition from entities with way more investment capital?

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Growers are #1 behind not legalizing MJ. They've paid for the stealth. They're getting rewarded for their risks. Why would they want to open the door to competition from entities with way more investment capital?

Not all growers do it for the money. Some do it simply because they love doing it. You dont think there are alot of us here who would love to be able to do what we love in a 100% legal enviorment? Sure youd have to put in more time for less pay per plant, but that freedom is priceless. Im grower. Im a medical dispenser. and im 100000% percent for the legalization of mj. I would much rather be able to hire an entire staff, buy land and warehouses and pay taxes then have to look over my shoulder for theifs thugs and cops...


Active member
Growers are #1 behind not legalizing MJ. They've paid for the stealth. They're getting rewarded for their risks. Why would they want to open the door to competition from entities with way more investment capital?

thats the number 1 reason im using it as a cash grab...

ill be the first to admit it, im not ashamed...

i plan to invest what i can earn while still illegal into a "legit" business...

the day the fed legalizes weed youll see one of two things either it will be edibles only as promoting smoking for health is ludacris or it will be like beer or cigs and youll see 100 dollar oz or less im thinking like 50-60 tops for your run of the mill commercial that rj reynolds will grow. youll still see expensive weed just like your 1000 dollar bottle of boose...

either way you have to find your niche if you cant produce it in quantity cheap you better produce quality that warrants the exorbitant price

edit: FOR THE RECORD i am for total sweeping legalization...


Active member
capitalism 101? You know there are other forms of social norms that used to exist and will exist in the future?

ever hear of communism? egalitarianism? socialism? fascism?

not everything is gonna be capitalist forever folks.

Things are changing quickly.

HAHAH i knew it all along...i always suspected TOL was on some pro welfare obamacare bullshit. good to know your true colors, this guy advocates for all of us to grow weed to simply give it away for free to everybody.

TOL sorry i was trying to be nice but you are full of shit. hot steaming shit, the stuff spewing out of your mouth is so ridiculous i almost think you are just making humor and trying to instigate people.

the most telling part of your whole argument, is that you have never handled a large grow of any nature, whether it be marijuana or tomatoes. if you grew agriculture on any large scale you would keep your trap shut...its always the ignorant who are the most vocal...

and you never even got it through your thick skull that EVEN IF MMJ WAS LEGAL, YOU SURE AS SHIT WONT SEE 10 AN HOUR BEING THE WAGE FOR A WAREHOUSE/GREENHOUSE/OUTDOOR CROP MANAGER. your puny little 10 bucks an hour is for the trimmers and soil mixers....


Active member
When did I ever tell someone to do anything for free?

I was rationalizing the reason there is mark up at clubs.

I was rationalizing why there is mark up with growers.

You keep trying to point out what I have or haven't done.

How much does a tomato farmer make, buddy?

Sorry I made you not be nice to me any more.

I'm also sorry that you think $10 an hour is such a puny wage.

Did you know that the average MAN on PLANET EARTH makes less than $12k a year???

You are living like a god in the western world. It will not last forever.

You should be grateful for your blessings and recognize WHY you get to earn what you earn. Its not because your farming is superior to a tomato farmer's.

Its not because I am or am not a socialist. If anything I prefer egalitarianism. Do you know what that is?

EDIT: And just so you know I know how out of touch you are with California's agricultural scene... everyone knows that trimmers and soil mixers are illegals working for $4 an hour.


Michigan Patient caregiver. I do not sell to clubs or dispensaries. I do let their wholesale prices set the price $1000 a quarter = $250 an O. $125 a 1/2 etc. I deliver,hell Iv'e even rolled a couple weeks worth for 1 gal.
What I'm sayin is its up to us to do whats right.Some one here says 'do more than expected do whats right' how about another misquote? Patients with needs want a CAREGIVER with weeds..
Hey bobble! Cali is also sending their shit equipment here to Mich along with meds...


Active member
the med scene in michigan has a long way to go, the majority is sub-par improperly flushed and cured crap...

sure there's alot of crap coming from big outdoor states but regardless our market is still flooded with inexperienced growers who know it all, i can say this having spoken to alot of people in mi about growing...

i dont claim to know all but i have done alot of research and since growing is mostly science i can say without a doubt it doesnt take experience to grow good bud it takes time researching the proper methods and an attention to detail... just look at my grow...

curing is another big issue here with all the new growers, they have no idea how to properly dry bud, to often i look at a bag and go oh nice only to open it and be disappointed when it lacks smell or smells kinda like hay...

regardless i agree paladin, i plant to let shit go for the same prices and currently delivery is were its at in mi as all the shops are technically in a gray area and are ripe for the fucking...


Freedom Fighter
EDIT: And just so you know I know how out of touch you are with California's agricultural scene... everyone knows that trimmers and soil mixers are illegals working for $4 an hour.

Dude, I don't know about Nor Cali, but down here in the South...I have never seen trimmers make less than $100/day...and I turn my own soil--
Oh...and as far as it being the Growers who were/are against Legalization...it was the Clubs that were the most united against it....AND they reached/tainted the highest amount of ppl against it!!

Zen Master

heres another one for ya....


you know of any pot dealers that get health insurance provided through their employer?

yeah me neither.

I dunno about you, but medical costs are thru the roof. You bet your ass I'm going to have insurance rather than pay $2,500 for a SUTURE (stitches) like one of my friends just got after his $9,000 surgery. And you're talking about greedy growers.

oh theres no 401k or pension either.... so how is one supposed to retire?

if you charge nothing on top of what the actual cost of production is, there is no money saved for the future, not making a living at that point, you're doing a hobby. I grow organic veggies, sorta like a hobby, I dont expect to pay my bills with it, however you bet your ass there is still a value attached to it.

I must have missed it, did you say where your freedom was worth something? I still haven't heard what you value 5 years of your life at.


Game Bred
there is no point with this :wtf:
he played his commie card.
he believes from us according to our abilities to him according to his "needs"

fuck your children's hungry bellies
fuck your healthcare needs
fuck your 401k plan
gimmie your fucking trees
gimmie gimmie gimmie....


Active member
when did I say anything about greedy growers

all I stated was that growing weed is no more complicated than growing tomatos and the ONLY reason you get off charging what you charge is its black market status.

you can keep trying to turn this into something else if you want, but ill maintain my position


Game Bred
when did I say anything about greedy growers

all I stated was that growing weed is no more complicated than growing tomatos and the ONLY reason you get off charging what you charge is its black market status.

you can keep trying to turn this into something else if you want, but ill maintain my position

and you will continue to be wrong..
you cant help it.

why do heirloom organic tomatoes cost more than GMO hot house beefsteak?

if the world of horticulture is as simple as you think it is(having zero experience you just think it simple) why does the densuke cost more than the jubilee?
neither is illegal?
one single densuke costs $6000
one jubilee costs $3.50

give up youngster your making a complete ass of yourself.

ive got about 1000 examples of "gourmet" fruits and veggies that vary WIDELY in price..

btw a tomato is a fruit and cannabis is a flower so for your idiotic comparison roses would be more apt
12 roses can go for as much as $100 depending on variety..

so lets play your way..

how much should the very best cannabis be per gram?
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Active member
maybe in the central valley on a strawberry farm illegals make 5 an hour.....but up in sonoma county the wine grape trimmers are making around 10 an hour. wine managers make 3-4k an acre, as the owners of the vineyard we are looking at around 50k profit a year.

and yes...10 bucks an hour is a puny shit wave. sorry i wasnt born in bangaldesh or fuckedupistan...here in america most kids my age make around 20-25 an hour with a bachelors degree. i think making 40k out of my 5k bedroom is a damn fair wage for the amount of work i put in.....when i dial into GPW i can make a little more...but im not clearing hundreds of thousands of dollars running 5 or even 10 lights....


Active member
when did I say anything about greedy growers

all I stated was that growing weed is no more complicated than growing tomatos and the ONLY reason you get off charging what you charge is its black market status.

you can keep trying to turn this into something else if you want, but ill maintain my position


so please drop your comparison it doesnt work. growing weed and tomatoes on a commercial scale takes way more work than you think.

you dont know anything about commercial agriculture! do you grow 30 acres of grapes? or tomatoes? or weed? what do you do when your well motor eats the shit and you gotta pay 15k for a new one? what do you do when moles are burrowing into your reservoir pond its leaking water into the vineyard or outdoor garden?? what do you do when some of the stalks get hit with fungal disease? powder mildew? pests? nighttime frost freeze? irrigation line clog? rain storms destroying outdoor plants...morning fog raising humidity....bad market and no ones buying grapes/weed? way more things than just "watering" buddy.....I WISH IT WAS AS SIMPLE AS YOU SAY MAN!!! truely wish it was...but its not.

you shold listen to the people here, you are making a fool out of yourself. someone with ZERO experiance talking like they have grown a hundred thousand LBs of primo bud and that its a cakewalk...
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