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It's pricks like this who give us all a bad name.

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Active member
so you're advocating calling the DEA?

are you serious?


Let me put it to you this way, I don't know if you're a 100 year old hippie or a 20 year old snot nosed punk, but it's all the same.

If you're on my property and I ask you to do something reasonable, do it. If you risk my property, my family or my life's work, the authorities will be the least of your worries.

Growing marijuana doesn't entitle you to anything.

Risk your own shit, it's called personal responsibility.

I don't get involved, until others chose to involve me or my family. In fact, I avoid it. If invited against my will, then I get involved.

I can only believe that some would feel entitled because of their age, minimal life experience or low level of personal achievement in life.


Active member
The property owner isn't a grow-op partner and his tenant is operating an illegal enterprise on his property, without his permission. He could forfeit his property because of that.

As far as the popular honor amongst thieves, a lot of people on this site have a lot to learn the hard way.

The day one of your customers, friends or grow buddies is facing prison time, all that honor and friendship goes out the window in all the but the rarest cases.

You stand on your own. Don't get stuck holding the bag when the music runs out.
This grower sounds like a kid who has no idea about rental law, respect, how to do well in the business, the "grow game", karma....really much at all....The whole "this is gonna be my place, I'm gonna own this place talk, I'm gonna sue you " talk.....has it been confirmed that this kid actually has a lawyer or is he just talking out of his ass?

Reading this as one of the many people on this forum that is in a state where this kid woulda been arrested immediately and treated like garbage publicly, I can't believe (even in a "legal grow state") that a grower can get away with being so careless, rude and brazen....

I hope however/whenever this ends, that the guys property isn't damaged. I'm guessing this isn't somebody with salary, property, and money on the books that you're ever gonna be able to collect significant damages from.

I wouldn't have called the cops but you can't expect a non smoker, somebody not in the know, and somebody that thinks you're using a place for storage not to do this when discovering what was going on in his place. You can't cound on some non grower to be sympathetic to growing to the point where they have to go through this. A grower has no special right to damage somebody elses property, make a quick profit, and run on to the next place.


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
I'd say that a drawer full of hypodermic needles is worse than cheap beer, genius. Ten years from now while you're still bitching about the renters, I'll be laughing all the way to the bank. If being a pussy ass boy scout means having the brains not to put yourself in stupid situations, I guess ya got me.


No You Got me...Im the girl scout here, sometimes the Axl in my acts outs too much. LOl

Hey, I hear ye. My first post was before I found the drawer full of shooting gear... little bottle caps and tiny tiny cotton balls you could clean a mouses nuts with. I was just trying to tidy up the room so I could show it.

Yes the beer and cheap cologne was WAAAY better then the nice guy with needles who never paid his rent. (or got out of bed now that I think of it)

On the other hand I will stand by the sentiment that you just have to get these people out of your life ASAP> Don't let the drama snowball. Thats my point and it is good.


Active member
disgusted. y'all be a bunch of traitors.

and i'm in my mid thirties, if you must know. been dippin and divin in this game for 15 years, never in a "MED" state. must be nice that as long as you stay under 100 plants you aint gonna get busted. peeps in my neck o da woods got the sheriffs, state troopers, border patrol, and DEA to worry about.

Snot nose punk? naw, I just live in the real world.


headband 707

Plant whisperer
Okay ppl lets calm down shall we lol lets just say they both have good points and we can see both of their GOOD points lol.. Lets try and remember here that if this is not your property then you have NO RIGHTS to it ... On the other hand phoning the DEA is the worst idea as ppl don't seem to realize how truly BAD these guys really are in this fucked up world we live in and we do. If anyone fucked with me I'm not sure how far I would go to fuck them back I'm pretty sure I would not phone any Johnny Law but thats me...and who I am, this person doesn't live in my world.. headband 707


Well-known member
bit fuckin stupid to vent into the mans shop. prob is everyone is acting like it totally legal when it obviously not... yet.
if a few more people treated each other with more respect, things like this would be avoided.
funny i seem to hear the word 'respect' spouted out of peoples mouths more than ever these days, yet no one seems to understand the meaning of it.

definition of respect
due regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others

have due regard for (someone’s feelings, wishes, or rights):

I respected his views


I'm sorry but a grower who acts like this dickhead did is not one of us. We don't advocate fucking over your landlord here. Just because this fool grows weed does not make him one of us. I do think the landlord overreacted but he didn't start going the DEA route until this guy start making noises about not leaving after being told to. Frankly I say he's lucky that's all the landlord did. There are some out there that would just make the tenant "disappear" after pulling the kind of shit this guy is pulling.

Thank you thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU!

:thank you:
I have never met a grower that would just be a straight up dick to the landlord because the landlord could call the federal government for assistance at any point, and growers know it. At the very least you get put on a watch list.
The guy who rented our cabin became a straight up dick and didn't care. I found him after he moved, but never did anything except think bad thoughts about him.
The property owner isn't a grow-op partner and his tenant is operating an illegal enterprise on his property, without his permission. He could forfeit his property because of that.

As far as the popular honor amongst thieves, a lot of people on this site have a lot to learn the hard way.

The day one of your customers, friends or grow buddies is facing prison time, all that honor and friendship goes out the window in all the but the rarest cases.

You stand on your own. Don't get stuck holding the bag when the music runs out.
Bolded bears repeating.


i do understand the point of the landlords amongst you, specially in the US where the property can be taken even if the owner wasn't aware of the activity. on the other hand in this case authorities are not even acting on the grow, so the house seems to be safe in that regard.

in most parts of the world the tenant is solely responsible for his own activities. as long as the owner knew nothing he and his property are safe. this is because of the few privacy laws that still remain which say your house, or flat is your own and will not be violated unless there is due process. hearsay is not enough. that includes landlords, they have to make appointments to come in and they are not allowed to roam around, they have to be there for a reason and keep their presence centered on that reason. no locked rooms or closets can be opened by them. on the other hand when you leave a property over here you have to stand next to the landlord while he goes over the property with a fine tooth-comb to check that everything is as it should be. no damages, no wear and tear above whats allowed for the amount of time the rental agreement was in place. over here you are lucky if you get away with 2 rents in advance. normal is 2 to 3 months rent as a deposit, plus 1 rent in advance. so if you caused any damage they have quite a big deposit to grab if you don't give it back flawlessly. also you will have a really hard time to rent again if you ruin your rep. in europe many people are renters, not like in the US, so the system to protect both sides is quite good and fair.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
The property owner isn't a grow-op partner and his tenant is operating an illegal enterprise on his property, without his permission. He could forfeit his property because of that.

As far as the popular honor amongst thieves, a lot of people on this site have a lot to learn the hard way.

The day one of your customers, friends or grow buddies is facing prison time, all that honor and friendship goes out the window in all the but the rarest cases.

You stand on your own. Don't get stuck holding the bag when the music runs out.

I guess I always had good peeps then because we have all kept our mouths shut with cops over the years. no rats in our crew. results, no one can get pinned with anything cause no one talks.


Active member
This grower sounds like a kid who has no idea about rental law, respect, how to do well in the business, the "grow game", karma....really much at all....The whole "this is gonna be my place, I'm gonna own this place talk, I'm gonna sue you " talk.....has it been confirmed that this kid actually has a lawyer or is he just talking out of his ass?

That was my take on it as well... my guess is he has no lawyer and is just talking out of his ass. That's why I told the guy to just throw the kid's shit out on the street and be done with it. To be clear I told him NOT to call the DEA if he could help it....but you know what? I really can't blame the guy for doing what he thought he needed to do.

Reading this as one of the many people on this forum that is in a state where this kid woulda been arrested immediately and treated like garbage publicly, I can't believe (even in a "legal grow state") that a grower can get away with being so careless, rude and brazen....

That's what I'm screaming!! I'm sitting here totally in shock not only at this kid's actions, but the attitude of people who are defending him and making out like the landlord is in the wrong here! When I said this shit wouldn't happen in my state I wasn't being an internet hard ass or whatever, I was just straight telling it like it is. It just wouldn't, which is why this situation is blowing my mind right now.

Yes the landlord, had he known what he knows now could have handled it better, but when someone acts like this kid has acted, don't they expect to have the cops called? And afterwards, how does acting like a complete dickwad to the landlord make the situation any better? Peeps saying the landlord should be nice and polite etc, well what about the grower? He could have been nice and polite and apologized right then and there for lying and being deceitful, fixed his ventilation and explained that the smell would go away, and my guess is he could have stayed on through the end of the month without a hassle. Instead he chose (again and again) to be a prick. He deserves to have the book thrown at him.

I hope however/whenever this ends, that the guys property isn't damaged. I'm guessing this isn't somebody with salary, property, and money on the books that you're ever gonna be able to collect significant damages from.

I wouldn't have called the cops but you can't expect a non smoker, somebody not in the know, and somebody that thinks you're using a place for storage not to do this when discovering what was going on in his place. You can't cound on some non grower to be sympathetic to growing to the point where they have to go through this. A grower has no special right to damage somebody elses property, make a quick profit, and run on to the next place.

^ Exactly...that's all I'm trying to say here.

No more updates so far....I'm guessing his lawyer told him not to say anything else until this is finished. So I'm guessing we might hear something more this weekend, or maybe at the end of the month if it takes that long..


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
would anyone here defend a landlord calling the fuzz on a 400w closet in a non med state?

To me this forum has provided a chance to razor out the good from the bad.

Yes like most here I am hardcore MJ person. To the bone.

What we need to know is, Does this person play by the rules, or, Does this person make every other stoner look bad. If they are a nice stoner who is respectful of the Earth and others then leave them the hell alone.

I won't defend the landlord. I will say if the tenant was asking for it, then the landlord is following through with dealing with an asshole, and not a bad guy. That being said its time to wake the F UP America and realize weed is a plant, and nobody should be stressed out over a plant right?

So many growers and smokers use other drugs and live terrible lives. I feel bad for them, but don't ever think that I think weed is to blame.

I wish people could know who the super stealthy good guy stoners are so that they would realize weed and WE are everywhere.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^I would not defend anyone calling the cops on a peaceful person's grow; even if they are an ass hole. That is fucked up.

I understand that it is his property, so if the renter is being a real douche bag about things then he can just remove all the renters property when the guy is not there pile up his shit on the curb, and put new locks on everything and tell the guy if he comes back then he is calling the feds. That would end the whole thing guaranteed. Fuck the renters laws in that situation he has the renter by the balls. Any one that is dumb enough to start shit for a landlord in that hypothetical situation deserves what they get.


Active member
At the end of the day they are both to fault..

The landlord failed to do a background check and he seemed to be a little to nosy for a landlord...He takes that risk when renting property..That is part of the game...If you do not want to deal with problems then do not rent..

The renter,Well lets just say karma will kick his ass at some point...

headband 707

Plant whisperer
You guys really got to remember that ppl that don't smoke bud are a different breed of ppl. They don't like us and they don't really care what happens to us. They feel we are sick scum and on and on.
I meet these ppl everyday not that I give two shits what they think but I meet them..lol..Our News and our cops have done a great job at showing them BULLSHIT..nothing we can do to change this one...Headband 707


Andinismo Hierbatero
grower did not follow one of the Ls: Don't Smell.

so he looses.

it's still illegal, and if you don't know Grow Club Rules, and safety is not a priority, you will get in trouble, plain and simple.

yeah, too bad we do not live in an ideal world where cannabis is just another beneficial plant; so follow all security measures to place no one and nothing at risk and you'll be ok.

real ting

And it's a damn good thing he checked, too! Can you imagine what the inside of that place would have looked like after three months of ventilating humid air into it?

"Well he could have just negotiated with him to change the ventilation system etc etc"

News flash : the landlord owns the property and gets to say what goes. If the renter thought he would be totally OK with running a pot factory in there then why would he lie about it? This guy is not a pot smoker, and he has no interest in being affiliated with this illegal activity. He is just a hard working retired employee who pays his taxes, tinkers with cars, and is worried as shit now that the entire neighborhood is talking about a pot bust going on at his shop.

This is Joe Average you are talking about here. Can you imagine how fucking stressful this situation must be to him? He is worried the smell will remain in the shop and he'll have to dump out loads of oil to make it smell like a shop again, lol. He had nothing against weed growers until 5 days ago, when this asshole LIED to him, moved into HIS shop and took over the place, and now refuses to leave, all while continuing to do damage (ventilating humid air, encouraging mold, and attracting unwanted attention.) After this headache is resolved, guaranteed he will hear horror stories from other landlords about other dumb ass growers who rented their property and also trashed it out. What is he supposed to think about us? That the bad ones are the exception rather than the rule?

Obviously this grower is a complete fucking idiot, but it's not so obvious to the landlord (who doesn't know anything about any of this stuff) now is it? This is his first encounter with a grower and instantly a bad impression has been made against all of us. How are we supposed to be winning over hearts and minds? Don't be this guy.

I dunno man, the grower is a bit of an asshole, and so is the landlord. The problem is you state that the landlord has a right to stop ILLEGAL activity. Well, the police came out, and told him it was totally legal. Your options at this point are the same as any other landlord that doesn't like their tenant: start the eviction process. Trying to send someone to jail for being inconsiderate in their growing (going around town trying to trip them up, what's next, a private eye or a DEA tip?) is really fucked up. Because someone is a mild jerk we should send them to federal prison?

The entire neighborhood probably didn't give a fuck or even know until he called in the police to check it out... I think maybe you're overreacting. To me it seems like most of the unwanted attention is due to the landlords actions, unless the grower started a dispensary on the property as well.

How bad was the humidity in the shop in terms of RH? Does the air vent out into the space and then get trapped inside the building or is it just a passive exhaust? I would wager most growers on this site do not run an exhaust system that is directly ducted outside.

I mean shit, this dude asked for a damage deposit right?

edit: I will say this is a good cautionary tale for growers; this is how a large portion of the country thinks about and would deal with it. I would wager a lot of people on this site grow in rentals, and a lot of them aren't lucky enough to be in a med state. Get a landlord like this and you're fucked. Funny thing is this asshole grower might have a really impressive setup, hell he might have a thread on here with acres of kudos and praise. This thread is like a portal into how the other side thinks.


Active member
would anyone here defend a landlord calling the fuzz on a 400w closet in a non med state?

I wouldn't.

If I found it, I don't think I'd tell them to toss it either. Probably wouldn't mention it, No harm, no foul.

It's nobody's business
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