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Its Not a Weed!

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
A friend that smokes but doesnt grow recently visited me and i was telling him about the problems we've had with disease and bugs outdoors for the last few years. His response was "its just a weed, how bad can it be?"

I told him that today's cannabis was not a weed at all. The hybrids sold today are of garden origin created soley by mankind and perpetuated soley by man. The genetic footprint of the strains sold by retailers have no natural representation anywhere in the wild anywhere in the world and would not persist without human intervention and maintanance.

Not only are the hybridized strains of garden origin, but resulting primarily from indoor breeding, the vast majority of strains are genetically weak, often inbred, and are succeptable to many disease and pests that original genetics have developed resistance too.

I havent heard much discussion - i wondered what others thought about cannabis' "weed" status?.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
how do you define a 'weed'

best i can say is that a weed is a plant growing in the wrong place, so cannabis can be a weed or not depending on if you want it.

the idea that it 'grows like a weed' implies that it's vigorous and easy to grow - and i would say that compared to most plants that it is fairly easy to grow. easier than most but harder than some.

A friend that smokes but doesnt grow recently visited me and i was telling him about the problems we've had with disease and bugs outdoors for the last few years. His response was "its just a weed, how bad can it be?"

I told him that today's cannabis was not a weed at all. The hybrids sold today are of garden origin created soley by mankind and perpetuated soley by man. The genetic footprint of the strains sold by retailers have no natural representation anywhere in the wild anywhere in the world and would not persist without human intervention and maintanance.

Not only are the hybridized strains of garden origin, but resulting primarily from indoor breeding, the vast majority of strains are genetically weak, often inbred, and are succeptable to many disease and pests that original genetics have developed resistance too.

I havent heard much discussion - i wondered what others thought about cannabis' "weed" status?.

It's probably had the most human intervention of any plant so it is the farthest thing from a weed possible. I wonder if its' wild ancestor was even recognizable to us?


The Voice of Reason
Thank you.
I get sooo tired of hearing "it's a weed".

It is an herb, not a weed.

herb |(h)ərb|
1 any plant with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavoring, food, medicine, or perfume : bundles of dried herbs | [as adj. ] a formal herb garden.
• a part of such a plant as used in cooking : a potato base topped with tomatoes, cheese, and herbs.

weed |wēd|
a wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with cultivated plants.
how do you define a 'weed'

best i can say is that a weed is a plant growing in the wrong place, so cannabis can be a weed or not depending on if you want it.

the idea that it 'grows like a weed' implies that it's vigorous and easy to grow - and i would say that compared to most plants that it is fairly easy to grow. easier than most but harder than some.


But it never just pops up weed-like in your garden unless you have been dropping seeds in it.


Well-known member
But it never just pops up weed-like in your garden unless you have been dropping seeds in it.

that's because there is no feral population nearby, just look at this video from nebraska, there's some wild hemp patches, protected by some law so the birds have something to eat. but there are a few states not eradicating feral patches because of it's importance as a bird feed


and there's plenty of strains/hybrids that will grow outdoors, most seedbanks breed for indoor cultivators but what you are saying is true in part.
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The Voice of Reason
that's because there is no feral population nearby, just look at kentucky, there's some wild hemp patches, protected by some law so the birds have something to eat.

and there's plenty of strains/hybrids that will grow outdoors, most seedbanks breed for indoor cultivators but what you are saying is true in part.
Plants that are intentionally planted are cultivated plants, regardless of whether they are indoors, in your yard, in the road ditch, or in the forest.

Wild hemp is a weed only if it is growing where it is not wanted and competing with cultivated plants.

Cannabis could be a weed in a circumstance that is going to be very very rare... but cannabis is generally not ever a weed.


3rd-Eye Jedi
i feel this and i have argued the same


to babylon it is a weed and I smoke fucking weeds so babylon can now go ask yourself why?

:: points to the door of perception

ohh wait

:: points the other way


The Voice of Reason
Here's another good definition for weed.

"A plant that interferes with management objectives for a given area of land at a given point in time."
that's because there is no feral population nearby, just look at kentucky, there's some wild hemp patches, protected by some law so the birds have something to eat.

and there's plenty of strains/hybrids that will grow outdoors, most seedbanks breed for indoor cultivators but what you are saying is true in part.

And what does feral mean? It's escaped cultivation. Could be considered a weed, but I kind of think of weeds as being wild species.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
some herbs, such as lemon balm, mint, can be very pernicious weeds.
in fact most of the worst weeds are cultivated plants that have been allowed to escape from their confines and spread into an area where they are alien to their environment -and have little or nothing in the way of pests and diseases that help to control them.

eg in the UK - japanese knotweed, himalayan balsam.


3rd-Eye Jedi
the term weed is not a definition that exists in any ecosystem not dominated by man

we are the only organism that judges nature and reacts accordingly


....It's just a figure of speech....slang....it ain't a pot either lol..


The Voice of Reason
the term weed is not a definition that exists in any ecosystem not dominated by man

except that it seems the term may be used correctly to refer to plants which grow in water in the wild, such as reeds or cattails.

weed |wēd|
• any wild plant growing in salt or fresh water.

I still don't think this applies to cannabis, since it won't grow wild in marshes, bogs or swamps.


Active member
Some is and some isn't. Some are vigorous and some not. Some susceptible and some not. Just like anything else.

I wouldn't put it in a class like African Violet...but it's not Giant Ragweed either.


Active member
I call it weed but never considered it a real weed and think that people giving grow advice that with "...it's a weed" in it are kind of missing the point.


right on.

However the term "pot" causes no misconceptions and I've heard countless people repeat the phrase "after all, it's (just) a weed".

True that H3ad....you know I view it as a sacred plant....regardless of the technical definitions it may be given....I've given it all kinds of titles over the years.....all I really know...is that I love the stuff...lol...it is wonderful with my coffee right about now. Y'all have a great day in your gardens.


The Voice of Reason
True that H3ad....you know I view it as a sacred plant....regardless of the technical definitions it may be given....I've given it all kinds of titles over the years.....all I really know...is that I love the stuff...lol...it is wonderful with my coffee right about now. Y'all have a great day in your gardens.

I've called it all sorts of slang too, and will continue to do so.
Bowl'o'weed and cup'o'joe are my morning staples.

like japanfreakier I really am only bothered by it when people try to relate gardening advice to the moniker 'weed'.


I've called it all sorts of slang too, and will continue to do so.
Bowl'o'weed and cup'o'joe are my morning staples.

like japanfreakier I really am only bothered by it when people try to relate gardening advice to the moniker 'weed'.

.....I call my morning cup'o'joe and rippers....a "Hippy Speedball"....how does anyone function without them?...lol...O that must make me an addict. That first one of the day....almost always the best one....but I can't talk to peeps for the first half hour or so....lol...just too retarded...then I start gliding and shit gets done.

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