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Mother Plant Nutrition

So I got this email from BGH talking about mother plant nutrition, basically a plug for a new nutrient line, but the article brings up some interesting points. I am currently feeding my mother's standard veg formula but am open to a change. This two part formula looks interesting, and it is a lot cheaper than most stuff out there so I am considering giving it a try. What are you guys using?

Here is a copy of the email. Its well written, normally I throw shit like this away but this caught my eye. I assume it was written by the nutrient company as PR material, so take it with a grain of salt.

BGH said:
Mother plants are stock plants specifically raised to provide cuttings for starting new plants. The cuttings, also known as clones, are genetically identical to the mother plant, and if grown in a controlled environment will develop into daughter plants with the same superior characteristics as the mother plant. Since cuttings take time to develop roots, the clones must rely on stored water and carbohydrates in the stems and leaves to provide the energy necessary to develop vigorous new roots. Therefore, the nutritional status of the mother plant is critical to the rooting and recovery time of the tender clones.

The nutritional requirements of mother plants are significantly different from those of production plants raised for optimal yields. Mother plants require a balanced nutrition specifically formulated to slow down excessive vegetative growth and increase the carbon to nitrogen ratio in the shoots. If a mother plant is fertilized with too much nitrogen, it will grow quickly, but it will produce soft tissues with poor carbohydrate reserves. About 25 to 30% of a plant’s energy is used to change nitrates into an organic form of nitrogen used for vegetative growth. So an over abundance of nitrates will deplete the sugars in the shoots and leaves, reducing the amount of fuel available for new root growth.

A good mother plant fertilizer must also be formulated to strengthen the plant’s cell walls and improve its water holding capacity and stress tolerance. Excess nitrogen fertilization, as found in many standard formulas, produce large plant cells with thin cell walls. Cuttings taken from the new growth of overly vegetative plants tend to be weaker and more susceptible to wilting and fungal infection. Again, reducing the amount of nitrates in the mother plant fertilizer to the low to medium range will be helpful, but the ideal mother plant fertilizer should also be formulated to stimulate the uptake of calcium.

Calcium is taken up through the roots and transported to the new growth, where it forms the calcium pectate “glue” that bonds the cell walls together. A calcium-rich mother plant with stronger cell walls can take up water and nutrients more efficiently, allowing more sugars and nutrients to be stored for future use.

The use of bio-organics in a mother plant formula can dramatically improve the mother plant’s uptake of calcium and other essential nutrients. In conventional hydroponics, calcium ions are dissolved in the nutrient formula and are taken up into the roots through simple osmosis. But if organic biostimulants with a blend of specific amino acids are added to the nutrient solution, calcium ion channels in the roots are opened, allowing calcium to be taken up thousands to millions of times faster than simple osmosis!

The calcium is then used to build strong, new cell walls and to improve the plant’s natural resistance to environmental stress and disease. Higher levels of calcium also tend to restrict the transport of excess nitrates to the shoots, producing plant cells with smaller, but thicker cell walls, ideal for vigorous clones.

Other bio-organic compounds are known to stimulate the production of important plant protection agents. For example, in a ten-year study of biostimulants, researchers at Virginia Tech discovered that a combination of seaweed extracts and humic acid stimulated the plants to produce increased levels of vitamin E and other important anti-oxidants. Specific enzymes are produced that protect the cell walls, the chloroplast membranes and the mitochondrial membranes during times of heat and drought stress. Since cuttings from mother plants are under extreme stress, the heightened levels of plant protection agents accumulated in the mother plant will help sustain efficient metabolism and ensure the survival of the clones until they can develop their own root structure.

Seaweed extracts can also be used as a foliar spray for mother plants. Nitrozime is a seaweed extract rich in cytokinins, the growth hormones that stimulate cell division. Research shows that when cytokinins are applied to shoots, nutrients are attracted towards the growth hormones and are drawn into the leaf tissues. Cytokinins also help keep the plant tissues in a juvenile state and stimulate the development of more lateral buds. Therefore, it is beneficial to start spraying Nitrozime on the mother plant a couple of weeks before cuttings are to be taken. Foliar sprays, when used in conjunction with a well formulated mother plant fertilizer, can be thought of as “stage zero” of plant propagation from cuttings.

Hydrodynamics International, the North American supplier of Clonex® Rooting Compound, is releasing a new bio-organic hydroponic fertilizer specifically for mother plants. Aptly named Mother Plant,® the two-part nutrient formula provides balanced nutrition for stock plants, whether grown hydroponically or in soil. N-P-K ratios are set to meet the nutritional needs of the mother plant, without excess nitrates. And bio-organics are added to improve the uptake of nutrients and strengthen the plant’s natural immunity to environmental stress. Whether a part-time hobbyist or a serious commercial grower, Mother Plant® will help produce the most vigorous clones possible!

After years of research and field tests, Hydrodynamics International
has successfully formulated the first nutrient that creates a perfect
diet for healthy mother plants—and vibrant daughter plants.

Our two-part liquid nutrient:
• uses the highest quality minerals combined with bio-organics
• provides high carbohydrate to nitrogen ratios in shoots
• increases calcium to produce stronger cell walls
• results in faster rooting and sustained root growth
• produces stress-tolerant daughter plants


Hello MedScience, Thanks for posting this. I can see why it caught your eye, thier biology and logic seems sound.

I think that it might be worth trying also, one of the problems I have in keeping moms is excessive veggative growth. I wind up taking cuttings for no reason except to keep the mom small and bushy. About 5 days ago I took cutings from some Shiva Skunk moms, and just last night I'm looking at all the new vegative growth thinking damn they could get cut again right now. I ususally try cutting back on veg nutes to them and feed just water as long as possible, but that is not always in the plants best interest.

BTW, I think you did not get many responces to this thread only because it would require too much reading for many here. LOL


Active member
My soil moms are in half compost, half coco, and a handful of perlite for 5 gallons. My hydro moms are in 600 ppm FNG at 6.0 ph.

I don't know why there is a new line to market towards moms. There are already stable nutes out there to sustain moms.

Seed Buyer

I am running the "Mother Plant" nutes now. I run (3) 4x8 tables for my moms, but set a 2x4 table up to test the new nutes. I took some moms that were already about 2 months old which had been getting House & Garden "Aqua Flakes" at 1.6-1.8 ec and switched them to the "mother Plant". They immediately had Mag issues but that was remedied w/ a foliar of "mag amped" and now they look good. They are growing much slower than the plants still on the Aqua Flakes but the true test will come next week when I cut clones and see if the "Mother Plant" table cuttings root any quicker. Will post with my findings.


Yes, please post back with the results. I got the same email. A remarkable piece of advertising if I do say so myself. I was half tempted to run right out and get the stuff after reading it ( I got the same email).

It's a 2 parter tho which sucks ass IMO. Hate dealing with more than one nute.

Can't say that I'm overly pleased to hear about the mag def either..... I'll stick with the flora grow sludge until I hear different on this thread..... Or at the very least switch over to the bloom for the reduced nitrogen which would make it a truer lucas formula anyway....

Seed Buyer

madpenquin....your an electrician and you have a hard time handling a 2 part formula!? And you want to wire my sub panel up? JK...There is a scientific reason why nutes need to be in 2 parts, but in all fairness I was expecting a few hiccups when I switched (8) large bushes that had been on one formula right over to another. I grow in coco and supplement w/ cal mag. The mother plant has extra calcium, so I think the cal mag was excessive and caused a buildup in calcium which lead to a mag lock out. The cool thing about Mother Plant is that you can leave the cal mag out even when growing in coco because it has extra calcium. But I think this company is on to something.
I got some of this stuff for free at the local hydro shop. The owner told me that the guy who developed it also developed Clonex and some other cloning nutes. Since it was free I told the owner I'd use it. I have only applied one application thus far and will post the results I see.


Active member
Please do.. Anyone else using a mother-specific nutrient mix?
Well, it's not a mother specific nutrient mix.... but I use GH FloraNova Bloom. It has a much lower N profile than the Grow and works great in my veg tray. Plenty of growth under intense PL-L lighting as well. :D

I occasionally foliar spray with GH Rare Earth for an extra kick but that's it. Super healthy plants. :D

Seed Buyer

Gonna be taking the 1st batch of "Mother Plant" cuttings at the end of the week. I haven't forgot about you guys just waiting for the right time in my cycle. As mentioned before the various plants treated w/ mother plant are growing much slower than plants treated w/ House & Garden nutes. I need hundreds of cuts a month so this slow growth might be a deal breaker for me. You also use 20mls of A & B per gallon so it is not as cost effective as other brands. Will post ASAP!

Seed Buyer

Update....The Mother Plant is proving to be awesome! Last week I took a couple trays of Ak-47 clones. This strain takes a solid 14 days to root, however 7 days after cutting, the rapid rooter plugs were busting w/ roots and the plants are on to the next stage. It cut the rooting time in half. I just took a couple hundred Blueberry clones 2 days ago. This is a very finicky plant to clone. Usually they droop and have to be misted twice a day for the 1st two weeks and root in the 3rd week. Two days into it and they are standing tall...no drooping. I'm sold!


Active member
Update....The Mother Plant is proving to be awesome! Last week I took a couple trays of Ak-47 clones. This strain takes a solid 14 days to root, however 7 days after cutting, the rapid rooter plugs were busting w/ roots and the plants are on to the next stage. It cut the rooting time in half. I just took a couple hundred Blueberry clones 2 days ago. This is a very finicky plant to clone. Usually they droop and have to be misted twice a day for the 1st two weeks and root in the 3rd week. Two days into it and they are standing tall...no drooping. I'm sold!

...... is off to buy it know from BGH as we speak!! THANKS for the GOOD NEWS!!
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i veg and flower in hydro, but my mums are in soil ..... canna tera vega .... keeps em going , cheap and easy , low lumen flos and they'll never flower
Very interesting, was the nutrient mix the only thing you changed in this scenario? Impressive results, thanks for the update.


Hi Guys,
I read a very interesting article by Jose Cervantes about a year ago. He talked about some of these issues. Basically what he said is to withhold N feeding a week before taking cuttings to slow veg growth and allow sugars to build up in the leaves. Better and faster rooting. It's a lot cheaper to merely withhold nutes for a week rather then go out and spend extra money for "Mother specific" plant food. Pay more for less N...isn't that typical in todays exploitative overly commercialized culture?

Before buying this stuff, try out withholding N feedings for a week and see if you get faster rooting. I do.

PS: Can't comment on the Ca++ aspect of the article...

Seed Buyer

The only thing I changed was the nutrient. Been cloning the same way for 8 yrs.

Evil twin...with moms in pro-mix I feed only plain water and carbs and foliar spray w/ sea kelp the week leading up to cutting them. Been doing it this way for years, but the plants feed w/ Mother Plant still rooted in half the time. The difference is they have the nitrogen - carb ratio dialed in. Some times I guess you have to believe in odd things!


Very interesting. Didn't mean to come off as such a skeptic. Maybe I'll check it out. Thanks...

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