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It's 2050: Can We Feed Nine Billion People Sustainably?


A foot without a sock...
someone who makes sense for a change, haven't seen that in many pages! Instead of all the crazy fucks promoting genocide by nuking (I'm sure it's not your country you are proposing nuking even though they are doing the most damage), or letting everyone starve or the "what can we do, we are doomed" attitude. That is all bs, and you Puffin make sense. Hemp won't save the world all by itself, but it will certainly help.
And Cuba, (like them or not, that is irrelevant) they do have universal care and the education and healthcare systems are great for a 3rd world country, the envy of many in fact. More numskulls passing off political bias as fact. and we could feed the world easily if we chose to, at least for now. How quickly some seem to forget that America and Europe did the same thing when they were developing: raping and pillaging the land and natural resources, killing some and enslaving others, clearing forests, and having many children to work the farms and to take care of them in their old age. They are not stupid, they are just trying to get ahead and have not been shown a better way. They do not have to repeat our mistakes, we will all be better off making the investment in time and funds by helping them take a "shortcut" to modernization and helping them with technology. IF anyone should be nuked (of course they shouldn't), it is the rich countries like those in Europe, USA, Australia, and Israel. They are the ones doing all the damage and now saying others can't do the same. But of course then it will be said you sound a lot like al-qaeda or the taliban. So the solution is cooperation, not annihilation. peace

Healthcare they have, nice preface.

Civil liberties, fagettaboutit.


A foot without a sock...
because no civil rights violations occur on American soil, ever...

If you are rich and white.


I'll put my freedoms up against theirs anyday...and my healthcare :yes:

As far as your political comment, I have no comment.

TOU, it's a good read. :whistling:


Let me paint out a picture of the future for you guys as i see it, top of the world perspective. :artist:

There is no shortage of land.



I think the current problem is more in the terms of global inefficiency. Certain things indicate a massive development throughout Eurasia in the next decades. If the warming trend continues there must be a breakdown of the political barriers in order to ensure global trade routes in the new areas.

One thing is the northern freigh route, which promices a much more efficient trade and transport system throughout the northern hemisphere.



The Northern East West Freight Corridor, usually referred to as the N.E.W. Corridor, is a project organized by the International Union of Railways UIC and Transportutvikling AS[1][2] to connect the east coast of the United States to East Asia by train and ship.[3]

Suggested train and ship routes

The plan calls for two main routes. Both routes start from east coast ports of North America such as Halifax Harbour, then across the Atlantic Ocean to the port of Narvik, from there by rail, often called the Eurasian Land Bridge, through Sweden to Finland and Russia. From Russia there are two routes: either via the Trans-Siberian Railway to Vostochny Port, or though Kazakhstan to Ürümqi in China. From Ürümqi the route goes to Lanzhou and possibly the port city Lianyungang.[3]
Current status

The project is financed for a test run through NEW Corridor AS, a company owned 65% by UIC and 35% by a Norwegian county, Nordland.

And then there is the promise of the future opening of the northern sea route aswell..



And the northwest passage; http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/09/070917-northwest-passage.html

Can you begin to see a whole new massive infrastructure forming? This is not future utopia, this is something that they are moving on right now, this infrastructure looks by everything i can see to become reality. If you do a little research on countries like Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, you will see there is a massive development in those areas at the moment. Global warming puts central asia back on the map for real, these countries are likely to become trade powers in the future IF the warming leads to development in the northern region.

The areas that become available for development through GW are massive, such great abundance of land have we not seen since they discovered America. One problem is however, what happens if we settle this land and it then freezes over again like it has before?

There is no guarantee that his hypothetical reality becomes true, there are some nutter dictators and warlords to deal with, loads of peoples destinies are at stakes and so on. Many things can and will go wrong ofc.

But hypothetically, given a smooth continuous GW, then sure the northern and southern extremes of the hemispheres can sustain the 2 bill people. Especially the northern hemisphere has a lot of land and a lot of resources. Biggest problem is as I said what incase of a worst case scenario with a rapid cooling trend again like we had in the little ice age period 13th to 19th century or so.

I fear such an event may lead to a lowered world population actually.

But there is no reason for you to be living all cramped ontop of each other, there is plenty of space for those that dares to go out into the unknown. Little untouched paradises are everywhere.

Uhm... I hope I touched at least briefly upon the current topic lol.

Peace all


you make terrific points arcticsun .

there are always short term fixes for short sighted goals and expectations .

not to discredit the very systems of economy you explain ; habitats that were "nearly uninhabitable" 100 years ago will be as "habitable" as much as Michigan is now . it basically is not biologically habitable by human beings without the consumption of resources and use of technology . So really , we will be able to "house" people in these newly "habitable" areas , but the effects are only to expend the already limited amount of resources ; land .

I propose while we can , in the Information Technology Age, a complete overhaul of our entire culture and society, and way of thinking and caring, to ensure adequate resources for as many future healthy humans as possible

I am not an advocate of a failed specie unwilling to revise its standards . I am an advocate of the possibility of a collective ego doing what it can to not create an overpopulated future of corruption , violence , cruelty , and worst ; sadness .


The Voice of Reason
Your inflammatory political comment...

Better ?

We all know it's a grey area around here....

lmao... OK... my inflammatory political comment was merely a response to yours.

There is nothing but grey area, my friend... black and white are illusory fabrications.


A foot without a sock...
lmao... OK... my inflammatory political comment was merely a response to yours.

There is nothing but grey area, my friend... black and white are illusory fabrications.

Hardly, the black and white comes into play depending on your political leanings around these parts.

The rest, as it pertains to the other side, is about as grey as it gets.

Your response (initial) is a prime example of that, as is the entire GW thread.

But hey, whatda I know, call me crazy.


The Voice of Reason
Hardly, the black and white comes into play depending on your political leanings around these parts.

The rest, as it pertains to the other side, is about as grey as it gets.

Your response (initial) is a prime example of that, as is the entire GW thread.

But hey, whatda I know, call me crazy.

You need to re-read my post in the GW thread if you think I've been politically extreme, crazy, that is you... I just post fact, and fuck with hoosierdaddy.

there is no black and white it is all grey.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I love the fact in assuming that "The world needs to be fed" by "us"...

In 2050 I will have my family and those around me to worry about and nothing more. I don't grow my own food now to feed other people so why would I do it then. People need to stop relying on others to provide for them and get off their ass and do it themselves.

If you can't eat, can't find food and don't know how to grow or make your own THEN you don't belong here. The law of the jungle would be in full effect to say the least and if it comes down to you or me going hungry, I can tell you "I'M STUFFED!"..

The whole too many people thing does work wonders with the conspiracy theorists of the iluminati and secret societies and why we have wars, so called natural disasters and so on. They want it down to what, 10% population? That would take AT LEAST a ww3 to happen for people not to see what is really going on, mass extinction but the sheep will be too stupid by then to do anything especially if we actually get to a ww3.

We spend billions on nation building and creating wars around this world when all that money could be used to feed and possibly house everyone without food or shelter currently. Nah, we are America we like to blow shit up! USA #1 OK Dokey!


The Voice of Reason
The world needs to eat.
We are the worlds population, we need to feed ourselves.

There is no us and them.
People who think they are going to feed themselves and all the starving people will simple leave them be are deluded.

You grow your garden and worry about feeding yourself, and a whole gang of starving mofo's is gonna gank you.


you make terrific points arcticsun .

there are always short term fixes for short sighted goals and expectations .

not to discredit the very systems of economy you explain ; habitats that were "nearly uninhabitable" 100 years ago will be as "habitable" as much as Michigan is now . it basically is not biologically habitable by human beings without the consumption of resources and use of technology . So really , we will be able to "house" people in these newly "habitable" areas , but the effects are only to expend the already limited amount of resources ; land .

Thus it is imperative that the new settlements relies to a large extent on renewable resources.

I propose while we can , in the Information Technology Age, a complete overhaul of our entire culture and society, and way of thinking and caring, to ensure adequate resources for as many future healthy humans as possible

I should think there will have to be a humane movement yes. And I think all segments of society should support it as I think it will lift the entirety to a new level. Even those who supposedly have it "all".

I am not an advocate of a failed specie unwilling to revise its standards . I am an advocate of the possibility of a collective ego doing what it can to not create an overpopulated future of corruption , violence , cruelty , and worst ; sadness .

Im an eternal optimist, I see a bright future ahead. So many possibilities, but the danger lies in all the riches that lie undiscovered in these new areas. Some are as you say waiting to exploit them for short term benefit, which will damage the opportunity for the many to create a sustainable and renewable type of society in these areas.

As far as overpopulation is concerned, we need to tear down these country barriers so people can move freely without getting body searched every 50 miles.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
The world needs to eat.
We are the worlds population, we need to feed ourselves.

There is no us and them.
People who think they are going to feed themselves and all the starving people will simple leave them be are deluded.

You grow your garden and worry about feeding yourself, and a whole gang of starving mofo's is gonna gank you.

I'm saving up for a minigun..:whistling:


New member
We might have fussion by then which will probly run on tritium which is made from 2 other chemicals that there are insane amounts of in the ocean, which can supply mega food grow ops in places that aint farmable / liveable (Countrys with much mountains etc) and in long terms, it might even industralise(spelling?) Africa and help with their starving problem.


an excellent power source such as fusion power I believe is powerful enough to sustain our species to beyond this planet , and undoubtedly this is the imminent goal ; to propagate the universe .

realistically , we are far from providing the infrastructure to contain such energy , electricity, and until then there will just be exponentially more suffering in the name of conquering the universe.

but that is the goal of life me thinks . life somehow understands that this planet will finish and vanish into space so there is a pertinence to inoculate other cultures.