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ithinkiam's first indoor grow! -- CFL's, 2' x 4' closet space.


Autos are for pussies!
Haha! Funny you mention this. I didn't really want to stress the plant by cutting off those "nuts". lol. Thought maybe just suffocating them wouldn't be AS cruel...haha Or maybe that's more cruel. :biglaugh: But yeah, I had thought maybe I could just wrap them with saran wrap and then when I harvest the plant I can save those seeds. heh.

There wont be any seeds, unless you let the pods spread some pollen.:tiphat:


take the balls off for sure! check em regularly, if you are keeping the plant at all. the most important thing is to find out why it hermed, even though this happens naturally either from herm seed (any seeds resulting from a herm will be female or hermed) or late in harvest some plants shoot off a 'nanner. it is most commonly caused by light leaks, or interruptions in the light cycle (dark cycle actually). also, red glowing power strips can do it in such a small space. make sure this doesnt happen again. good luck!


Interesting GP... I never though about the little red power light on a power strip. I guess that could be -just- enough like in a small space to make a bud or two hermie. Interesting indeed.


ya, some years back i was getting a small cluster of herms in one area of a large grow. determined to find a leak, I twisted a spliff then waited for lights out. after about 20 minutes of pitch black, my eyes got used to the dark, and whamo! i saw a tiny glowing patch...right where the hermies were popping up..a sharpie and some black gaffers tape did the trick...mystery solved.