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ithinkiam's first indoor grow! -- CFL's, 2' x 4' closet space.


Female plant established! :)

Female plant established! :)

Lookin good :) Molasses is used as a supplement, but it also contains a good portion of potassium, so just continue your regular feeding. If you are concerned about taste, grow in organic soil teeming with helpful bacteria. Terpenes and Terpenoids (smell and taste) are more abundant in natural dirt, vs hydro. Some people note they can taste the difference between people who grow with molasses, and those who don't, as it leaves a different taste in the final product. Some people like to flush 2 weeks before harvest to get rid of most of the molasses.

Have you switched to a flowering miracle grow to stimulate floral production and reduce vegetative growth?

If your leaves are hot to the touch, they are uncomfortable. Put a thermometer right at the leaves, if it reads higher than 86 degrees, your plants are cooking and won't grow as fast. Yes, the lumen penetration of your lights won't be as strong when they are further away, but your plant will produce more vegetation and growth from the reduction of stress. If you created a reflector for your door, I'm assuming it would increase growth by 25%. The idea is to trap the light as close as possible, in a comfortable way for the plants.

If your plants become really stinky, that air purifier will do almost nothing to combat the smell. If you are really concerned about the smell, you can use a negative ion generator (but not too close to your plants), or filter the smell through a more safe approach using a carbon scrubber and odor scents to cover up any leaks.

It does look like your suspected "male" is a male. They cluster little balls like that.. but sometimes it's too hard and early to tell.. Generally, males will grow tall and fast with lots of vigor so they can shoot out on top of all the ladies, and shed their pollen for the most successful pollination. Males are good, as they can continue your seed production with selected expressions chosen by the breeder, and they contain psychoactive properties just like females do, but at smaller concentrations.. I dunk males in 99% ISO propyl alcohol for a minute or two, and let the solution evaporate to leave me with some clean hitting ISO oil.

Great job!

I checked on the lights and I've found a good distance to keep them in from the tops of the plants. The air purifier I have actually has a negative ion option and I usually use it during the day time. Could I run it 24/7?

And yes, I am almost positive that one plant is male because it has a lot more of those pods growing just after one day. I don't know how I should get rid of it exactly? Just remove the leaves and chop the stems up and toss it?


And in other newwwz, I finally have a female! lol. :) I saw the white pistils this morning and almost teared up a bit, I was so excited. Definitely need to remove the male, though. Once I get the him out there won't be so much cramping in the space between the plants. I'm not sure if the 3rd plant is male or female yet, but I'm guessing it will be female because it's so short and bushy...but we'll see.

Pickchurs of my baby-girl!:




Yay! :blowbubbles:


Sorcerer's Apprentice
how to remove the male:

get scissors. Cut 'is fookin' 'ead off, mate.

The end.

Alternately, remove male to separate grow area, spread wax paper (or something) on ground around him. wait for him to blow his load. Keep his wad for selective pollination at a later date.

Might wanna grab a couple of clones off your lady before she gets any further into flowering.


how to remove the male:

get scissors. Cut 'is fookin' 'ead off, mate.

The end.

Alternately, remove male to separate grow area, spread wax paper (or something) on ground around him. wait for him to blow his load. Keep his wad for selective pollination at a later date.

Might wanna grab a couple of clones off your lady before she gets any further into flowering.

I tossed my male plant. I am not too worried about collecting pollen or cloning the female because I won't be able to grow again for a while, I'm pretty sure. Plus, I have tons of seeds, and I don't mind starting with germination. lol


Thanks for posting the pic of that female just starting to bud, gives me something to really look for in my plant, since it's the first I've ever raised to the flowering stage. Been in 12/12 for a week now; crossing my fingers. :D The plants look good man. BTW, I'm using the exact same bulbs and shoplight fixtures as you.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Been in 12/12 for a week now; crossing my fingers. :D The plants look good man. BTW, I'm using the exact same bulbs and shoplight fixtures as you.

Lots of pics such as this exist. If you see little things the size of seeds that are growing in clusters (kinda like bananas) then you've got a male.

If you see little white "hairs" poking out of the plants "armpits" you've gota female.

You'll definitely know one way or another in another week.


Thanks Anti. I know "basically" what to look for, just never been able to find any really good pictures of a female just starting to flower. Maybe I'm just looking in all the wrong places. :p


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Thanks Anti. I know "basically" what to look for, just never been able to find any really good pictures of a female just starting to flower. Maybe I'm just looking in all the wrong places. :p

go to google and type in "female marijuana picture" (or use scroogle.org if you're paranoid.)

There are many, many examples.





Great pictures. I use Google, I'm not really the paranoid type. :) Can't wait to see those white pistils. She's a small girl, bagseed, under 46W of CFL in a PC case. Then I have my other hopeful lady, under 138W of CFL in a 4x4x4 box in the basement. :p


Thanks Anti. I know "basically" what to look for, just never been able to find any really good pictures of a female just starting to flower. Maybe I'm just looking in all the wrong places. :p

I felt the same way about my plants. I was worried I wouldn't catch them in time BUT it's extremely obvious once they show sex and it usually will happen over night-ish. haha. I'm still waiting on the last plant to show sex, though. :watchplant: The anticipation is killing me. :chin:


I'm in the same boat right now ithinkiam. Been in 12/12 for 9 days now and I'm about to die in anticipation. :p The growth has slowed considerably since switching over, as expected, but she has gotten a little dark greener and healthier looking, and a little smellier I might add.




So, my other plant is in fact female! :blowbubbles:
I'll be posting pictures of her once she flowers a bit more. :)

Also, meet Duster, my air purifier:




SO! One quick thing I'd like to mention is that my mom has allowed me to move the plants back home. We've reached a level of understanding and I've have agreed to her terms for now allowing me to have a personal and private grow at home. :)

And also! Time for more pictures of my girls. My plants have been in flowering since March 8th. So today is day 17! :dance013:



Some close ups of the taller plant:




A close up of the shorter plant: (It has only just begun to flower and grow pistils.)

I've also noticed on two occasions where the top layer of soil has had this sticky mucousy film collecting. It was white in color and I have no idea what it could be from? It looks like the roots were growing up out of the soil in some areas, but this filmy substance is definitely not connected to those roots. At least I don't think. Could it be a reaction from nutrients in the soil? Flushing with water helped get rid of it. I just don't know if it could be a bad sign for the health of my plants?

Here's a picture of it:

Comments on this? I might post this in the infirmary, as well, to get some other opinions.

Anyway, thanks for stopping by!


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
that could be a type of mold. at second look, it could be some kind of bug larve. are you letting the soil dry out once in awhile or is it constantly wet? anyways, i would remove that and keep an eye out. don't want any unwanted bugs eating your leaves or mold. both are nasty.


that could be a type of mold. at second look, it could be some kind of bug larve. are you letting the soil dry out once in awhile or is it constantly wet? anyways, i would remove that and keep an eye out. don't want any unwanted bugs eating your leaves or mold. both are nasty.

Well, when I touched it, it basically disappeared in my hands and turned into a thin, watery substance. I'm going to start letting my plants dry out a bit in between each watering; alternating molasses and plain water every other watering. And see if the stuff stops showing up. It's not all over the soil, which is good. My plants have no bugs or anything, so I'm happy about that. It probably also helps that they are indoors, too. I'm sure if I had them outdoors, I'd have to deal with a lot of other threats like that. O.O


Do I have a hermaphrodite!? LOL.

Do I have a hermaphrodite!? LOL.

So, my taller plant has started growing little pods. Could it be a hermaphrodite? Can I just remove the pollen buds so they don't pollinate my other plant?



More pictures of the same plant: :)



So, what do you think? Hermie?
def hermie. but, try ur best to GENTly cut those nuts off, as many as u can. they detract energy from calyx production. plants look very healthy.

one suggestion bro.......get yourself 6 Arizona .99cent cans of sweet tea, southern style. thats the best flavor, lol. proceed to cut the sucker apart & attach it to the top portion of your bulb. there are many DIY beer can reflector threads. but, essentially, take the can, pierce the top below the lid, and cut it all the way off. now you have a can with no top. proceed to make a vertical cut along the entire length. then from this center cut, cut another inch each way or each flange. you want the can to have flaps like a batwing reflector ideally. or you could just cut out a 2 inch strip from the middle & just place the bulb inside. I poke many many holes for ventilation, i also attach the reflector so that the ballast is uncovered, only the bulb is covered (albeit the slit you made.) if you do this for each bulb, you will seriously increase your penetration & intensity/focus. right now, you are wasting sooooo much light. as long as you perforate the cans, the addtl heat si quite nominal with proper circulation. since you are in flower, i would def try this & kick it up a notch. even the 42w bulbs will fit in a 12oz can if you dont want the bigger Arizona ones. good luck & enjoy. looks great man. but, you will def see improvements with the reflectors. even if you have a reflectiove ceiling above the lights or just white board etc, the cans will greatly increase/optimize/maximize the cfls.


Sounds pretty cheap, but I'd take some saran wrap and wrap those balls up. Seal em up nice and tight. :D

Haha! Funny you mention this. I didn't really want to stress the plant by cutting off those "nuts". lol. Thought maybe just suffocating them wouldn't be AS cruel...haha Or maybe that's more cruel. :biglaugh: But yeah, I had thought maybe I could just wrap them with saran wrap and then when I harvest the plant I can save those seeds. heh.

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