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Is my seedling stretching too much?


This is what I'm seeing. It should be a pic of my two seedlings in the tent. Haha I'm not even high.


Thanks for the kind words, dudes! Really dig the good vibes as my girl's are looking better.

I will be putting two afganhi seeds and a Strawberry Blue seed under wet napkins tonight. I also have 10 white widows from ilovegrowingmarijuana.com on their way after my first order from them didn't show for almost 3 months.
Be very careful with strawberry blue that plants threw more nanners than any plant I have ever grown. Sativa dominate will grow a wide bush that should not be left to grow wild, a lot of training is needed with this one. Semi cal/mag whore, smoke is mediocre at best. I would not grow it again. One good thing though it pollinated a elmers glue I had going end result are two plants that are much better than the strawberry blue, whether or not they're keepers is a different story. PEACE!
Be very careful with strawberry blue that plants threw more nanners than any plant I have ever grown. Sativa dominate will grow a wide bush that should not be left to grow wild, a lot of training is needed with this one. Semi cal/mag whore, smoke is mediocre at best. I would not grow it again. One good thing though it pollinated a elmers glue I had going end result are two plants that are much better than the strawberry blue, whether or not they're keepers is a different story. PEACE!

Oh, shit. Thanks for the heads up, man. Would you recommend me crossing it with a potential Afghani male rather than flowering it outright?

I knew something had to be fishy about this strain. The fact that it had no description or details of it's growth traits led me to be believe it might be unstable or something. Oh, well. It was free.
Okay, so I transplanted both the Green Ninja's and they are doing well. #2 is looking gorgeous. This pheno is definitely going to be a keeper. I'm officially convinced that #1 might be mutated. It's got all types of weird shit going on with it. One of it's main fan leaves has only two leaves on it, not to mention the discoloration. Nonethless, it's still groing and I will be flowering it, but not cloning it at all.







The two Afghani's and the Strawberry Blue have germinated and are looking good. With one of the Afghani's showing more vigorous growth than the rest. I hope this is the male.


Also, some of the basil seeds have sprouted! (Pic in another post due to limits)

So, since these were transplanted on the 18th, I'm marking it day 1 of veg. They will be drinking RO water with quarter strength calmag until the 25th, which will be the first day of feeding.

Super stoked and cannot wait until flowering. I wish they grew faster!
Also, I will only be updating once a week from here on out unless some crazy shit happens. Just so I don't annoy the shit out of you guys. haha
Okay, so quick questions:

My RO filter is rather cheap and it's been bringing my ppm's down from the 80's to about 40.

Is this acceptable? I feel like I should be getting less than 10. Will 40 ppm's be okay for when I start growing in coco?


Active member
My RO filter is rather cheap and it's been bringing my ppm's down from the 80's to about 40.

Is this acceptable? I feel like I should be getting less than 10. Will 40 ppm's be okay for when I start growing in coco?

if your tap water is at 80 ppm you have some great tap water! i don't know if i would bother with the RO.

the coco won't mind at all


Active member
growing from seeds

growing from seeds

Hi latenighttokes. I used to only grow from seed, now i clone as well, but i started my current run from seed in strait coco.

Ditch the domes. Domes are seed and seedling killers. As well the light will be to far away.

This go i simply put the seeds in coco in solo cups, in a 2.5 gal bucket with a little t5 on the top of the bucket. Heat mat under the bucket so its not to hot, just right, and let them do their thing. The light was a perfect height, they didnt have to strech to get ample light, and they grew never needing support.

This was 2 kali mist, a super lemon haze and the strawberry haze. All sativas and they are all having no issue holding their weight.

With a little t5 or whatever the light is good to be less that 6 inches away in my experience.

I have also started large numbers of seeds in dirt under mh lights so they had heat and light. This works well but the lamp has to be at least 3 feet away or they will hate you.

Check out mandala seeds website on their germ guide. They recomend planting direct in substrate. It works for me with every seed ive started and ive started lots.


Active member
Wow your tap waters great. I wouldnt bother with a ro for that mines 200 ppm and my plants love it. Idk about that ro filter, the ppm should be lower than that with that.
damn, thanks a bunch, dudes. I can't believe I was freaking out over 80 ppms. Haha

Next run, I'm for sure ditching soil and going with a coco/perlite mix with a top feed dtw setup.

Hi latenighttokes. I used to only grow from seed, now i clone as well, but i started my current run from seed in strait coco.

Ditch the domes. Domes are seed and seedling killers. As well the light will be to far away.

This go i simply put the seeds in coco in solo cups, in a 2.5 gal bucket with a little t5 on the top of the bucket. Heat mat under the bucket so its not to hot, just right, and let them do their thing. The light was a perfect height, they didnt have to strech to get ample light, and they grew never needing support.

This was 2 kali mist, a super lemon haze and the strawberry haze. All sativas and they are all having no issue holding their weight.

With a little t5 or whatever the light is good to be less that 6 inches away in my experience.

I have also started large numbers of seeds in dirt under mh lights so they had heat and light. This works well but the lamp has to be at least 3 feet away or they will hate you.

Check out mandala seeds website on their germ guide. They recomend planting direct in substrate. It works for me with every seed ive started and ive started lots.

Thanks for the tips, man. I guess I was scared that the seedlings wouldn't receive enough humidity without dome, but I can't argue with experience. Definitely will be trying your method next time I pop seeds. :tiphat:


Active member
This helped me alot. Ive tried rockwool (forget that crap for seeds) paper towel, glass of water. It all sucked for me. Strait in the substrate works for me

I dont feed until the babys have true leaves unless im doing organic soil, which i ammend before i grow and add nothing else. With coco i dont feed them until they have true leaves. Then i follow the gh flora feed schedule. Its working very well. My plants look beautiful. Im very satisfied.

Of note, vancouver seed bank (i have about 10-15 packs form there in my seed stash) garentees 80% germination if you use the paper towel or glass method. They have great selection, and deliver worldwide. I live in canada and have had the pleasue of going to the retail store. Its pretty cool they have a smoking lounge in the backyard, its a neat place.

Anyway, lots of method works, i try and go as simple as possible. Plant seed pointy end down in coco with ro water. When i start feeding i switch to tap h2o

A eazy way to practice germing seeds is to make a bunch of seeds and practice on them. Who knows you might make a killer cross and have free seeds for life, and get practice, a all around win
Okay, so before I begin the update on the Green Ninjas, I'd like to share some good and bad news first:

Good News- Remember when I said my tap water's ppm's were at 80? I was wrong. They're even better. This pic is me testing my tap on my recently calibrated cheapo tds meter.


Bad News- My RO filter licks ass. It only brings my ppm's down to 42 from 50. I'd expect 0 ppm's from a properly working unit. I'm going to contact customer service. I'm pretty sure I'm using the unit correctly. I followed the instructions perfectly.

Okay, so today was the first day of feeding for the girls. I fed them with quarter strength nutes following the Soul Synthetics feeding chart.

Here's how they look after roughly 3 weeks from seed.







As you can see, #1 is more bushy than #2. This is surprising considering #1 looks more healthy and has showed more uniform growth thus far. #1 also has more developing nodes than #2 as well. Pretty impressed with the resilience of #1 considering I once contemplated chopping it due to it's weird initial growth. Shout out to Midwest Sticky for suggesting to keep it around.

Question: Is it safe to top them at this stage? Or should I wait until they're a little bigger?
Okay, so my seedlings are doing pretty good. The Strawberry Blue is rather small. Almost what I'd assume is a runt. Afghani #1 is around the same size as the SB, but slightly bigger. Afghani #2 is fuckin' huge, yo. Way bigger. It's second set of true leaves are almost as big as the first on the others. This makes me think it's a male, which is what I want.

It stretched quite a bit and has needed support. It's almost touching the dome. Next time I pop seeds, I will be following the advice of Cocosativa.

Also, my girl recently added sunflowers and a strawberry plant to the dome. The sunflowers are fucking big as fuck for being only a couple days old. The basil is trucking along. The cilantro is getting pretty tall and their first leaves are starting to open. Nothing from the strawberry plant yet.


Afghani #2


SB on left, Afghani #1 on right


Sunflowers with the basils in the back left


