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Is is me or do some growers in Cali actually not want pot legalised??


Game Bred
True sacrifices means exposing ppl to the truth.... like mom, dad , sister ,grandma , grandpa. Its our resposibility to expose our loved ones to who we really are so they wont believe the propaganda of the so called "masses" aka as your family. I intend to enlighten people every chance I get not hide away and let "them" aka "the masses "aka your "friends and family" continue to believe the lies. I intend to live my life in the truth and hopefully enlighten some others along the way. If it works for headaches .. who would not want to share that with others ?

and the best teacher is experience...
if we set the right example in every way we can we can convert "friends,family and strangers" like we are doing one state at a time.
but we humans are a negatively fixated bunch and the prohibitionists propaganda machine is stroooooong


I do not rely on MJ Medically for anything. I use it for recreation. I prefer sativas for instance, and they will (for me) make pain worse.

I have also read that some companies have polices of Not recognizing MMJ for the sake of employment. It sounds illegal for them to discriminate in that way, but that is another thread. Right now I have to keep my MJ use a private matter, away from my medical records, because of that. If I have to be tested I have ways to get through that. What I worry about now is getting caught and charged again with a couple grams of weed. I will be glad when that is no longer a problem. Once it is they will have a harder time discriminating in the workplace. If something is legal and they cannot prove immediate (for lack of a better term) toxicity there will be winning law suits against the discriminating companies.


Game Bred
I do not rely on MJ Medically for anything. I use it for recreation. I prefer sativas for instance, and they will (for me) make it worse.

I have also read that some companies have polices of Not recognizing MMJ for the sake of employment. It sounds illegal for them to discriminate in that way, but that is another thread. Right now I have to keep my MJ use a private matter, away from my medical records, because of that. If I have to be tested I have ways to get through that. What I worry about now is getting caught and charged again with a couple grams of weed. I will be glad when that is no longer a problem. Once it is they will have a harder time discriminating in the workplace. If something is legal and they cannot prove immediate (for lack of a better term) toxicity there will be winning law suits against the discriminating companies.

now that is an interesting queery...

can a company discriminate if the state makes a law?
does federal labor law trump state?
what about federal employees in California?
would that bring yet another SCOTUS case?
this law has soooo many possibilities for challenges to federal law, and with a changing SCOTUS!!!
no one can predict how these cases will go down with 1 new justice!!!
hell the second amendment was defended by a single justice just today!!!!
all it takes is one justice to have a wild hair up their ass on the day one of the many different SCOTUS challenges this can bring and BANG federal legalization!
how can people not see that!!!

ohhh shit that went all over the place? god damn meds:smoky:


I do not rely on MJ Medically for anything. I use it for recreation. I prefer sativas for instance, and they will (for me) make pain worse.

I have also read that some companies have polices of Not recognizing MMJ for the sake of employment. It sounds illegal for them to discriminate in that way, but that is another thread. Right now I have to keep my MJ use a private matter, away from my medical records, because of that. If I have to be tested I have ways to get through that. What I worry about now is getting caught and charged again with a couple grams of weed. I will be glad when that is no longer a problem. Once it is they will have a harder time discriminating in the workplace. If something is legal and they cannot prove immediate (for lack of a better term) toxicity there will be winning law suits against the discriminating companies.

If marijuana was legalized you still would not be able to get those jobs.

You can't work with alcohol in your system and if you smoke more than once every two or three weeks you will have marijuana in your system.

They will do the same with driving.

It has been said before, they may legalize cannabis under their terms of tax and regulation, but they will find new ways to arrest people. The prison guard and teacher unions run California.


Active member
the reason I would not do so is the idiot masses who will vote against a med bill in another state because of the image of drug addled hippies stumbling into a "doctor" in a tye dyed lab coat and them both snickering over a 6' bong while the patient says "yeah doc a headache thats it"

you and i know thats not the way it is but the masses?


i think your mental images of drug addled hippies is self fabricated, and i dont think the masses here think that either. walk into any club and you will be hard pressed to find someone in a rasta getup...most are just normal folks.


Active member
If you dont live in california stay out of it.....Dont make me feel like we need lead the charge for legalization...If you want to change your states laws then get them changed...

Saying that sick people do not have access to marijuana in California is simply not true...Go down to the local doctor and get a card....

If it is legalized what would be the point of the medical scene except to provide medicine to people under 21....

Dagnabit- If you were still running those trailers do you still think you want this measure passed???



I personally think that if the measure gets passed all the dispensaries that dont have enough business from the medical scene can open up to every one. I just hope that corporate companies dont jump in and immediately take 60% of the market. I want people to be able to grow their own crop and sell extra to the stores, that way every one can profit, instead of like 5 head honchos making millions a year and the workers who take care of the plants get 10 bucks and hour. selling a few lb's of marijuana every couple of months could settle so many problems for so many people... suicide, divorce, depression, anxiety, bankruptcy etc.

I started growing because i didnt want to spend the rest of my life getting prepared for a job, then working my way up the corporate system only to get by and work every day of my life... no thanks. My father got a very good education has an MBA, and has worked hard for every employer he has worked for. His income though looks like a seismograph he worked his way up the system, got married, lost his job. worked his way up again, only to get laid off again. since then we have just scraped by, and he is working his way up again, and doesn't think he will retire until at least 75.


I understand the plight of the California grower. They have come up through an illegal system, learned the ropes carefully and at great risk, and now reap great rewards. It's sad that legalization will cause a great tumultuous period of change in the California industry. Most will likely be forced out.

But it's not right to hold the consumer hostage. What you guys in the US charge for weed is ridiculous, and that is born entirely by often poor consumers.

There are many smoke and mirrors arguments against legalization. Walmart-ization leading to only mid-grade weed being available? Come on. While city moves like those of Oakland to enforce a cartel are messed up, you'll always have areas where micro-growers can ply their trade and provide for the present and likely soon to grow demand in high-grade weed.

Weed becoming more harmful (ie cancer-wise) because capitalist agri-farmers use unsafe methods of dealing with their plants? Are you telling me that that doesn't already happen amongst some of the (many) unscrupulous cultivators out there? Are you honestly suggesting that MJ is going to be *more* shady after being thrust into the open?

I really do get the fact that a lot of money is going to dry up though. But growers just need to recognize that this is a period of rapid change and that they need to adapt just as rapidly. What about export to the rest of the states? I imagine that with legalization it will be a lot easier to have a network of microgrowers growing a little extra each to ship out. Or some other diversion tactics. People should start looking toward that and new paradigms for earning money from this plant, as opposed to clinging to the old paradigms of prohibition.
Just hopped in to comment on this idiot's post.

yes many GREEDY losers who are too dumb to get a real job ...those are the ones most likely to oppose, and cali is a big place, id venture to say plenty of deadbeats looking for a quick illegal buck...SAD BUT TRUE

Oh really? I oppose legalization. My grow happens to help with my expenses as a medical school student since there is no way for me to hold a reasonable paying job right now. Not only that, my products are sold to medical patients, not lazy deadbeats on the street.

Don't be such a tool and make blanket statements.

Lastly, rock on, krunchbubble!


New member
My $0.02

My $0.02

So, the main theme of my perspective on legalization is this: get over it already--it's nothing new. Sure, it will have profound effects on those caught with their pants down, but so what--they should have been prepared. It's business. Good businesses analyze the future and act on their projections. Bad analysis = bad outcome. It's skill. Not everyone makes it. I know, it's so sad...

But for everyone else, it'll be just like normal. Do you brew your own beer? Do you make your own wine? I do. Most people don't. They're are so many excellent selections made available by legal for-profit businesses, so why bother. I buy them regularly, as do many others. But I'm also a connoisseur and a hobbiest, so I like to try my own hand. And I'm pretty good at this point. The Gov let's me make a certain amount per year tax free. And you know what? I have no idea what that amount is because it just doesn't matter--they don't know I do it, I don't care about them because they are busy regulating the commercial brewers/vintners. It simply doesn't matter to either of us. And I'm positive I'm way under that limit anyways.

The end result? Legal businesses get their share, the gov get's its share, and I get to do what I want. What has changed in that equation? Nothing. One could make the argument for big pharma, etc, making a mess of things, but I just don't see that happening in reality. I know there are medical benefits to MJ (and I use it medically as well as recreationally). But the fact that it's also a major recreational substance a la alcohol just makes it moot. There will be a small niche market for medical use where the real money makers will be medical advisors of some types, either MDs or psychiatrists/therapists, etc. And there will be the recreational market. And consumers will have the ability to make "home brew" if they feel like it, or they'll simply buy it off the shelf from Philip Morris, or whoever. This is likely to happen in stages, not all at once. In fact, it used to be illegal to make home-brewed beer.

Bottom line, much ado about nothing--get over it. I for one have basically just acted as if it's been legal since I started smoking 15 years ago. What's the big deal all of a sudden?!

Sounds a lot like just another day above ground here in the good 'ol US of A.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
you would not be singing that same tune if your busted for cultivation. Pleas keep the innocent out of jail all we do is grow just like you do but allot of us are caught and there lives are ruined.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I could drive a Honda, but I'm happier with my Mercedes. I could live in a 1bdr, but my 6bdr is more suited. I could drink tap water, but I buy Perrier. I could smoke big bud, but I rather smoke kush.

R.Lee can grow all that trash ( it is big biz, they only want the most herb at the lowest price fir the biggest profit margin ).

I'll take all the heady smokers who like me, would rather enjoy the finer things in life and be happy to pay for it.

I get lbs for 100-200 of import mexi. Does that mean top shelf will go for the same price? Never. Too much time and cost associated to see prices drop that far.

Since it's still fed illegal DEA will still raid the big fish. This will keep the real "big biz" people from risking it all on mj. Reynolds and Morris make way too much legally to ever risk mj sales. Not to mention the myth of them buying land in norcal hasn't been substantiated and is only being heralded to those who are afraid ofchange.

You guys are really grasping at straws, and it seems the less educated you are, the more you fear a chance of legitimizing your work. Hmmm... maybe you should have put away a few benjis so you'd be ready to step your game up out of your house and into a commercial lot....


ICMag Donor
Isn't the "legalization" of an embargoed product,, such as cannabis,, illegal on a global stage? Otherwise one nation could openly trade cannabis with another nation ,, which would be illegal. For this reason in those places where cannabis is tolerated,, its classification is normally "decriminalized".

Hope this helps


Game Bred
Isn't the "legalization" of an embargoed product,, such as cannabis,, illegal on a global stage? Otherwise one nation could openly trade cannabis with another nation ,, which would be illegal. For this reason in those places where cannabis is tolerated,, its classification is normally "decriminalized".

Hope this helps
since when did we give a fuck about that?


AMERICA FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!:dance013:


if you vote no on this you are a f**king douchebag who likes to rip people off with high prices.

also why do people keep calling it 'legalziation' ITS F**KING REGULATION YOU RETARDS. God man people are so stupid. I really hope it passes. I think it will.
if you vote no on this you are a f**king douchebag who likes to rip people off with high prices.

also why do people keep calling it 'legalziation' ITS F**KING REGULATION YOU RETARDS. God man people are so stupid. I really hope it passes. I think it will.

Wow you are so eloquent. How pathetic is it to have to resort to cussing and name-calling instead of providing well thought-out and substantiated arguments?

Oh, sorry I forgot to introduce myself. Hi, I am BlueberryLovr, a "f**cking douchebag who likes to rip people off with high prices." Glad to be standing against Prop 19 just to tick off kiddies like you. teehee


Overkill is under-rated.
if you vote no on this you are a f**king douchebag who likes to rip people off with high prices.

also why do people keep calling it 'legalziation' ITS F**KING REGULATION YOU RETARDS. God man people are so stupid. I really hope it passes. I think it will.

Well you changed my mind and am now voting YES, I hadn't heard a good argument until I saw your post! :) Thanks a million!

Oh, and it's not about regulation either, its about TAXATION. That's why it's not called the "Legalization of Cannabis Act," or the "Cannabis Regulation Act."

It's "TAX CANNABIS 2010" because Richard Lee saw it as a way to buy off the goverment by giving them a cut. It's payola on a grand scale.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Well you changed my mind and am now voting YES, I hadn't heard a good argument until I saw your post! :) Thanks a million!

Oh, and it's not about regulation either, its about TAXATION. That's why it's not called the "Legalization of Cannabis Act," or the "Cannabis Regulation Act."

It's "TAX CANNABIS 2010" because Richard Lee saw it as a way to buy off the goverment by giving them a cut. It's payola on a grand scale.

well you have to think. why would govt. want to do anything for us. all those scumfucks want is $$$$. so fuck it,,, let them have a few crumbs if that means we no longer will see the gray bar hotel.

and people who arent for weed are more likely to vote in favor for something that say TAX REGULATE AND CONTROL ACT,,, rather than the GROW AND SMOKE AS MUCH WEED AS YOU WANT LEGALIZATION ACT....

got to play the game to win....playing by rain outs wont get us nowehere

im a pro yes for 2 reasons. but first i want to reittirate i dont think 19 is perfect by any means. but its a start. and failing to pass what has been termed legalization will cause far more harm than good. i think we can work 19 to make it better or pass another bill in the future to make it more suitable to us.

reason#1: no limits on possesion in your home. dea for years has claimed 1 plant = 1 lb. well now they have shot themselfs in the foot, because we can claim we grew 500 plants in a 5x5 and produced 500 lbs. it may be far from the truth, but they played that game with us for decades, now its our turn.

reason#2: once marijuana is "legalized" (rather or not you believe 19 legalizes it, that is the term it has been coined to the rest of the public) it will be much easier to open the door for more leniant laws. id rather walk on stones to cross the river than try and run and jump over the river in one leap.

also this leaves localities to regulate. they cannot make the limits lower, but we as a people can lobby our local representives to increase these limits. anyone remember when 215 was being passed. alot of these same arguments came to surface. if people knew what 215 would be today, do you think it would have passed?? maybe,, i dont know. but it seems to me that 19 in its infancy can grow to become the legalization many of us have envisioned. i for one love this plant and would dream nothing better to be able to make it a legitimate career, rather than one based on the risk/reward model.

have any of you ever gone to a speciality liquor store. i cant even count how many different brands of alcohol there are. i live near a store that is 5000 sqft of nothing but different selections of alcohol, and believe that this can be the same for mj.

sure alot of them arent your budweiser or coors. but thats fine. personally that is pisswater in comparison to what i enjoy drinking. just like richard lee's bud will just be some green weed for people who are more about the "as long as it gets me high" than people who seek out and enjoy the different strains, hybrids, hashes etc...

what would jack herer do....?

what would peter tosh do...?

LEGALIZE IT !!!!!!! :rasta:
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