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MMA's Nick Diaz taking the CSAC to task...

For those not familiar, Nick Diaz recently tested positive for marijuana and was not licensed to fight last weekend on the Strikeforce/Carano card...

He has a valid rec. and has fought previously and had an 'understanding' with
the California State Athletic Commision...new personelle at the commision, however, was not aware, and subsequently suspended him after a positive test...Nick is not backing down and is setting a great example for the cause...

"Meanwhile, Gracie met with CSAC officials on Friday to discuss Diaz’s re-licensing and the testing procedures he will be placed under moving forward.

Gracie and CSAC Assistant Executive Officer Bill Douglas discussed the possibility of the state agency adopting a “Theraputic Usage Exemption” program, utilized by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). According to the WADA Web site, a TUE would allow an athlete to take medication that appears on the WADA Prohibited list without facing penalties.

Clarifying statements Gracie made to Sherdog.com last week, the trainer said an arrangement to test Diaz only on the night of his scheduled bouts was made between Diaz’ former employer, Pro Elite, and Garcia. Gracie also specified that the promotion relayed the agreement to him, not Garcia.

Both Gracie and Douglas told Sherdog.com that a former Pro Elite employee also attended the meeting to corroborate Gracie’s assertion that an agreement had been in place. Douglas said he had no knowledge of the agreement prior to Gracie telling him.

Gracie said he hopes Diaz will be granted an exemption for marijuana while out of competition, and that the fighter will abide by the testing procedures during competition.

“He does need (marijuana),” said Gracie. “He has ADHD and he’s had a prescription for Ritalin since he was a kid. He doesn’t want to take that. That’s worse than pot.”

Douglas called the meeting “extremely positive.”

“We don’t have a TUE program in California yet, not to say we won’t,” Douglas told Sherdog.com Monday. “I pledged to have the CSAC staff work with Gracie and his reps, because putting a TUE program together to present to the commission will take time and effort, as well as feedback from many parties. We can put the plan together, but ultimately the commission has to vote for it.”

Douglas said the first step will be to secure a date to present the idea to the commission board, but noted that if the commission is receptive, the entire process of incorporating the system could take up to a year.

In the meantime, Gracie said Diaz could be tested for re-licensure as early as in a few weeks. Gracie said Diaz would cease using marijuana during that time in order to pass the necessary testing.

Douglas recommended Diaz be ready for the testing this time around.

“I think that as soon as he finds out he has a fight, he’d need to do what he needs to,” said Douglas."


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
yea sux man, he goes and beats at the time one of the lb for lb better fighters in japan, and beats his ass then has to forfeit the fight cos he tested pos for mj.. I hope it works out for him.. peace.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
very happy to see him standing up. its not coming cheap for him either. love him as a fighter, and once again, big respect as an advocate.


Good for him. If you have a script for Norco's or any other drug that the doctor give to you you can fight. However If you have a script for weed its not acceptable? BS. He should be able to smoke if he has a script. Period.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
i read on a mma forum that he refused to take the test knowing he would test positive because in california, you cant fight for a year if you test positive for marijuana. so he refused to test, knowing he would be able to fight sooner that having a year ban.


what are they afraid of............. nick smokes before his fights and kick there asses how can someone do that............... lol ......... it should help his oppents........... next thing we will hear that mmj is a preformance enchancing mma needs to loosen its grip on mmj.........dc

Weedman Herb

I understood it as a failure to submit a sample period not the failure of a drug test ... and he wasn't getting Diaz VS Riggs 3 (yes the melee in the hospital after the first 1 counts in my book) he was getting Hieron instead ... Had I found out a few weeks before a grudge match that it wasn't going down as planned I'd have Hit The Bong fairly hard and said Fuck It too ...
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Thanks for the post! I'm glad he's sticking with his beliefs instead of backtracking like Micheal Phelps..... People like Phelps are a detriment to our cause while those like Nick Diaz who refuse to back down are what we need more of for us to get anywhere or be taken seriously!


way to stand up for your rights!I champion anyone fighting for their own rights as it helps us all achieve legitimacy.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
i havent heard anything as of yet.. As far as updates go.. Anybody else..? peace.
Jay herion is a beast.. I know first hand.. ;)


Weedman Herb

I'm not saying it wouldn't have been an Epic Throw Down ... Jay is a beast ... but you tell me ... Does Nick and Joe hooking up Again have Fight of the Year potential ??? You know you wanna see that Sackoooooooooooooooo ... There hasn't been bad blood like "theirs" since the Shamrock VS Ortiz saga IMHO ...

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