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Is civilization about to fall?

I'm calling the next biggest issue to shake our society as the clean water crisis or the Agricultural factory system collapse which will hit within 15 years.

Look what's happening to Virginia and their water, and no one gives a shit.
sorry for my ignorance but whats happening in virginia with their water? again sorr for my ignorance iv just crawled out from under a rock. it was a dark 6 years.


Active member
ICMag Donor
It's funny that everyone thinks that a crisis means we are all fucked. We are the most ingenious species ever. Our ability to solve problems is simply incredible. Have some hope peeps!
People betting on hope and change, with little more to go on, is what has us in the current mess. Hope and change on their face are nothing but concepts, and are as hollow as anything. Sad nobody pushed Obama on his agenda before they elected him in. Saddest part is, if folks would have actually been trying to elect a leader, instead of a messiah....we would have gotten John McCain, who is NOT the candidate a true republican would chose. And how that guy eneded up being the republican candidate is way beyond me. He was at the bottom of most conservative republicans lists.
Can we spell ACORN???

Folks listing Bush's years as the worst....post up your grievances. Seems most liberal minded folks will point to the Patriot Act as an example of our constitution being undermined. But, when it comes to pointing out just what liberties folks have lost, they will have a hard time pointing those out. And never will you get a detailed account, because no citizens have reported any of their liberties actually being suppressed. Only ifs, ands and buts, along with platitudes, is all we ever get.

The Obama admin is usurping the Constitution on a daily basis.
Show me your examples, and I will show you mine. But do try to show us exactly how our rights and liberties were hindered by Bush. Don't just holler Patriot Act, and think that is any evidence. Unless of course you can explain the patriot act and how it has thwarted US Citizens liberties in any way at all.
Oh, and BTW...Bush is gone. You do realize that, yes? And nothing happening today can be laid at his feet.
Somebody yells WAIT...what about Guantanamo? Well, folks, that is another example of the ineptness of the Obama admin, and more specifically the ineptness of Obama himself. There is no need to close Guantanamo. None at all. In fact, it is one of the most ignorant moves Obama has made.
He was only pandering to the no-war-at-any-cost crowd by putting down Guantanamo during his campaign. Those silly fuckers love that sort of talk.
But, it was nothing but political campaign talk, that now is shown to be a stupid move.
First off...the whole thing was a show for the left to begin with. There is no torture happening in any of our military facilities. There were a total of THREE detainees that have ever been water boarded for info, and we gained info that saved who knows how many American lives as a result.
BTW...water boarding is a staple part of training for some military groups and each must undergo it. Funny how a torture technique is used on our own...must not be too torturous? The method has also been used at certain college hazings for years and years, and no reports of deaths from it ever.
The left simply glommed onto the torture thing, and tried to make it another "see what Bush is doing" thing.
Another example of the stupid asses of our society having the loudest voices.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Bush did not lie about WMD's, Saddam Hussein did. And Hussein had the rest of the world also convinced that he was harboring WMD's. And he had shown his proclivity to use such weaponry without much provocation, as he had used WMD's in the past on multiple occasions to slaughter his own people. Hussein was a monster, and his actions documented.
His armies NEVER accepted the cease fire that was provided them during their first encounter with US forces, and continued to fire upon our aircraft for about ten years after the first Bush left.
After numerous attempts by the congress' of the world to get Saddam to prove his weaponry stockpile, he refused time and time again to comply. Even when the UN Security Council demanded he show his cards, all of his cards, he refused...and what he did produce as incomplete. There were many things the the world knew he had, but he had shown no evidence of getting rid of. Things asked specifically, like what happened to 20 tons of nerve gas agent, and how did you dispose of it, were never answered.
The compilation of all these events, and the majority of the world being behind Bush and the US, INCLUDING the US Congress, there was no alternative to preserve the worlds security but to invade this murdering madman's country.
Bush didn't lie about anything. And for anyone to continue that song is simply not looking at the facts about what happened. Plain and simple, you present a shit argument when you say Bush Lied.

The mess in NO was a product of the welfare state, pure and simple.
It was not the fault of Bush. It took years to boil the putrid tea that is New Orleans.
A perfect example of why the socialist welfare state is a terrible thing.
And the delay of FEMA? What the fuck does that mean anyway? All you have to go on that issue is what the foaming-at-the-mouth liberal media fed you.
My question is what the fuck was in the minds of those who were told to leave, and were provided ample time and transportation to do so, yet stayed behind like a bunch of blithering dumbasses? Who questions their delay?
I'm sorry, but you need to pick better talking points when you are trying to throw stones, because ones like this are nothing but manufactured bullshit for the left to consume.

Tak cuts to big oil. Try to be specific here....if you can. I highly doubt that you can point to the exact tax cuts you are talking about, because you are only using leftist talking points. Not facts.
In reality, the "record profits" that the left so likes to throw mud at, are a product of the state. Big oil has so many regulations and restrictions put on them, they cannot conduct business as the rest of the industrial sector does. No, they cannot simply turn their yearly profits back into investments.
The normal factory owner will take a yearly profit, and reinvest it into more materials, machinery, and manpower so as to increase his volume and bottom line. The oil man, on the other hand, is regulated and cannot turn his profits back into the business....he can't drill, he can't explore, he can't do anything because he is being hindered by the left and their mandates and regulations. So, the profits can't be spent and show on the ledger as profit. And the leftist pundits so like to show profits as an example of evil.
You divest yourself of all things intrinsic, and then talk to me about profits..anyone's profits.

Start thinking for yourself and quit using leftist talking points. You might start to see things a bit differently.


weed fiend
People betting on hope and change, with little more to go on, is what has us in the current mess. Hope and change on their face are nothing but concepts, and are as hollow as anything.

Kind of like compassionate conservatism.

Saddest part is, if folks would have actually been trying to elect a leader, instead of a messiah....we would have gotten John McCain...
And Sarah Palin. :biglaugh: Even Steve Schmidt is trying to deep six her 2012 aspirations. McCain is the oldest person that ever ran for prez. At the absolute best, Palin was a gimmick. Worst, she would have been prez herself.

... who is NOT the candidate a true republican would chose. And how that guy eneded up being the republican candidate is way beyond me. He was at the bottom of most conservative republicans lists.
That's because right wingers are a 20% minority. They actually think they're a majority but only get their strength from independents and swing voters. The candidate a true republican would choose will lose the primary. You'll get somebody the center can live with.

Folks listing Bush's years as the worst....post up your grievances. Seems most liberal minded folks will point to the Patriot Act as an example of our constitution being undermined. But, when it comes to pointing out just what liberties folks have lost, they will have a hard time pointing those out. And never will you get a detailed account, because no citizens have reported any of their liberties actually being suppressed. Only ifs, ands and buts, along with platitudes, is all we ever get.
This has to be THE single most devoid-of-fact thing you've ever posted. Bush was listening to peoples phone calls before 9/11. How far do you want to go back hoosier? Everybody admits the Patriot Act violates our civil rights. Some are just scared enough to think we need it to stay safe against the boogeyman.

The Obama admin is usurping the Constitution on a daily basis.
Show me your examples, and I will show you mine. But do try to show us exactly how our rights and liberties were hindered by Bush. Don't just holler Patriot Act, and think that is any evidence. Unless of course you can explain the patriot act and how it has thwarted US Citizens liberties in any way at all.
How do you debate one that lives in his own reality?

Oh, and BTW...Bush is gone. You do realize that, yes? And nothing happening today can be laid at his feet.
Bush made famous the idea that contemporaries can't judge his legacy. He said countless times that historians will judge his legacy for decades. How special. He's gone alright but the problems he caused will hamper future presidents like none before him. You really need a teflon suit to take up for Bush.

Somebody yells WAIT...what about Guantanamo? Well, folks, that is another example of the ineptness of the Obama admin, and more specifically the ineptness of Obama himself. There is no need to close Guantanamo. None at all. In fact, it is one of the most ignorant moves Obama has made.
He was only pandering to the no-war-at-any-cost crowd by putting down Guantanamo during his campaign. Those silly fuckers love that sort of talk.
But, it was nothing but political campaign talk, that now is shown to be a stupid move.
First off...the whole thing was a show for the left to begin with. There is no torture happening in any of our military facilities. There were a total of THREE detainees that have ever been water boarded for info, and we gained info that saved who knows how many American lives as a result.
BTW...water boarding is a staple part of training for some military groups and each must undergo it. Funny how a torture technique is used on our own...must not be too torturous? The method has also been used at certain college hazings for years and years, and no reports of deaths from it ever.
The left simply glommed onto the torture thing, and tried to make it another "see what Bush is doing" thing.
Another example of the stupid asses of our society having the loudest voices.
Anybody want to take that one? I'm not sure what glommed means.


i do find it quite strange to see people with so many posts and so much rep not have the bigger picture in this whole thing.

it isnt about whos ellected to do what, theyre puppets, once upon a time govermental partys may have once stood for freedom and all the other things theyre washing away as we type on this very forum.

when they say "the future is in your hands" thats litteral, YOUR HANDS, not govermental partys agenda, for their agenda is pure greed

REAL change cant happen, untill people will just do somthing as simple as stepping out of the pre-conditiond box most of you live in.

the momment you defend the actions of a govermental puppet, your keeping them in power and their power, inturn, IS destorying the earth.

"Enlightenment is sharing exactly the same space as ignorence, its just on a different vibration thats all."

its the govermental system that is the problem, not who is elected and what they bring into "power"
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Active member
ICMag Donor
I'm just gonna smoke instead of getting caught up in another argument.

GN guys
I love it when someone enters into a debate, armed with nothing more than a few talking points that others fed them, and get mad when reality kicks in...so they pick up their toys and leave.

And I wouldn't press such an issue, but it seems so damn easy for many of you to throw your assertions around nonchalantly as if you really had something that backs up what you throw out.

Disco, you are the classic example of what I always contend this whole thing boils down to. I'll just leave it at that.
sorry for my ignorance but whats happening in virginia with their water? again sorr for my ignorance iv just crawled out from under a rock. it was a dark 6 years.

They're stripping entire mountainsides for coal, called top removal if I remember correctly. The trailing ponds and sludge has broken through all of their bladders and barriers and is now poisoning most of the water for the people of Virginia.

On top of that the state is so bloody taken over by coal activists and marketing campaigns that no one knows that these people are living in near 3rd world water conditions and the companies are not being held responsible and are actually getting more mountains to destroy every day.

Virginia is the canary in the coal mine (pun not intended) for corporate greed relating to water poisoning and the destruction of their usable aquifer. The mining companies are in complete control and show how easy it is to have greed destroy your land/life if you're unlucky enough to be near valuable resources.


weed fiend
Bush did not lie about WMD's, Saddam Hussein did. And Hussein had the rest of the world also convinced that he was harboring WMD's. And he had shown his proclivity to use such weaponry without much provocation, as he had used WMD's in the past on multiple occasions to slaughter his own people. Hussein was a monster, and his actions documented.
His armies NEVER accepted the cease fire that was provided them during their first encounter with US forces, and continued to fire upon our aircraft for about ten years after the first Bush left.
After numerous attempts by the congress' of the world to get Saddam to prove his weaponry stockpile, he refused time and time again to comply. Even when the UN Security Council demanded he show his cards, all of his cards, he refused...and what he did produce as incomplete. There were many things the the world knew he had, but he had shown no evidence of getting rid of. Things asked specifically, like what happened to 20 tons of nerve gas agent, and how did you dispose of it, were never answered.
The compilation of all these events, and the majority of the world being behind Bush and the US, INCLUDING the US Congress, there was no alternative to preserve the worlds security but to invade this murdering madman's country.
Bush didn't lie about anything. And for anyone to continue that song is simply not looking at the facts about what happened. Plain and simple, you present a shit argument when you say Bush Lied.

Remember the mobile weapons labs? Colin Powell testified for hours at the UN about Sadam's weapons. None were found. All lies. Even Bush wasn't silly enough to say the "world" was with us. He called it the coalition of the willing (and there weren't many) willing to preemptively invade a country that didn't participate in 911. We've lost over 4000 lives there and killed tens of thousands of innocent, civilian Iraqis.

The mess in NO was a product of the welfare state, pure and simple.
It was not the fault of Bush. It took years to boil the putrid tea that is New Orleans.
A perfect example of why the socialist welfare state is a terrible thing.
And the delay of FEMA? What the fuck does that mean anyway? All you have to go on that issue is what the foaming-at-the-mouth liberal media fed you.
You argue that NO shouldn't have been saved because of your social prejudice. Shame on you. It was a failure of modern infrastructure. The class of people living there is not for you to judge.

The delay of FEMA meant the director got fired. Remember "You're doing a great job, Brownie"? It's hard to debate somebody that ignores reality.

My question is what the fuck was in the minds of those who were told to leave, and were provided ample time and transportation to do so, yet stayed behind like a bunch of blithering dumbasses? Who questions their delay?
I'm sorry, but you need to pick better talking points when you are trying to throw stones, because ones like this are nothing but manufactured bullshit for the left to consume.
Hoosier, you sound like a rural, red state kinda guy. Your four wheel drive pick up truck probably goes everywhere you go. The folks that stayed behind in NO were mass transit folks. They didn't have cars and nowhere to go. That's why they were dumped into the superdome with no food and water. They didn't even have running toilets. You can't acknowledge the suffering and advocate for the power structure at the same time.

Tak cuts to big oil. Try to be specific here....if you can. I highly doubt that you can point to the exact tax cuts you are talking about, because you are only using leftist talking points. Not facts.
In reality, the "record profits" that the left so likes to throw mud at, are a product of the state. Big oil has so many regulations and restrictions put on them, they cannot conduct business as the rest of the industrial sector does. No, they cannot simply turn their yearly profits back into investments.
The normal factory owner will take a yearly profit, and reinvest it into more materials, machinery, and manpower so as to increase his volume and bottom line. The oil man, on the other hand, is regulated and cannot turn his profits back into the business....he can't drill, he can't explore, he can't do anything because he is being hindered by the left and their mandates and regulations. So, the profits can't be spent and show on the ledger as profit. And the leftist pundits so like to show profits as an example of evil.
You divest yourself of all things intrinsic, and then talk to me about profits..anyone's profits.
It's this simple dude, two oilmen took over the White House. Big Oil made more profits with Bush than any other administration.

Start thinking for yourself and quit using leftist talking points. You might start to see things a bit differently.

Or I could read your post three or four times and go bonkers. The only talking points I get are on Fox News. I don't fall for them though. :biglaugh:

Hoosier, you always knock over the furniture when the conversation turns to politics.


weed fiend
Disco, you are the classic example of what I always contend this whole thing boils down to. I'll just leave it at that.

Thanks. I'm not used to getting compliments from ya, hoosier. I appreciate you drawing a distinction between me and the way you think. :woohoo:

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Another example of the stupid asses of our society having the loudest voices.

The patriot act made it possible for law enforcement to have absolutley no reason for entering your house without permission or your knowledge, with no probable cause, and never telling you... but commit the search/seizure anyway. The checks and balances are gone... due process may be suspended... what don't you get? The government didn't used to be able to have access to medical and tax histories... now they can. Interagency information exchange, forbidden for good reason, is now welcomed.

If you would do some of your own research and quit using rightist talking points you might actually start seeing.


Active member
ICMag Donor
i do find it quite strange to see people with so many posts and so much rep not have the bigger picture in this whole thing.

it isnt about whos ellected to do what, theyre puppets, once upon a time govermental partys may have once stood for freedom and all the other things theyre washing away as we type on this very forum.

when they say "the future is in your hands" thats litteral, YOUR HANDS, not govermental partys agenda, for their agenda is pure greed

REAL change cant happen, untill people will just do somthing as simple as stepping out of the pre-conditiond box most of you live in.

the momment you defend the actions of a govermental puppet, your keeping them in power and their power, inturn, IS destorying the earth.

"Enlightenment is sharing exactly the same space as ignorence, its just on a different vibration thats all."

its the govermental system that is the problem, not who is elected and what they bring into "power"
I tend to agree with you to an extent, but here is the line; Your theory only holds up if in fact the "system" is corrupt and with an agenda other than for the interests of the people in mind.

But here in America, we have a system of government and documents that charter and found this system, that has proven to be the ultimate success.
It's success lies in the fact that our whole system is based on men being free. Like it or not, that system has catapulted a the ideals of a few brilliant freedom seekers, into the most powerful nation on earth...and in just a few short years.

And trouble only comes about within our system when the founding documents of it's charter are usurped and undermined. And no matter what "party", or political or religious leaning a group has, when it tries to go against the grain of the genius of our Constitution, the trouble begins.
These are also the folks that I have trouble with.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
And trouble only comes about within our system when the founding documents of it's charter are usurped and undermined. And no matter what "party", or political or religious leaning a group has, when it tries to go against the grain of the genius of our Constitution, the trouble begins.
These are also the folks that I have trouble with.

Exactly my point about the Patriot Act.


im pretty sure it is fact that goverments are corrupt,

its only their propaganda that says otherwise

and hoos, ill re-quote this one for you

"None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free."

Media.. controlled
Education.. controlled

last time i checked these 2 things are the key to peoples beleifs in the goverment,

since when has controlling = freedom
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weed fiend
...here in America, we have a system of government and documents that charter and found this system, that has proven to be the ultimate success.
It's success lies in the fact that our whole system is based on men being free. Like it or not, that system has catapulted a the ideals of a few brilliant freedom seekers, into the most powerful nation on earth...and in just a few short years.

And trouble only comes about within our system when the founding documents of it's charter are usurped and undermined. And no matter what "party", or political or religious leaning a group has, when it tries to go against the grain of the genius of our Constitution, the trouble begins.
These are also the folks that I have trouble with.

I take it you don't endorse the PA?




And trouble only comes about within our system when the founding documents of it's charter are usurped and undermined. And no matter what "party", or political or religious leaning a group has, when it tries to go against the grain of the genius of our Constitution, the trouble begins.
These are also the folks that I have trouble with.

Unless it's a BUSH, & then it's all good?
You sure do hammer about "talking points".
Funny how you follow that up with all the "Bullets" you got from Rush & Faux News.



weed fiend
Marshmello, I reluctantly agree that both sides suck. Within both sides there are those that swallow.:yoinks: Those individuals are the ones perpetuate "suck", IMO.
I tend to agree with you to an extent, but here is the line; Your theory only holds up if in fact the "system" is corrupt and with an agenda other than for the interests of the people in mind.

But here in America, we have a system of government and documents that charter and found this system, that has proven to be the ultimate success.
It's success lies in the fact that our whole system is based on men being free. Like it or not, that system has catapulted a the ideals of a few brilliant freedom seekers, into the most powerful nation on earth...and in just a few short years.

then why is it that here in the good ol US of A we have more people locked up behind bars than any other country. our prison population is, for lack of a better word f@cked. free, no you have just bought into the ilusion. one of those success' is that it produced legal slavery. what a success. like it or not the government is corupt at the highest of levels.

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