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is anyone getting ready for IC Mag 420 in 2009 ???

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Heya Mr.Haze,
Have you seen any decent Temple Ball over the last 6 months.????

Thanks and take care.................................CC




Man yall got me,like wanting to take a bite out the dang pic man that stuff looks like the chewiest carmel chocolate fudge bar type DAM :joint:i need com to the icmag 420 cup 09


hey capt ,,i'll be in touch soon ,,
hiya mr haze ,,i'll see you soon too ,,i still got your pipe here ,,

shout out to skip admin ,,can we get the countdown clock back please,,

to everyone attending see yall there ,last year was quite a party ,,gh did us proud ,just showed no need for flashy venues and bands ,kiss cup and it worked well ,,maybe split the breeders from the growers in the judging thats all

word on the street is that amnesia coffeshop currently charging a massive 17€ a gramm :yoinks:=£441 or €476 or $630 an ounce :yoinks:,,
shall we boycott those charging so high and name and shame them for ripping off
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Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
17 euros a gram?

I paid 16 for a gram of isolator hash the other day - I pay upto 13 for PRIMO herb and around 7 for anything "middy"

Nevilles Haze - 13
G13/Hsh Plant - 13
Amnesia Haze - 13
Blueberry Cheese - 12
Morning Glory - 7
Alergria - 9
White Widow 7

these are prices from my local shop (NOT in Amsterdam) - the thing to remember is that the pound is taking a battering too, which means last year a pound was worth 1.50 euros and this year its more like one for one (so obviously anything that was 10 euros p/g last year was 6.60 pound and this year is a tenner (it's killing me too mate - my nan sent me 10 quid for xmas - by the time I changed it I got NINE euros (previously 15).

So thats something well worth remembering if travelling from the uk - everything seems way more expensive than it did last year - even if it's the same price ;)

Hash prices vary massively - on the one hand some are imported and justify their price tags - although lately I havent seen anything imported that was worth paying for - the so called temple ball I was offered at 14 p/g recently was shite afghan - you coulda bought it in cardiff for 15 a henry). The price on ISO and bubbleator hash I find to be boardering on extorsion too, I agree that its a very pure form of THC product, however it tatse like old rope and until a few years ago it was all being thrown in the compost pile. I would still recomend the Maroc/African hashs as they've not changed much at all in recent years - I feel the trouble with the indian/pakistani and afghan types of hash is the current state of political unrest (or lack of) which means there isn't a huge need for gun money - which in turns means there isnt a huge need to make hash (sad but true) not to mention the "bush" admin have been camped out there for years - The best bet for aquiring good hash is making a proper contact - either someone who is travelling themselves or with someone who still has a finger on the pulse - in the mid 90's all the travellers looking to offload in my area went to one specific (rasta) shop and offloaded to him - at that time you could count on that retailler always having quality manali/charas (upto THIRTY guilders p/g) - but not any longer

EDIT - find yourself a farmer - 3 euros p/g

FIRST TIME VISTORS BE AWARE - price is NO indication of quality here in Holland - many dealers are idiots with no morals/scruples or clue about the product they're selling - don't believe that every Dutchman is an expert - always look over the product before buying (you will not get grief - you will get respect) - don't paw at it like a dog, but don't be afraid to pick it up and sniff it, snap it or squeeze it - happy buying :)

im just adding this bit for fun -

First time buyers rules of engagement -

1. "I want to see it" - lift out a bud hold it to the light - look for crystals
2. "I want to smell it" - yup, lift out a bud stick it right to your nose and inhale
3. "is it dry yet" - pick up a bud and snap that bad girl in half (don't use the biggest bud for this or you'll get a funny look) - you want to hear a "tick" sound as the 80% dry twig snaps
4. "rule four? there is no fight club"
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Ed Borg

Active member
Greetings All,
Harry and me will have something special put aside for sure to share with you all. Perhaps some cured Stargazer x G13!
Capt Crip, no worries we will meet up when you arrive. see you soon Dutchgrown and Gypsy!
Cheers, Ed

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
H Resin,
Was the G13 X Stargazer from my stock?

Can't wait to hang out with you guys....See ya soon.............................CC

I also wanted to mention that Harry had one of the strongest cannabis products last year that I have yet sampled...
I have made oil with pet ether that was about the same in strenth but no where near as clean as that stuff he had..Just awesome stuff i think was co2 extracted..Badass gold/yellow boogers of tastey goodness..... :)

Soma smoked some badass stuff with me as well...Prolly a piece of his jellyhash if I remember correctly..Big ups to him as well for that stuff was fire!!!
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H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Yeah, I remember the stuff too. It looked like ear wax & honey (no offences :yoinks: ) but it tasted and smoked sublime

... And the effect, well, up there! :abduct:

Together with meeting some of the folks, trying UK cheese and Happy Brother, one of my best experiences last cup.

Maybe I can save enough and get one of those glass pipes we talked about last IC cup, eh? :D

See you there folks! :wave:


Active member
Man y'all have got me jonesing to go back to the Dam..I was always leary of going during the cup cuz I'm not into the whole zoo scene and having to wait in line for an hr only to find out something is sold out.I usually go in Feb..Cuz its so quiet.I'm sure I'm only cheating myself.What strategies do you all have for the best time during the cup?


Man y'all have got me jonesing to go back to the Dam..I was always leary of going during the cup cuz I'm not into the whole zoo scene and having to wait in line for an hr only to find out something is sold out.I usually go in Feb..Cuz its so quiet.I'm sure I'm only cheating myself.What strategies do you all have for the best time during the cup?

the ic420 cup is nothing like the high times parade ,,,no waiting in line for anything ,,if u want a judges pack u just purchase in advance and pick up when u arrive ,already bagged up and ready for testing ,u then test at your leisure with fellow members in a relaxed atmosphere or on your own if u choose ,,its a great way to meet all the folks u know online and safe ,,,well worth the visit and slightly warmer than february and no where near as busy as november when the htcc is on ,,u gotta do it ,,if u enter it would make the trip all the better :woohoo:


couldnt make the htcc this icmag 420 cup seems like tghe thing to do for us with the time and who miss htcc plus all that hash :joint: to mix into blunts or joints mmmmm sounds gravy:woohoo:

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
The 2 cups are nothing alike...The HTCC is a zoo(insert tourist trap)and everyone on top of each other destroying the vibe of the Dam..
The IC cup is a very laid back smaller affair that includes hardcore growers and smokers that generally know more about cannabis than the collective or good and bad the HTCC has to offer...I'm sure there are some really good parts of the HTCC but I like the more private laid back cup anyday!

Karma Genetics

HTCC you got to go only to party. This is the cup for weed. plain and simple.


New member
Hey CC and all- I am new to the forum but not to smoking or amsterdam! I will be in AMS from 13-22 and would be down for some coffee shop crawl

I actually planned my trip before I knew about the 420 Cup so am really excited- I think it was fate-

Ok, time for 2nd smoke of the morning... see y'all there.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Good to hear all these positives about the 420. Its the hypre surrounding the HTCC thats put me off ever visiting a cup (despite living in NL for 10 years plus). It was when I started reading the forums here that I decided I'd been too quick off the mark to tarnish all cups with the teeny bopper label.. I'm genuinely looking forward to attending this years 420 :D

JayBee - as per some of my other posts - don't forget to check out Haarlem while youre there - its a lovely place - 10 mins from Adam and the coffeeshop right outside the train station will take excellent care of your needs ;)


Active member
Is the cup open for any ICMAG member to attend? How much have tickets/ judges packs cost in previous years? Been meaning to go back to the dam for ages, this seems liek the best reason to go so far.



Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Mello,any IC members can attend...The judges passes prices have not been announced...I think it depends on the amount of entries..

Take care......................CC