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Is anybody out there who understands?


Rubbing my glands together
Best of luck to ya GP.
It's always darkest before the dawn....and all that other "hope it gets better shit", lol...
Better days ahead!!


Active member
Yeah man, sorry to hear things aren't right for ya.
Wishing you better brighter days ahead!! :wave:

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
I feel ya as I get older there are less people to really talk to in my life and I know this to be true of others. Sometimes the shit falls and falls. I try to seperate myself from the feelings at hand. I don't mean drink or whatnot I mean just try to step outside yourself for a minute and see a bigger picture maybe the ridiculousness of it all. This has helped me get through shit before. Remember to continue to excude postivity, laugh when it hurts. I believe that by the efforts of positive action and prayer by many around the world are needed to keep the souls on earth alive. If we are positive we are helping the world, if we are negative we are part of the problem. Keep your head up it'll come around. :redface:


ICMag Donor
Hey GP, I hear ya bud, we all have our challenges to face, and its really hard sometimes, I know believe me, my life has really changed lately, but if we didnt have the obstacles to overcome we wouldnt appreciate the good ones quite as much, so hang in there and it WILL get better, trust me! :D


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
you cannot appreciate victory without defeat, and with out defeat, you can walk anywhere. so cheer up! karma always comes to those that deserve it.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
GP sounds familiar...I think I have more friends here at IC than anywhere else. I'm finding the more disabled I become the less contact with my old friends I recieve from them. Hardly a phone call or occasional stopping by to visit me any more. I can't believe how busy they say they are? I'm not giving up, I still call and when I'm able to travel to visit them but the favor is seldom returned. THANK YOU IC for the community of nice people who care...nice thread GP...keep your head up...here's a girl with open arms...DD


stone fool
We each walk on paths of shadow in our days, one must only seek the light to begin to leave the shadows. Begin your path upward with helping others, it builds momentum to keep you moving forward.

Storm Crow

Active member
For most of us, life ends up a big "ZERO"- the good and bad pretty well balance out. You are going through a "bad streak" at the moment. Expect things to change for the better! -Granny


I know it's hard to look ahead and anticipate the good and beautiful things to come in your life, but the darkness does lift, and the sun will shine into your life again.

We all battle sadness or depression - some more than others. You just have to hang in there, it will get better (I promise).

Meantime try to get out and see / meet people that have less than you. Dole out a meal at a shelter - donate some time to a battered womens home - visit a sick kids hospital.

It's all perspective...

I wish you light and peace...

Bud Meister

I suffer from PTSD from some things I did in El Salvador back in the mid 80's with the Army. Life can be a very heavy burden with no escape from a mental state. I wanted to pass on a couple things I learned over the years to deal with my PTSD and hopefully it can help you as well.

You have to try and focuse on the fact that things could always be worse no matter how bad they seem at the moment and will get better in time. Also keep in mind things are never as bad as they seem at the moment.

You have 3 parts to your life my friend:

1. Your past. There is nothing you can do about the past, its gone forever. Learn from it but never dwell on it, if you do then it begins to affect the next part of your life.

2. Your present. Live for today, plan for tomorrow. Try not to make the same mistakes you have in the past but other than that let it go. If you alow your past to drive your present then it will result in destroying the next part of you.

3. Your future. This is a gift that you do have some control in directing. So my friend NEVER let something you cant control or change destroy something you can at least direct. Trust me you may find that you actually can enjoy today and look forward to tomorrow.


Active member
you are not alone...

you are not alone...

take a deep breath...

one day at a time.

sorry to hear you are going through a difficult time.

it will turn around.

enjoy the spring flowers...they always seem to cheer me up. :redface:


ruger 500
you will make it through the bad times ,though it goes so slow ,and good times pass so fast,just know we care ,the best to ya bro


Life sucks sometimes, this is true I think for everybody at some time or other doesn't matter who they are.Sometimes it seems we are dealt a loosing hand time after time and it doesn't seem to end.But it does end, sometimes through sheer will of dertermination or seemingly for no reason at all and the "goodtimes" are back with us once again.I've heard it said that without the bad how can we ever hope to differentiate the good.

So here's wishing you some positive K, and hoping the good times return to you soon.
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peace bro! life is full of ups and downs!

all best wishes for you!
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No joke, I actually noticed you haven't been around much, you used to be in all the threads I was reading o_O. I did a search today to see if you've been posting, and this thread came up. I hope things are looking up for you bro!


Pull my finger
a mans worth is not calculated by what he attains in this lifetime (friends,money, possesions) but rather what he was able to overcome in that time. there is a light at the end of the tunnel GP. get through it, keep pushin, we miss you and hope you have the strength to overcome your trials and know that without hardships, we shall be weak.

remember this, hold your pointer finger out when you read this, look at it. if you have to bring up another finger to count your true friends, thats too many. that one finger represents you.

my old man always told me, only deal with folks who have somethng t lose.

marinate on that for a min.

PM me if you wanna get something out your system, im here to listen. :wave:


hang in there bro, when it rains it sure pours. things can only get better, keep your head up buddy. i always got my phone on to talk


A couple of Grape Krush Shots for you. Don't let you're knowledge go to waste, you can still help others and karma will pay you back. I'm always looking for input and guidance from experienced people so anytime you want you can always vist my grow!

I'm waiting on my karma payback too......2 females out of 20 DJ Short's beans.


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