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Is anybody out there who understands?


New member
Hey Hey Mister Grape!

I just wanted to let you know that we hear and feel you!

I have never had any run-ins with the law (knock on wood!), so I can't really relate to that aspect. You say that "I consider myself a kind person with good karma, but I keep experiencing misfortune." and man, do I understand! It seems to be a curse in my family to be such givers and lovers in life, only to get shit thrown back at us.
Granted, I've only been on this earth for 26 years(tomorrow) I'm finally starting to see the world give back. And it's freakin' amazing man!

I'm a firm believer that life has a lot to do with the choices you make and also the way you perceive things. I am just now starting to really understand and be able to practice the art of owning your own feelings. A lot of it deals with being conscious of your feelings, what triggers those feelings, and making the choice to feel differently. It sounds complicated. Honestly, it's quite tricky at first and sounds like a lot of mumbojumbo. In all reality, learning these things and making the choice to work on it has changed me immensely!

I know this does not help your situation, but I hope somehow it'll help you deal with it a little better!

I wish I had more answers for you love!!

Keep truckin' and stay up!

"It doesn't matter how you begin your life,
It matters how you end it."



9Lives said:
Every time with these threads..

You Americans are all the same when it comes to escaping lol...You have to escape THE COUNTRY! There is a whole bigger (not to mention saner!) world outside America. My country is smaller than most of your states.

South America, Australia, Europe, Asia...Get the hell out man...

I could not live with a second of my life spent for a crime that is really not a crime! No friend..don't like your town? No friends ? Let's face it...the states are going down the shitter anyways so might as well see the world!

i've thought many times of planning on moving out of the US
its tough having all your family here, and my girlfriends family as well

its crazy how a plant can bring so many people together. i've read some incredible stories here at ic


no wuckin furries!
hey GP you and i sound so similar its not funny....i know where your comming from in so many differnt ways.

ive read and enjoyed your posts in the past...from what i can gather with your story i can empithize greatly with what i can understand.

dont know it would help (may even help me?) but i dont mind a chat with a guy like you ...so im here for a chat if want to PM me....could have used the same offer months ago myself but am in the position now to lend an ear and possibly help keep someones chin up !!!.....i dont pray...but i hope all goes well for you in the end.HH. =]-~
Sorry to hear about your troubles bro it will get better my brother went through the same shit 3 years ago. enroll in drug classes get through it and get the fuck outa that state dont run whatever you do.10 years ago my best friend ran from a three year prison term went to mexico when he ran outa money he came home asking for mercy and the judge gave him 13 years he only did seven but he could have done 1-2 instead .you gotta own whatever fuck up you do running wont make it go away.


Active member
ureapwhatusow, thats an amazing life you have had.

grapepunched, you are still here. so i guess it all worked out in the end.

Im a reformed religious person so religious analogys come easy.
They say God ony gives us as much as we can handle.
If life is tough its because you are strong!
The harder the universe pushes against you the harder you have to push back, the stronger you become.
Bring on the pain i say. At least i know im alive. I only fear death, the unknown :smoke:

If you ever feel down, but want to feel invincible, check out touching the void. Google: touching the void .. an amazing story of survival :wave:
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Man, I'm with ya. When the shit hits the fan, it gets everywhere. Good luck getting everything in order. Been a rough 2 months for me too, roughest of my life. Wish I could atleast puff but seems my body can't take it at the moment, I'm getting chest pains every now and then out of nothing and all the time if I try to puff. So puff one for me, I'll drink one for you, vodka that is.
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Active member
head up. Don"t run from your problems or you will be running for the rest of your life' I have been busted for growing also. Im in a much more lienate state, and I think (hope&pray) its all going to work out. Don"t know your story but my best wishes go to you and family. I aint religious man but I do belive in God and he carries me through many a troubled time. Let us know whats up. there are good people on here that have been through hell and back in this journey we call life.


cocktail frank said:
i dont want to sound like a dick but,
dont do the crime if you cant do the time.
all of us growers have to accept, ahead of time, the penalties of our actions.
we all know what happens when you get caught.
i say man up and do your bid, it will only get way worse if you run.

also to those who go thru leagal troubles remember who ur friends are , aka dont snitch , going to jail may ruin a few months of ur life but snitching will ruin ur whole life!
I dont know why people now-a-days are so spineless and quick to turn others they call friends in , people need to start raising their children better, doesnt anybody still say to their kids nobody likes a tattle-tale besides me?

sorry for the rant, I saw that dea show on tv and it just got me pissed off. :spank:


I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Sorry to hear that grapepunched
But do not run face their lies with the truth . if u do end up doing some time ,don't just sit there and suffer(thats what they want) Read,write letters ,keep a dairy or ur dep.will get worse and they win. I'veheard that hearing other people problems will let u see ur,s are not so bad. So heres my list

stepmother, sexually abused and physically till age 12.

hit by 1st drunk driver, rightside,broke leg,(4places) hip, all ribs ,back(2places) 2 ribs went into lung.

3 story scafffold ccolapse, broke back,shoulder

2nd drunk driver,leftside,crushed hip and pelvis,broke back (2places) all ribs, and brused heart(i died once in this one )

and i was electicueted ,only broke neck .

then about 10 years ago i went to bed and did not get out(well to use rest room ) for four months(thats hard for an outside person like me ) wife got me to go get some help.after a short stay in mental care ,I suffer with major depression, PTSD and most of all the dam PAIN . I try to remember the saying"WHAT DON'T KILL ME ONLY MAKES ME STRONGER. Anyway keep ur head up and don,t let it control u ,Youcontrol it.

take care ,good luck

ps forgot 2 years ago had a mild stroke, and i'm only 44 years old
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The Japanese say "Nanakorobiyaoki". It means "Fall down seven, get up eight". It speaks to the importance of keeping on going despite repeated failures or setbacks. So just keep putting one foot in front of the other!

And don't forget your namesake Grape Punch! My all time favorite BOG genes! Makes my mouth water just thinking of it. Yum! She does a body good.

Greenest regards,


GP, This is probably too late to be much help. I really doubt they'd haul your ass back if the charges are not too ugly and with each passing day they'd be less incline and the fact that you would be here using legally for medical reasons would also help. Good luck