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Is anybody out there who understands?


Eugene Oregon
I really hope you overcome your hard times right now.. I know how depression is.. and thinking positive and smokin sativas really do help.
Hope you all the best mate.


No matter what hard times you go through, there is always an end in site. Remember that. Gl with anything you are intending on doing.


Active member
ICMag Donor
All of us have probably been in the same rut at one time or another, grapepunched.
Keep the faith, and hold your head up. I have a feeling the things will change for you very, very soon, and for the better!

My thoughts are with you, friend.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Had to shoot you a cheery PM. But I'll reiterate here: hope nothing real bad went down....you sound like someone shot your best friend.
Try some escapism: a movie..somewhere you like to go (the beach...your hometown).
Anything to break the cycle of depression.
As I said, I'll burn one for you, and send off some good vibes. Certainly couldn't hurt.

Hope you start a thread that you're back on top of things again soon.

"The dude abides".


pure dynamite
try to go out and make some friends. or take your old time friends to a beer and have a chat. this will help you. if you don't go out you'll always remember only the problems.. go for a walk, do something.

good luck and better days ahead. hope we'll hear better thing from you!


Active member
Grape brother, im in the same situation and am having the same feelings. I can tell you for sure, this community helps alot. And smoking alot of weed always helps me too... go figure. Hope everything works out on the johnny law side and hope that in turn changes your outlook on life :)


Bro I know your pain

I had spent a year in patient by the age of 13 and was diagnosed with depression so severe (and EXTREME social paranoia) that my prognosis was permanent in patient hospitalization or suicide

I have 4 successful suicides in my family. I have experienced just about every horror in regards to american family disfunction and abuse. My grandfather was a doctor as well as other family members and the result was professional drug addicted parents (my mom HEAVILY abused barbituates opiates and amphetamines when I was in utero)

30 + years of in inpatient and outpatient pysch and nothing in the world has ever helped me in regards to medicine like marijuana

my last med list

Depakote(causes liver failure), zypreka(causes liver failure), lithium, dexadrine, effexor, xanax

weed offers me more relief and less side effects

I even have letters from my aftercare (dated in the early 1980's) saying that I was out of the hospital, adapting well and smoking weed 3x a day (i was 13 at the time)

However, everything that is important to me can be taken away because my medicine is illegal

Furthermore my social paranoia is such that the shame of getting trouble and be found out as being a "pothead" is terrifying that its paralysing

I dont want my kids to find their father hanging in the garage like my dad

The pharmacutical medicines that held him together, no longer worked and his body and mind could no longer adapt

Not just any weed fills my needs, but those that do, in the end, nurture a spirituality that gets me past one day and into another, that is based on hope in mankind and love for my fellow man

yet despite all this, what I am doing is wrong and I can lose everything because of it

In the eyes of the government and a number of fellow americans my actions make me a bad person, who is liable for their illegal actions

im pretty good at hiding it, but hiding for a living isnt helping my depression or social anxiety

On one hand I agree its a very powerfull drug that really needs to be given more respect as a medicine, perhaps more prudently administered

on the other hand, its the ony living medicine that is manufactured by a plant

Plants (research has and continues to strenghten the findings) adapt to their environment including adapting to the needs of those around them

i.e. the plant will adapt to meet your needs

My life is full of perverse irony

You are not alone, we as asociety are not perfect, but in process.

25 years ago, I couldnt imagine this converstion taking place


grapepunched said:
please refer to bottom of second page to see whats goin' on everybody....

swampdank, my troubles are legal... thanks for the pms...

well hell man, done be down!!! you gotta fight the good fight. times like this yeah you need some encouragement, but nothing beats a lawyer!!! you dont need IC as much as you need to conatct NORML and see what you can do for yourself here, i dont care whether your an illegal or not or whatever!! fight it! you cant let this g-ddamn country push you around, especially these sadistic so called "communities" with thier puritanicla views of what YOUR life should be. hell most of thier kids ar teh ones with the dankest herb!!

man fight that shit ouT!!! are they coming to get you fromone state to face something in another?, you may be able to hav a jury trial at your home town. man i would be smoking that last joint thiking of a way to get outta shit.

here checkthis out, it shoudl make you feel a lil better and try to see thigns from not only an upllifting perspective, but a more proactive perspective!!!


dont run grape, it will be worse later, just keep draggin it out , they dont want to go to trial , wait till the 3rd plea deal , they will lower it twice to not have to take it to trial . thats how it is here , . i did 4 months(did not bond out) and said no , no , then they said simple poss time sevred, i said ill sign that and i was out . buck up and grab your grapes , you will be OK.weed offenders dont do much time and if they do they appreciate evrything around them that much more.praying works too.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
i dont want to sound like a dick but,
dont do the crime if you cant do the time.
all of us growers have to accept, ahead of time, the penalties of our actions.
we all know what happens when you get caught.
i say man up and do your bid, it will only get way worse if you run.


Active member
whoh cf, harsh words for your boy :eek:

i was a little taken a-back, ok wait i remember, u need to get some of the medicine in those veins before you post, lol

but seriously,

don't know the details, but was it that bad they won't take anything but jail as a plea? 2nd,3rd,4th offense? 100 plants, wtf? guns involved? someone hurt, killed? selling bags to 10 year olds in the playground?! then i have to agree with cf, do the time, and get it over with, then move.

few plants in the closet personal use i just can't see it happening. even sharing it with friends. or seeds, lol.

scrape some money and contact a NORML attorney for your state and fight it the best you can. running would really make it worse for sure. you'll never be free, and it will hang over you every day. and i'm pretty sure if they scan your ID in cali, you will be thrown in jail, and then shipped off to your state within a week or two where you have the warrant. if ur ready to change ur name, lose contact with everyone you know, and NEVER go back, then that's something your going to have to decide if you need to do it in your case or not.

you know but if its a few past possesion charges, then busted with 10-20 plants, i really don't think you're going to jail for too long with good representation. i mean use any defense, you use it for anxiety, ADD, blah blah, compassion, have a JURY hear it. most likely they will back down and offer you time served, probation forever, endless rehab. and you keep your life.

work out a payment plan if you can't afford it with the attorney.

i'd guess if you don't have at least 5g ready to drop at moments notice for retainer, don't get involved in the hobby. it may cost you 10-25g in the end.

$$ keeps you out of jail for sure, but make sure you have an attorney that understands MJ, and MJ and the LAW. not someone who will just plea you to to a jail sentance.


go to "find a lawyer"



three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Every time with these threads..

You Americans are all the same when it comes to escaping lol...You have to escape THE COUNTRY! There is a whole bigger (not to mention saner!) world outside America. My country is smaller than most of your states.

South America, Australia, Europe, Asia...Get the hell out man...

I could not live with a second of my life spent for a crime that is really not a crime! No friend..don't like your town? No friends ? Let's face it...the states are going down the shitter anyways so might as well see the world!
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