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Iolite Portable Vaporizer


I just received an email from Oglesby & Butler regarding the melting mouthpieces.... "Thank you for your emails. After extensive analysis and investigation of your feedback, we are responding to the situation by replacing the plastic mouthpiece connection with stainless steel.
We will be sending you a replacement shortly. Thank you for your patience and understanding."

I had sent my unit over for repair a couple weeks ago. Today I got about the same email. It also said they expect to be sending it out between 19th and the 23rd.

Guest 26753

I just received my new Iolite in the mail today. It cost me AUD$260 which is quite reasonable!


Active member
So Moose, it doesn't have the steel in the mouthpiece, then. So you maybe have to wait until the one you have melts? Fortunately that'll be tomorrow...

Take a picture and send it to them. Get your new mouthpiece immediately.

Guest 26753

So Moose, it doesn't have the steel in the mouthpiece, then. So you maybe have to wait until the one you have melts?
the mouth piece on mine is plastic. I will let you know how it goes when I fire it up. Thanks for the heads up guys, I will keep this in mind.


Active member
Mine hasn't melted in over six months of frequent use.

It's a hit or miss proposition. In my estimation, based on personal experience and reading countless complaints about this, is that the manufacturing process created a weak point in a significant percentage of mouthpieces. This weak point fails with the heat. I used the same mouthpiece for months before my first one failed. Then I went through another.

They won't all fail, but I would say most if not all have the weak point and could fail at some point.


Active member
Darn, I really need something I can use indoors that gives off no smell. It sounds like a vaporizer accomplishes this but so far all I can gather from this thread is that they are very undependable.... and not that if they break you return it at Walmart for a new one, but that you have to mail the damn things overseas... Sheesh.


Active member
Virgin, that's not an accurate assessment. There are tens of thousands of vapes out there and they work great and highly dependable. This thread certainly does not represent the larger population.

This particular vape is very popular because of it's stealth and portability. All vape smells. Just not like something burning.

I've heard urban legends where someone would vape in a classroom and that is simply foolish. Vape smell is more discrete, and the smell does not linger on you or your hands like burning a bowl does. However you could never vape with people around and not have someone ask what that smell is.


Virgin --

Unless you are in a big time hurry, I would wait until we get these stainless mouthpieces. Even though this has been been a pain for me, there is a lot to like about the iolite for semi stealth usage.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Anyone else have a problem with their grip stickers on the sides of the units coming off or peeling up? Mine just started to on one side. Almost like the glue used to hold it on weakened because of the constant warmth.


Active member
That never seemed like a reasonable idea to me. The stickum holding up over time. Water, hands, heat-cool-heat. etc.

Hella THC

Regardless of the problems with this vape, I'm still ordering one. I need something portable and somewhat stealth. This seems like the best available option at the moment.

Nothing is without its flaws... Actually, I take that back. I owned a volcano for years and can honestly say that unit is flawless, IMO. I'm willing to accept these flaws.

Perhaps I should wait another few weeks until they start shipping out with the stainless mouthpieces...?

If only they made a portable volcano... god those things are fucking amazing.

- Hella


Active member
Don't get me wrong. That iolite is a great thing. I'm getting a second as a backup. I'd wait until after you hear people getting the new mouthpieces just to make sure.

Hella THC

Right on dude. I'm pretty impatient but we'll see what happens. I might just buy it tomorrow and be sure to order the 3-pack of mouthpieces along with the unit. That should tide me over until I can get the metal ones :D

I just really like the idea of this unit.

- Hella


Active member
Actually they were supposed to be shipping the new mouthpieces by now. So I'd just ask at the time of order.


I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but if you are looking for a great portable vape, you should definitely give the VaporGenie a try. It's $50 for the vape. BUT, you're definitely going to want an industrial torch lighter (also portable). You can get them on ebay for around $30 + shipping. And then you're going to want to buy butane to be able to refill the lighter. I bought my butane at the store for around $8. You want the torch flame lighter because it will take less time to heat the unit up to vaporizing temps, AND you won't have a sore thumb from holding down your BIC in the open position. I remember everything costing me less than $90 total.

I was in the same position as you OP. I definitely do not regret my purchase. It was a very good investment.

Working the VaporGenie is an art form. It is extremely hard to hit the perfect vape temp while not torching your bud or not getting it hot enough to vape. If it gets too hot, the bud torches as it would if you were just straight smoking it. This is bad for your lungs, and with the vapor genie, you will get a very harsh smoke. More on that later. I'd say it took me a few weeks of solid use before I got it down solid every time - still I would make mistakes every now and then.

Torching your bud can be a good or bad thing. The bad, besides the fact that the smoke tastes like shit since its torched, is that the ash starts to cover up the inner metal/mesh liner that the bud sits on. The workaround to this bad aspect is to simply get new liners (for free!) from the manufacturer. They will send you multiple liners if you ask in the right way.

The good? Torching your bud lets you get more out of what bud you have in the genie. It's comparable to turning up a Volcano to the highest temperature setting and torching your bud that way, only less efficient.

Also, I PROMISE YOU, if you load the genie with a little bit of bud, and torch it, you will get higher off that ONE hit than you will off of possibly even a bong hit. Especially if you blow ass at bong hits like I do. The smoke will be thick and taste like shit, but the thing is, the way the VaporGenie is designed, you NEVER LOSE ANY SMOKE.

Every time you light a regular ass pipe, what happens? Smoke comes off the top buds. You never inhale 100% of the smoke. But with the VaporGenie, you are sucking air into your lungs while lighting it, so the smoke has no where to go but into your lungs. This lets you take monstrous, monstrous hits - again, probably bigger than even a bong hit because your lungs can really get THAT full if you inhale vapor for an entire deep breath.

The only way to describe a hit like that ... it is like imagine a garden hose with one of those spray valves on it. If you lightly press on the little trigger thing, water comes out in a light mist. Now if you were to put your mouth on to that hose nossel with the light mist, and you were trying to breathe in the water (just go with the example, pretend like you CAN and ARE TRYING to breathe the water into your lungs) you would get a lot of water in your lungs.

Now, what if you full out PRESSED the trigger thing on the hose, and breathed in with your mouth on the nossel? You get A LOT OF WATER, real fast. This is what it's comparable to!

SO! Check it out.

Also, the vaporgenie fits into your pocket easy. The OP's thing ... I don't know man.

edit: and you need something stealth?? dude nothing beats the vaporgenie for stealth. you can even unscrew the top portion of it and no one will know wtf it is. of course if a police officer stops you, your pipe is going to smell like pot no matter what so youd be fucked. point is, it fits in your pocket easy and is an awesome investment!

good drown

so how is the taste with these things?
i have a vapir vaporizer i bought 7 years ago and it made almost any decent green taste incredible for the first half of vaping

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