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Iolite Portable Vaporizer


and I will also say this. Having an industrial-grade portable torch flame lighter is fucking awesome even when not using it for the VaporGenie. I would use the torch flame to light regular bowls and it would torch every last bit of bud that was capable of being burned. Careful though because that flame is HOT! You will burn yourself if you're not careful, and make sure you tell your friends this too because shit happens when you're blazed man. People are too used to BICs


New member
I got lucky and p1ninja was kind enough to sell me an Iolite that wasnt wanted any longer , (Doin my civic duty, adopting a cute little orange stray) it arrives today!

Im soooo exited :]

Went looking for fancy butane yesterday to no avail :[
so i guess ill just use the regular dirty stuff and see how it goes.

We live in a wet cold climate so i might need the good stuff we will see.


New member
Its here! woohoo,

im not sure what to think...80% i like about it 20% i dont. it doesnt look like this is for everyone though.

a little warm, light puffs,the whole plastic stem thing shoulda been resolved before final release of the product. theyll tune it up all in all im super happy just what the doc ordered :]

oh no wait for it, there it goes much better make that 90-10
guess ill have to tinker with it to get the best results ;]

thanx again p1ninja, very stand up


Active member
Tinkering is a key. I fumbled around with over-packed bowls, etc.

If that's an original i-inhale like mine, remove the screen at the bottom.


New member
ok i got it right on the money chech this out :]

look on my albums i got the pics there.

well i took stainless steel tube, tap and die, pipe cutter,drill and bits and tada!!

SS threaded(6mm 1.0 pitch for thoses who give a rats arse) mouthpiece.

then drilled out the stem to accomodate the SS threaded inner

redesigned stem rocks ;]


Ok, I got my iolite back from Ireland yesterday. It was perfect timing since I need it for stealth when my parents come over and shoot my stress level off the charts. And my parents arrived yesterday too.

It came back with a new herb chamber that looked exactly like my old one. But the mouthpiece tube that screws into the herb chamber has a metal threaded tip.

I don't know if they fixed something else or not since my mouthpiece did not melt in the limited time I had it. But it works great now. Before I could vape a whole bowl or two without really getting high. Last night I vaped maybe a half a bowl at most and it had me in very good shape. Plus I can actually see the vapor upon exhale.

These guys really took care of me. I am now a fan of the iolite and glad I made my purchase.


Active member
BlueM, I'm sorry for being lazy and looking back, but what was the issue you had that required you to ship back? Temp too low?


I never could see any vapor when I exhaled. It took me about 3 times as much using the iolite vrs my water pipe to feel the same effect. I got mine in late August and it never worked for me.


High Grade Specialist
bluemonk thats awesome, i think im gonna send mine in to them too since i have the same problem.

i dont even use mine anymore, i thought it was just a shitty design.


I know this sounds crazy but I wonder if anyone can roll a joint cut it in half or just roll a short joint and put it in the mouthpiece of the iolite and inhale long and slow.

I ask this because I have a theory that it will give potent hits this way but I can't have people of fuckcombustion.com to try this. Before I buy it I want to see if it can do this.

I also think putting herb on the bottom screen where the pin is would give better hits than putting in the herb chamber because the temperature is too low to give quick dense hits unless you have herb that has strong smells but I'm not going into that.

Anyway can someone try the joint method for me?.

If you try both methods(joint&bottom bowl method) that is even better.


I would Kush Master. It takes a while but I am very pleased. Plus I did not want to think about wasting the $250 I spent on the thing.


Kush-- I paid shipping to them. They sent it back to me and covered costs. I did not try to get them to pay the front end.

Truth -- Sorry man, I haven't touched a paper in many years. Plus I need stealth, no way to run experiments.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Very happy to hear you got your situation resolved BM; you'll love it!

Just wanted to get on here and say, I REALLY hate that the stickers/hand grips on BOTH sides of my unit are now coming unglued. I plan to contact Iolite about this and have them send me new ones (or maybe I'm really lucky and they've designed new models with non-sticker like grips that won't fall off after being heated up 100 times?). If I do get off my ass and contact them, I'll let ya'll know what came of it.

That said, I'm still REALLY happy with this unit. I use it 4-5 times a day and have been since I got it with little to no issues.


Active member
Please let us know what they say. Mine are all falling off as well. I'd like a glue recommendation